AEW Collision Results 19-08-23

Aug 19, 2023 - by Achal Mohindra

Date: 19-08-2023
AEW Collision Results – Fight for the Fallen
Live From: Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuiness.

We see a video featuring Samoa Joe, Darby Allin, Christian Cage, Jay White, Dalton Castle bigging up tonight’s show.

Singles Match: Samoa Joe Vs Golden Vampire.

The Golden Vampire attacks Joe before the match and is in control and he shoves the referee on the outside, nails the GTS and then removes mask and it’s revealed to be CM Punk who says I accept the match b*tch.

Commentators confirm the match is official for AEW All in in 10 days time.

Singles Match: “Switchblade” Jay White w/The Gunns Vs Dalton Castle w/The Boys

Castle takes down White with a greco roman takedown, tie up and switch, White in control and nails chops, Castle with a waistlock takedown, White with chops in the corner, Castle sends White into the corner and misses the running knee and rolls to the outside, White with a suplex on the apron.

White rams Castle into the ring apron, White with a suplex for a two count, White in control, Castle with a suplex to White, Castle with a back elbow, and hits a running knee in the corner, Saito Suplex by Castle to Jay White, Waistlock on Jay White, German Suplex by Castle for a two count, Castle goes for a suplex, low bridge by White sends Castle to the outside, White sends Castle into announce table and then chops to Castle, The Gunns surround Castle but the Boys fly out the ring and take out the Gunns and then a Urinagi Suplex by Castle for a two, then Jay White, White regains control and nails a Suplex and then Blade Runner for the win.

Winner via Pinfall “Switchblade” Jay White

Commercial break.

We will hear from Bullet Club Gold next.

When we return from commercial break, Tony Schiavone is in the ring and asks Jay about his involvement in 6 Man Tag Team Match at London at AEW All In, White says you need to remain in your hospital bed and not show up or face the beat down and Kenny and his friends have deceived fans thinking the Elite are better than Bullet Club Gold, Juice says you think its funny that it takes us 2 minutes to put Kenny Omega in the hospital and will happen again in London. The Gunns say we team with Juice Robinson and face the Elite this Wednesday.

Match 2: Trios Tag Team Match: Juice Robinson and The Gunns – Colten and Austin Gunn Vs Savage Invaders – Bronson and Boulder and Jack Jameson.

Colten and Bronson start, Bronson with a side suplex, Colton distracted official while a chop block takes down Bronson, Robinson tagged in, referee distracted and then cannonball to Boulder, Robinson with a running knee, Colten sends Bronson into the mat, senton by Juice Robinson, Austin tagged in, Bronson sends Robinson into the corner, and then Boulder tagged in, Boulder takes down both Gunns and then Boulder slams Robinson on Gunns, squash to Colten in corner then Austin in the opposite corner, fameasser by Austin Gunn on Boulder, DDT on Boulder, Juice with Whip lariant for the win.

Winners via Pinfall Juice Robinson and The Gunns – Colten and Austin Gunn

We see highlights of Billy Gunn leaving boots in the ring, and Acclaimed thanking him, then see House of Black attacking the Acclaimed on Dynamite.

We see a video package from Malakai Black and House of Black saying Billy Gunn is a shadow of what he was in his prime.

We will hear from Ricky Starks after the break.

Commercial break

Match #3. Singles Match: Big Bill vs. Derek Neal

Left hand by Neal and Bill isn’t happy. Bill now slaps himself in the face a bunch and delivers a big boot to Neal. Chokeslam to Neal.

Winner via Pinfall: Big Bill

Rush said he needs a faction of killers – real killers, and everyone needs to meet in Mexico. To Mexico we go, as Preston Vance is seen partying with Dralistico, but they’ve been abducted!

Video is shown of Sting and Darby showing up at AR Fox’s wrestling school. This Wednesday on Dynamite, it’s Swerve & Fox vs. Darby & Nick Wayne.

Match #4. Women’s Singles Match: Diamante vs. Willow Nightingale

Diamante jumps on the back of Willow, but Willow runs her into the corner and beats her down before a vertical suplex in the middle of the ring. Drop toe hold by Diamante into the middle rope but Willow responds with a sidewalk slam. Clothesline by Willow sends Diamante crashing to the floor from the apron. Mercedes Martinez is here to show her support for Diamante, and Willow takes notice.

