Chelsea Green On Her Relationship With Paul Heyman, Her Debut on RAW, More

Feb 5, 2021 - by James Walsh

In an interview with Spencer Love for Love Wrestling, Chelsea Green spoke about her working relationship with Paul Heyman, her debut against Charlotte Flair on RAW and more. Here are highlights:

On her relationship with Paul Heyman: “So, I learn things on the dirt sheets as well. It’s funny, because sometimes the dirt sheets get them right, (and) sometimes they totally get them wrong. But, that is something that I felt when I came up in December, January, and did a couple matches for RAW and Main Event, I did feel like I had a great bond and connection with Paul Heyman. We had kind of started our relationship off in NXT, when he watched a couple of my promos and gave me really amazing feedback and really, really positive feedback. That kind of fueled my fire and lit a fire under my butt until the next time I saw him, which was the RAW and the Main Event. I think I jumped into that position the best I could, and he saw that. And so, I’m thinking that the dirt sheets are correct and that he has really had my back this whole time, which I love. I think that’s amazing. I’m just so proud that someone that is the best in this business thinks that I’m great! How crazy is that?! We’re just going to go with that’s 100% true.”

On her WWE and RAW debut: “So here’s a fun fact that a lot of people don’t know, because everyone has said exactly what you said, that like, ‘oh, wow, they just put you on there. If that’s your debut, why didn’t you have vignettes? Why didn’t you get, you know, hyped up and stuff?’ But actually, what people don’t know is a lot of – I don’t know about men, but a lot of women, before they debut actually do have a couple of matches that are just like that. They tend to get thrown into a match like that, they sink or they swim, they usually lose. I mean, of course, unless it was a real debut. It’s funny because a lot of girls told me that that day, when I was going out to have that match with Charlotte. I was really excited! I didn’t care. I’m like, ‘I don’t care if this is my debut or not, I’m going to be on friggin’ RAW, and my family is going to get to see me, and all my friends and everyone that has seen me work so hard for six years, they’re going to see me on Monday Night freaking RAW! So, I don’t care what happened, but a lot of the girls did tell me like, ‘don’t worry, you know, this might seem like your debut, but actually, they’ll probably do this and then take you off TV and then repackage you,’ and stuff like that. So it has happened to a lot of people. It’s just, we forget, right? In wrestling, we like to forget those things, and then we remember what we want to remember, which is the big, grand debuts and the storylines and things like that.”

On why the WWE women’s roster is the best in the world: “I think that’s tough, because it’s kind of like – we have the most selection, don’t we? We have the most selection. We have the best wrestlers from all over the world, so it would be crazy if we DIDN’T have the best roster! We could literally pluck anyone from any country and bring them to Florida and train them to be the best wrestler. We have all the resources. And so, if we weren’t the best brand or the best division, wouldn’t that be ridiculous? You know, like, we got the Performance Center!”

On her time with WWE has differed from her expectations: “Oh, gosh, it’s not at all what I thought it would be. I thought kind of the end was getting to WWE. But that’s just the beginning. My career is just getting started. There’s just so much more to do and so many more goals I’ve set for myself now that I’ve started with WWE and NXT. I just think that there’s so much to learn, and I’m constantly learning at WWE. It never ends, whether it’s business sense, whether it’s accounting, and money, whether it’s how to cut a promo with Paul Heyman, or just, you know, cameras and crowds and things like that. There’s so much to learn in wrestling, and WWE really provides that for you.”

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