4/6/24 AEW Collision Recap

Apr 7, 2024 - by Steve Gerweck

by Jeremy Thomas

* We’re kicking off with the Tag Team Tourney semifinal.

AEW World Tag Team Tournament Semifinal Match
FTR vs. Top Flight

Dax and Darius start off with a lockup, Dax into the ropes and runs Darius over. Lock back up, armdrag by Darius, back into a lockup and some counterwrestling. Roll-up by Darius for two and they stare off after. Cash tags in and they lock up, Cash works the wrist, Darius flips through and hits a waistlock takedown, Cash with a roll-up for two and Darius tags over before being whipped into the corner, backslide pin by Cash for two.

They go back and forth on the ropes, Dante with the blind tag, double team and a kick to Cash’s back, cover for one and Cash rolls out of the ring. Dante pulls him back in but gets put in the hostile corner and Dax tags in as Dante escapes. Test of strength but Dax rolls over, wristlock, into the ropes, armdrag by Dante who gets sent into the ropes, another armdrag. He works the wrist but Dax escapes, into the ropes, Dante with a leapfrog and then a sunset flip for two.

Armdrag by Dante and an elbowlock to slow it down. Darius tags in, leapfrog axehandle but Dax sends Darius into the ropes to knock him down and lays in some strikes. Cash tags in, whip into the ropes and a double shoulderblock. Big chop by Cash, a Euro uppercut in the corner and another knife-edge chop. Cash with a fist to the head and cover for one.

Darius in the corner, Cash hits a bodyslam but misses the elbowdrop. Darius pulls Cash over, Dante tags in, stomp to the arm off the top. Cash hits a bodyslam and a leaping stomp, big chop and Dax tags in. Chop in the corner, he sets Dante on the top and goes to climb up but Dante with back elbows. He goes over Dax, rolls him up for two and then hits a springboard crossbody for another two!

Dax into the ropes, heel kick by Dante and a dropkick to Cash. Charging kick by Dax, Darius tags in for a suplex, Dante tags in for a senton. Cash is in and gets knocked down and out of the ring, Dax is thrown through the ropes and Dante dives to knock Dax off the apron. He rolls Dax in but Cash tags in, Dante nails Cash and chases Dax out of the ring where he runs into a lariat from Cash as we go to PIP break.

Back as Dax has Dante on the top rope and goes for a superplex — Dante reverses into a crossbody mid-suplex for two! Dante crawls for the tag, so does Dax — Darius is in he leaps off the top but Cash sacrifices himself to save Dax. Roll-ups by Darius, another pin attempt, all twos. Dax stops Darius with a big punch and then a MASSIVE knife-edge chop sending Darius to his knees. Suplex, Darius floats over and he takes it to both FTR members. He misses a punch, Dax with a backslide, Darius turns it into a roll-up for two.

Dante in and hits an enzuigiri on Dax, Darius with a Pele kick to Cash, off the ropes for a middle rope bulldog, Dante dives through onto Cash, Darius with a Flatliner and cover for a nearfall. Dante and Darius double team Dax but he dodges a double clothesline. Cash pulls Darius out, Dante takes out Cash and goes up top for a frog splash on Dax — DAX GETS THE KNEES UP! Cover and Dante kicks out at two-plus.

Dax tags in Cash, whip into the ropes, Dante with a sunset flip on Cash, Dax tries to save him, Darius up top for a crossbody and a double pin for two. Darius with a release German on Dax, Cash with a brainbuster to Darius. Dante takes over, he leaps at Dax who ducks. Springboard by Dante — INTO A SHATTER MACHINE! That finishes it.

Winner: FTR (15:49)

* We get a vignette about Kazuchika Okada and how he’s the best of the best, and now a member of AEW and The Elite with the Bucks. He is the AEW Continental Champion and it’s the beginning of a new era for AEW.

PAC vs. Encore Moore

PAC with a big kick to start, and he stomps Moore down in the corner. Another stomp and then a headslam into the turnbuckle, then into the turnbuckle in the opposite corner. Whip hard into the corner and a couple stomp to the head followed by a boot choke.

Stomp the back of Moore’s head and a snap suplex, a second and a delayed brainbuster. PAC lies in wait and charges in to avalanche Moore in the corner, Black Arrow — no, he goes into the submission instead and Moore taps.

Winner: PAC (2:35)

PAC gets the mic after the match and says he warned us he’s done waiting for opportunities he deserves. So now, he takes matters into his own hands. Make no bones about it, he’s on a mission to remind everyone exactly who he is. The best bloody pro wrestler on the face of planet Earth. Therefore, Okada — Japanese superstar, champion. PAC is calling him out and wants to see how big his bollocks are. Does he think he can survive the Bastard? PAC doesn’t, and he eagerly awaits a response.

