WWE Strongly Considering a John Cena Heel Turn?

Oct 16, 2016 - by Steve Gerweck

Forbes has published a story claiming that WWE officials have been discussing the possibility of turning John Cena heel; more seriously than they have in the past.

Their report claims that his role within the company isn’t as strong is it once was when he was wrestling full-time. The belief is that if they turn Cena heel now, WWE would be able to utilize him more by helping the next generation of top babyfaces get over.

Another reason that they would turn him would be a potential boost in ratings; as they feel the audience may tune in more because a Cena heel turn is something that has yet to be done. The idea is that Cena will return from his hiatus and later enter into a feud with The Undertaker to culminate at Wrestlemania 33. That could be a perfect scenario for a Cena heel turn.

source: THE SpOTLight

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