Chop block by Diamante and a thrust kick to the back of the head. Left elbow by Diamante to a seated Willow and now some ground and pound. Diving neckbreaker by Diamante and a cover for two. Clotheslines by Willow adnd a running avalanche in the corner. Big boot by Willow and a spinebuster. Two count. Willow goes up top, but Diamante trips the legs out and Willow lands hard on the top rope. Running double knees in the corner by Diamante. Sliced Bread #2 by Diamante for a two count. Superkick by Willow but Diamante responds with a clothesline.

Willow backs her up and comes off the top with a missile dropkick. Mercedes pulls Diamante out of the ring but Kris Statlander is here and suplexes Mercedes on the ramp. Diamante gets pounced on the outside as Willow rolls her back in the ring and finishes this one with the Babe with the Powerbomb.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

Backstage Lexi Nair interviews Toni Storm about Fatal 4 Way at All in and Tag Team Match this Wednesday on Dynamite.

Still to come Powerhouse Hobbs in action, we hear from Miro and Main Event: Christian Vs Darby Allin.

Match #5. Singles Match: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Kevin Ku

Powerhouse Hobbs tosses Ku off him running at him, chops in corner to Ku, Squash in the corner, Hobbs puts Ku on the top rope and nails and side suplex of the top rope. Hobbs puts down the straps and nails the spinebuster for the win.

Winner via Pinfall: Powerhouse Hobbs.

After the match Powerhouse Hobbs puts the clutch on Ku and Miro appears on the screen and says I used to have distractions now how I walk alone, Hobbs I am here to replace the redeemer and will piss on your cold dead body,

This week on Dynamite: Jack Perry retires FTW Championship, Elite Vs Bullet Club Gold, Chris Jericho contract signing, Aussie Open Vs The Hardys, Face-to-face interview Young Bucks and FTR, Ruby Soho Vs Skye Blue, Rene Paquette speaks with MJF and Adam Cole,

Commentators break down AEW All In Card and announce Miro Vs Powerhouse Hobbs will happen at AEW All Out in two weeks.

Match 6: Singles Match: Darby Allin Vs Christian Cage w/AEW TNT Champion: Luchasaurus

Tie up in the ring, Side suplex by Allin, hammerlock by Allin, Allin sends him to the outside, then goes to go through the rope but stops and stays in the ring, Christian drops Allin and then stands on him in the corner.

We see AR Fox and Swerve Strickland watching the match. Behind the referees back Luchasaurus sends Allin into the announce table. Shoulder lock by Christian, Darby fighing back with low kicks, and Christian regains control with kick to Darby, Darby with kicks and then a backslide for a two count.

Christian sends Allin into the barrier, Christian sends Allin back into the ring. stomp on elbow of Allin, Christian grabs his TNT belt and taunts Darby Allin, Christian sends Darby into the corner and then a short DDT, Christian goes for a spear but waits, then heads collide, referee begins count, they both up at 8, Christian with a uppercut, Christian hangs Darby on the bottom rope and then sends him to the outside, Christian distracts referee so Luchasaurus can pound Darby on the outside. Right hand by Allin, then twice sends Christian into the corner, and then cannon ball, On the outside Luchasaurus stands between Darby and Christian, then Christian sends Darby into barrier and then runs at Darby but missed, then Darby puts Christian on a chair, climbs to the top rope and nails a drop kick onto Christian onto the chair. Christian rolls out the way as Darby goes for Coffin Drop, Darby readjusts and Luchasaurus pulls Christian out the way and Paul Turner sees it and sends Luchasaurua to the back, As he does Christian nails Darby with the title belt, two count as Darby gets feet on rope. Christian misses spear in the corner, Christian is put on the top rope, Christian pulls him down with a powerbomb and then Christian with a spear for a two count, Christian nails a short clothesline, rolling jacknife by Darby Allin for the win.

Winner via Pinfall Darby Allin.

After the match Tony Schiavone tells him you earned title match in two weeks, After that Luchasaurus comes back and then Christian Cage hits Darby Allin with the belt, then Luchasaurus chokeslams Darby Allin, Christian pins him and Luchasaurus makes Tony Schiavone count the fall and then announce Christian Cage as the winner.

End of Collission.

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