6/21/24 AEW Rampage Recap

Jun 21, 2024 - by Michael Riba

Excalibur, Matt Menard, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary from Fairfax, Virginia.

Match 1 – Tag Team Match
Komander and Metalik vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)
Komander and Kassidy start the match. They go back and forth, and then Kassidy takes Komander down with an arm-drag. Komander comes back with a hurricanrana, and then follows with a dropkick. Metalik tags in, and he and Komander double-team Kassidy for a bit. Metalik goes for the cover, but Kassidy kicks out. Kassidy comes back with a side-headlock, and then Quen tags in. Private Party drop Metalik with Silly String and Quen goes for the cover, but Metalik kicks out at two. Quen delivers a dropkick and follows with a scoop slam. Quen stands on Metalik’s chest for a one count, and then Kassidy tags back in. Metalik comes back with a double handspring back elbow and tags in Komander. Komander delivers a double springboard cross-body, and then follows with a dobule arm-drag. Komander sends Quen to the outside with a hurricanrana, and then delivers a hard shot to Kassidy.
Komander sends Kassidy to the outside, and then Metalik dives over the ropes to take out Private Party on the floor. Komander follows with a Sky Twister Press to the outside and gets Kassidy back into the ring for a two count as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Kassidy delivers a forearm shot to Metalik, but Komander tags in. Kassidy slams Komander with a spine-buster and drops Metalik witha hurricanrana. Quen tags in and delivers shots and kicks to Metalik and Komander, and then puts Metalik up top. Quen delivers a few shots, and then delivers an elbow to Komander. Quen takes Komander down with a moonsault press, and then slams Metalik with a suplex from the top. Quen connects with a 450 splash and goes for the cover, but Komander breaks it up. Quen sends Komander to to the floor, but Metalik drops him with a thrust kick and a slingblade. Metalik walks the ropes and takes Quen down, but Kassidy comes in to break it up. Kassidy tags in and exchanges shots with Metalik. Kassidy gains the advantage and runs the ropes, and they drop each other with clotheslines.
Komander and Quen go for Shooting Star Presses, but Kassidy and Metalik move. Komander and Quen land on their feet, but Quen drops Komander with a reverse-rana. Private Party deliver Gin and Juice to Metalik and get the pin fall.
Winners: Private Party
-After the match, Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith come to the stage to clap for Private Party. Kassidy and Quen charge up the ramp and attack them, but security rushes out to pull everyone apart.

The video package for the match between Kazuchika Okada and Ultimo Guerrero on tomorrow night’s Collision airs.

Match 2 – Singles Match
Rey Fenix (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. Turbo Floyd (w/Truth Magnum)
They lock up and Floyd delivers a shoulder tackle. Fenix comes back with a few chops and a kick to the midsection. Floyd drops him with another shoulder tackle, and then follows with an elbow drop for a one count. Floyd delivers a right hand, but Fenix kicks him in the face. Fenix dodges a corner splash, and then takes Floyd down with a cross-body. Fenix runs the ropes and kicks Floyd in the face. Fenix connects with a frog splash and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Rey Fenix
-After the match, Abrahantes and Penta El Zero Miedo celebrate with Fenix and it is announced that Fenix will take on Jay White in a quarterfinal match in the Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament this upcoming Wednesday on Dynamite.

Match 3 – AEW TNT Championship Forbidden Door Qualifying Match
Action Andretti vs. Lio Rush
They shake hands, and then Rush applies a front face-lock. Andretti turns it into a waist-lock, and they reverse each other for a bit. Rush goes for a hurricanrana, but Andretti lands on his feet. Rush sends Andretti to the floor and runs the ropes, but Andretti walks around the ring. They both leap onto and off of the ring steps, and then get back into the ring. They both run the ropes and drop each other with a cross-body as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Rush sends Andretti into the corner. Andretti comes back with a kick to the face, and then follows with a few shots. Andretti sends Rush to the apron and kicks him to the floor. Andretti takes Rush down on the floor, and then gets him back into the ring. Andretti delivers a few more shots, and then follows with a Falcon Arrow for a two count. Rush comes back with an arm-drag, and then delivers a quick combination of shots. Andretti comes back with a Spanish Fly and goes for the cover, but Rush kicks out at two. Andretti goes up top, but Rush dodges him and delivers a roundhouse kick. Rush delivers a bottom rope stunner and goes up top. Rush hits a frog splash and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Lio Rush
-After the match, Rush tries to shake hands with Andretti, but Top Flight get in his way. Rush walks between them and pulls Andretti to his feet. Rush extends for a handshake, and Andretti accepts. Rush slaps hands with Darius and Dante Martin as well.