* Renee asks Bryan about his match with WIll Ospreay at AEW Dynasty. Danielson says wrestling has never been about proving he’s better than anyone else; it’s about providing him to himself. He uses other people as a measuring stick to push himself. And Ospreay doesn’t quit so it’s like ‘Oh no.’ He talks about evolving and how he’s not the same person he was when he was 21, and Ospreay won’t be the same person when he’s Bryan’s age now.

Renee asks if this is about Bryan or the fans, and Bryan says it’s about testing himself and how he wants to live this live. He watches Ospreay and gets excited to test himself against him. He was sitting at Revolution when Ospreay wrestled Takeshita, and Jen Pepperman said ‘This might be the best wrestler I’ve ever seen.’ Danielson says he knows that the fans might enjoy but but that’s not why he does it.

HOOK & Chris Jericho vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

Jericho and Taylor start off and Taylor with a couple jabs, he manhandles Jericho into the corner and batters him with body shots and a headbutt. Whip across the rope and an avalanche in the corner followed by more bodyshots. Whip across the ring, Taylor charges but Jericho gets the foot up and then hits a shot off the middle rope. He tags in HOOK, double suplex to Taylor.

HOOK with a waistlock but Taylor backs him into the hostile corner and tags in Lee Moriarty. Lee beats HOOK down and then locks in a cravat, HOOK escapes and hits a suplex. Jericho tags in and hits a few chops against the ropes, Irish whip, Lee holds onto the ropes and kicks Jericho, up to the second rope and leaps but Jericho catches him. He knocks down Taylor on the apron but Lee knocks him down and beats on him as we go to PIP break.

We’re back as Taylor grabs Jericho and slams him down, then leaps off the top but Jericho gets the knees up. Moriarty tags in and beats on Jericho, whip into the ropes but Jericho holds on. Lionsault to Lee, Jericho goes for the tag and gets it! HOOK with lariats to Moriarty, BIG Judo throw, and another. Northern Lights suplex gets two.

Tayler is on but HOOK grabs him — he can’t get the suplex, but Taylor charges and HOOK pulls the ropes down. Jericho tags in, HOOK dives on Taylor. Jericho runs into Lee’s foot, Moriarty with a Flatliner into a Border City Stretch. Jericho is holding on but Lee cinches — Jerico escapes and goes for the Liontamer. He gets it locked in! HOOK is in and locks in the sleeper — Taylor is in and gets SUPLEXED by HOOK! And Lee taps.

Winner: Chris Jericho & HOOK (8:53)

Anthony Ogogo comes in and attacks Jericho, then HOOK post match. He beats HOOK down and then goes into Jericho. HOOK is fighting back, Taylor is in and so is Lee. The three beat HOOK and Jericho down. STP throw Jericho into a right hand that knocks him out, and the three hold up a Shane Taylor Promotions banner over Jericho before covering him in it.

* Dustin Rhodes keeps hearing that he’s underappreciated. And they’re right; he is. For 36 years of blood, sweat and tears in front of thousands and thousands of fans around the worlds. He’s stood across the ring from everyone and when he was seven, he saw his Dad win his first World Heavyweight Championship. He says he picked it up then, all the while saying “One day, Dustin, I will become World Heavyweight Champion.” 26 years later, it’s the one thing he hasn’t done. He says while Samoa Joe is under no obligation, he’s asking Joe for a chance. He challenges Joe for the World Heavyweight Champion next week in Charleston. All he wants is an opportunity, and Joe can give him that if he has the balls. He tells Joe to put the title on the line in Charleston next week and if he does, he won’t regret it. BUt he’s scared of no man and Joe isn’t different.

* Renee is with Ospreay and asks how the competition in AEW is to NJPW. He says everyone is quicker here. Ospreay says he’s confident doing the Danielson match because Danielson is practiced in the NJPW style but he’s done what Bryan couldn’t by conquering it.

Renee asks how he feels heading into Dynasty. Ospreay says it’s an honor but he isn’t treating it differently than other matches, it’s just the top. Doing it now, when he truly believes he’s the best wrestler, he believes he can beat him. He questions if Bryan is the best now at his age. Renee asks how much it’s for Ospreay vs. for the fans, and Ospreay says he’s there for the fight. There’s no explanation needed than that.

House of Black vs. Matt Sydal, Bryan Keith & Christopher Daniels

Keith and Black start off. Lock up and Black with a headlock, Keith reverses into a wristlock. Counterwrestling back and forth, Black backs Keith into the corner and hits a shoulder to the chest. Keith across the ring, he goes up and over Black and lays in some fists. He charges in, Black catches the foot and shoves him off but Keith with an exploder for two.

Keith with a kick to the thigh, Black fires with one of his own and gets a knee strike. Brody King tags in, as does Sydal. And Sydal tags in Daniels, they both go at King and lay in kicks, into the ropes but King with a double lariat. He charges at Daniels in the corner, Daniels with the leg up, Daniels off the top but gets caught, pushed into the ropes, BIG lariat as we go to PIP break.

We’re back as Daniels is in with Black and gets a backslide pin for two. Inside cradle by Daniels for two, Saito suplex, they’re both slow to get up. Sydal tags in and takes out Buddy Matthews, he knows King off the apron and gets kicks on Buddy. Off the ropes, he flips around Matthews for a rana, leaping back elbow in the corner, then up top. He leaps, Matthews ducks, tilt-a-whirl cradle by Sydal for two and then a big kick.

Sydal knocks Black off the apron with a kick, comes off the ropes into a kneelift from Matthews. Sydal sent into the ropes, King tags in and Keith gets a blind tag. Sydal hit with a Dante’s Inferno but Keith takes out but Matthews and King. He splashes Matthews in one corner, charges at King but gets taken out. Three-Headed Monster to Keith, cover but Daniels breaks it up.

Daniels is surrounded by all three men and first back but is knocked down. Matthews grabs Keith, pumphandle but Keith rolls him up for two! Matthews takes out Keith and hits the pumphandle for three.

Winner: House of Black (9:25)

Adam Copeland’s music hits! Black goes to confront him — and Adam attacks King from behind. He batters King, Black is in the ring and they stare off. King attacks, and they stomp Copeland down.

HERE COMES MARK BRISCOE AND FTR! They even the odds and — here come the Young Bucks now! Matthew and Nicholas come out and walk down, FTR charge at them and they brawl on the stage as Copeland takes King out with a chair — SPEAR TO BRODY! Briscoe nails Matthews with a chair, and a spear to Matthews takes him out. FTR come in the ring and Black escapes. Matthew Jackson is in the ring and FTR go after him but Nicholas saves Matthew.

* Lexi is with Rocky Romero, who says he’s won championships everywhere but not AEW. He knows there’s a ranking system so he wants an Eliminator Match against Roddy Strong. Roddy comes in with the Kingdom and tells Rocky to look at him. Has he seen what he’s been doing on his own? If Rocky thinks he can win it’s laughable, but Rocky will be able to tell his grandkids he got beat by a wrestling legend.

* Apparently the Bucks will show the All In backstage footage on Dynamite. FUCK OFF WITH THAT STUPID-ASS SHIT. That’s nuclear-level stupid unless they have some brilliant plan with it

* Lexi asks Jericho and HOOK about Ogogo’s return, and Jericho is pissed. He says LionHOOK had an impressive backstage victory but then he took a hook to the face. They welcome the three-on-two challenge, but HOOK says he has a partner for them. Shibata is here! Shibata says he’ll have their back against STP. HOOK: Cool? Jericho: Bet. Shibata [via Siri]: Bet.

Trish Adora vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Circle and lockup, Adora with a wristlock, Yuka reverses and lays in some slaps. Lock back up, Adora with a headlock, shot into the ropes and runs off with to knock Yuka down. Yuka back up and kicks Adora, forward roll takedown, diving lariat off the ropes for two. Yuka goes for a rana, but Adora catches her. Big backbreaker and a PIP Break.

We’re back and Yuka kicks at Adora, but Adora gets her down and locks in a crossface. Yuka manages to get her foot on the ropes for the break. Adora with shoulders to the gut in the corner, whip across the ring. She charges in, Yuka gets a foot up, goes to to top and dodges a kick by going to the apron. Kick to Adora, up top and she hits a dropkick, cover gets two.

Yuka with a suplex attempt, Adora blocks it. Yuka with a kick and tries again, Adora blocks it again, more strikes, suplex — and Adora hits one instead! Adora with a big punch, but Yuka fires back. They trade shots in the ring, Adora knocks Yuka to her knees. Adora back up and lays in first, she goes for a discus elbow but Adora nails her, so she hits a knee but Adora with a German suplex. Yuka right back up, high angle drop.