Match 4 – Singles Match
AR Fox vs. Shingo Takagi
Fox attacks Takagi as the bell rings, but Takagi comes back with a few shots and a chop. Fox drops him with a leg lariat and kicks him in the head on the outside. Fox drops Takagi with a moonsault and gets him back into the ring. Fox connects with a senton and goes for the cover, but Takagi kicks out at two. Takagi comes back with hard shots to drop Fox to the mat, and then follows with a neck-breaker. Takagi delivers hammer-and-anvil elbow strikes and goes for a sliding lariat, but Fox dodges and delivers a few quick kicks. Fox delivers a low cutter and goes up top. Fox connects with a 450 splash and goes for the cover, but Takagi kicks out. Fox delivers shots in the corner and puts Takagi up top. Fox tries to slam Takagi down, but Takagi holds onto the ropes. Takagi drops Fox with a clothesline, but Fox comes back and gets a two count. Takagi delivers a Death Valley Driver and follows with a clothesline. Takagi slams Fox down and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Shingo Takagi
-After the match, Bryan Danielson walks to the ring and claps for Takagi. Danielson extends for a handshake, but Takagi slaps his hand away and gets in his face. They stare down, and then Takagi shoulders past Danielson and leaves the ring.

Match 5 – Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament – Quarterfinal Match
Serena Deeb vs. Willow Nightingale
They shake hands as the bell rings, and Deeb goes behind for a waist-lock. Nightingale turns it into a wrist-lock, but Deeb turns it into one of her own. Nightingale counters into a waist-lock and takes Deeb down. Deeb counters into a hammer-lock, and then turns it into a side-headlock. Nightingale sends her off the ropes and Deeb goes for a shoulder tackle, but Nightingale isn’t fazed. Nightingale drops Deeb with a shoulder tackle and follows with a scoop slam. Nightingale connects with a splash and goes for the cover, but Deeb kicks out. Nightingale delivers a delayed vertical suplex and goes for a senton from the rope, but Deeb dodges and goes for a single-leg crab hold. Nightingale gets to the apron, but Deeb delivers a few shots and sends Nightingale to the floor. Deeb delivers a neck-breaker on the floor as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Nightingale drops Deeb with a few short-arm shots. Nightingale splashes Deeb in the corner and slams her back down. Nightingale follows with a spine-buster and goes for the cover, but Deeb kicks out. Deeb comes back with a kick to the face, and then goes for a standing octopus hold. Nightingale counters with a slam and goes for the Doctor Bomb, but Deeb delivers a few shots to her knee and takes her down. Deeb locks in a single-leg crab hold, but Nightingale kicks her away. Nightingale delivers a back elbow, but Deeb drops her with a German suplex. Deeb follows with a lariat and goes for the cover, but Nightingale kicks out again. Deeb goes up top, but Nightingale cuts her off and delivers a superplex. They both get to their feet and exchange shots and clotheslines, and then Nightingale drops Deeb with a clothesline off the ropes for a two count.
Nightingale goes for the cannonball senton in the corner, but Deeb dodges it and slams her to the mat for a two count. Deeb delivers shots to Nightingale’s knee and goes for the Serenity Lock, but Nightingale kicks her away. Nightingale picks Deeb up, but her knee buckles. Deeb delivers a few more shots, but Nightingale comes off the ropes with the Pounce. Nightingale delivers the Doctor Bomb and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Willow Nightingale
-Nightingale will face Kris Statlander in the semifinal round of the tournament.

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