Adora with a double underhook suplex, she hits a full-nelson sitout bomb, cover gets two. Adora up, YUka grabs her and picks her up in her shoulders! Spinning facebuster drop, Yuka rolls Adora to the center of the ring, big splash for three.

Winner: Yuka Sakazaki (9:20)

Serena Deeb comes out to the stage and sarcastically claps for Yuka.

* We get a recap of Trent turning on Cassidy on Dynamite.

* Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia are backstage and Matt hypes up Daniel, saying he hasn’t even begun to scratch the surface and got a big win on Rampage, but those are expected and they want more.

Garcia says he’s not a young boy and rookie anymore and sees people like Takeshita, Ospreay and Okada and wants to insert himself in those conversations, and will get to do it with Menard by his side.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. The Butcher

Lockup to start, Claudio backed into the ropes. They jockey for position, Butcher against the ropes, Claudio breaks cleanly. Lockup, Claudio with a headlock, shot into the ropes, collision and no one goes down. Butcher into the ropes, still no one down so Butcher bites Claudio’s head and knocks him down.

Into the ropes, Claudio with a leaping shoulderblock off the ropes. Scoop slam, double stomp. Butcher up in the corner, Claudio with the Euro uppercut. Butcher fights back, back breaker and a double underhook suplex. He kicks at Claudio’s back and nails him across the shoulders and back. Rear chinlock, Claudio fights to his feet, tries to get Butcher on his shoulders but gets shoved into the ropes. Butcher batters Claudio, Claudio battles back but gets caught with a uranage backbreaker for two.

Butcher into the crossface, Claudio breaks it and gets to his feet, Butcher ends up on Claudio’s back. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Butcher is still up first but gets hit with Euro uppercuts from Claudio. He hits one more after the ref breaks it up and then a short-arm uppercut. It’s Giant Swing time! He gets nine swings before dropping Butcher. Cradle facebuster finishes it.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli (5:06)

* Julia Hart says that when Willow wants to address the TBS Championship, you address her. Willow says the end of her story is near and says she’s beaten Willow twice, so Mercedes should roll the dice with her.

* Samoa Joe says the biggest obstacle of being champion is managing perception. He says some people have jilted perceptions. Dustin Rhodes talks about what he’s done but then why isn’t he there? He says he won’t give Dustin what he wants in a title shot, but will give him a fight. And if Dustin wins, he’ll be #1 contender. But Joe will make an example of him, there will be consequences and pain.

Komander vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

Circle to start, they lock up and trade waistlocks until Penta gets a back kick. But Komander with a roll-up for two. They do some counterwrestling into a roll-up for two, more counterwrestling and a kippup on both sides. Komander offers a handshake, they almost do it but Penta with his taunt so Komander kicks him in the face. Off the ropes, Komander takes Penta down, he handsprings into the ropes but Penta with a diving dropkick. Penta with a big slap to Komander’s chest.

Irish whip, Komander pushed into the air and hits a rana to send Penta out of the ring, he dives through the ropes, Penta catches him and drops him onto the steel steps as we go to PIP break.

We’re back with Penta in control, and he whips Komander into the ropes but Komander escapes and hits a tilt-a-whirl armdrag to send Penta out of the ring, then dives onto him. Komander kicks Penta and rolls him in, he goes up top and leaps but Penta with a superkick counter. My feed went wonky, Penta with the Canadian destroyer when it came back for two.

Penta with the Fear Factor, Komander rolls over and rolls up Penta for two. Magistral cradle but he rolls through, Komander with the kneebreaker submission until Penta gets to the ropes. Komander goes for a catapult but Penta kicks him away, he slingshots over the ropes but Komander with the standing Spanish fly for two.

Komander ends up on the apron after a charge, Penta with a springboard Canadian destroyer on the apron. Penta outside and charges but Komander with a backdrop onto the ramp. Both men slow to get to the ring but they make it at the last second. They trade shots on their knees, Penta with a big slap to the chest. Komander fires back, then dodges a shot. Off the ropes into a superkick, Penta off the ropes, he catches Komander, Made in Japan, cover gets two-plus.

Komander on the top now, Penta slaps him on the chest and climbs up. Superplex but Komander floats over, Torneo Splash gets two. Komander back up top, Spaceman dropkick sends Penta to the outside. Springboard moonsault, Penta is rolled back in. Komander up top, he walks the ropes and goes for a moonsault but is caught with a lungblower. Fear Factor finishes it.

Winner: Penta El Zero Miedo (14:03)

Adam Copeland walks out to stare at Penta from the ramp.

And with that, we’re done for the night!

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