AEW Dynamite Report, 8/16/23

Aug 16, 2023 - by Scott Porter

Join us tonight for up to the minute results from the latest episode from AEW!  Coverage begins at 8pm.  Tazz, Tony Schiavone  and Excalibur are on the call.

Match 1.  AEW International Champion, Orange Cassidy VS Wheeler Yuta

Yuta gets under the skin of the normally calm, Cassidy to go at it with strong style blows to start the match.  Cassidy is the longest reigning champion currently in AEW.  The Black Pool Combat Club would love to add his title to their group.  Cassidy is simply enraged at Yuta and he loses his cool and is tossed to the outside, where Yuta dives on him and lands a few shots to the head.  Orange counters with a suplex on the floor.  Yuta counters with a piledriver on the ramp.  The fight goes back in the ring and Cassidy is rocked, but manages to backdrop Yuya and we go to break.  Back from break, Cassidy dives to the floor on Yuta, after dropkicking him from the ring.  They end up on the top rope, with Yuta superplexing Cassidy for a two count.  Cassidy recovers with a punt kick and DDT.  Just then, Claudio Castagnoli and Jon Moxley enter from the crowd.  Orange gets rolled for a two count, but then rolls up Yuta for the pin.

Winner, Orange Cassidy

The BCC then group attacks Orange post-match.  The Best Friends try to make the save, but to no such luck.  The Lucha Bros enter and boot the BCC from the ring.  They BCC grabs chairs.  Just then Eddie Kingston runs in to a huge pop.  He attacks Claudio.  The BCC scramble and a loud “Eddie” chant breaks out.  Eddie grabs the mic and calls out the BCC for Stadium Stampede Match for Wembley Stadium.

Jim Ross continues his sit down with Kenny Omega.  They discuss his childhood relationship with Don Callis.  Kenny is still trying to understand why Don betrayed him.  He doesn’t want to have his memories and sadness stay with him.  Callis then walks up.  Don says Omega has a lot of insecurities.  Just then Bullet Club Gold, Jay White, Juice Robinson and Takeshita attack Omega and they beat him silly.  Moments later Hangman Page calls out the group for the attack and says Omega, Hangman and Kota Ibushi will face them at All In, London.

Don Callis is then shown in the ring live.  He calls Chris Jericho out to the ring.  We go to break.  Once back, Callis is with Jericho.  He calls Chris is best friend.  Jericho says he has to think about how his Jericho Appreciation Society left him.  He feels bad about it.  He then tells Callis YES,  he will join Callis’ faction.  Callis has a picture blocked out by a sheet.  Jericho wants to see it.  Callis says don’t worry about it.  He tries to walk away.  Chris says no.  I want to see the picture.  Jericho pulls back the sheet and it is Callis holding the decapitated head of Jericho.   Jericho loses it.  Callis admits he thought Jericho would turn him down.  Callis then tells Jericho he is the greatest egomaniac in the history of wrestling.  Jericho asks who the hell is Don Callis?  Jericho says nobody cares about Callis.  Everyone has left him.  Jericho calls him a lowlife asshole.  Callis slugs Jericho.  Jericho attacks Callis.   Takeshita attacks Jericho from behind and they push each other.  Will Osprey then attacks Jericho from behind and hits him with a chair.  Jericho is busted open.  Callis then busts the painting and glass over Jericho’s head.  Sammy Guevara then enters with a bat to save Jericho.

We get a video package of Jungle Boy, Jack Perry.  He calls himself the greatest FTW World Champion ever.  He says next week he is going to retire the belt.

Match 2.  Darby Allin and Nick Wayne VS The Gates of Agony, Toa Liona and Kaun

The GOA attack Allin and Wayne on the way to the ring.  This match is just a brawl.  For several minutes they just fight on the floor.  We go to break.  Once back, the GOA are failing in a double team on Wayne.  Darby tags in and tosses Liona and lands a crucifix on Kaun.  The GOA recover and double team Allin with a top rope elbow.  Swerve Strickland and AR Fox, stablemates of The GOA enter and are outside the ring, looming.  Allin and Wayne double team the GOA and land a coffin drop and dive to the outside in tandem and get the pin.

Winners, Wayne and Allin

Sting is shown on the jumbotron.  Sting tells Fox they have a coffin match in 11 days.  Swerve is standing with AR in disbelief.  Then Sting pulls in the leader of The Embassy,  Prince Nana.  The GOA run to help Nana.  Swerve and Fox look on in disbelief as Nana begs for mercy from Sting.   Sting says it is showtime.  Sting looks to be working a bit of the Joker version of his character.

We get a MJF and Adam Cole vignette.  They are at The Outback.  Cole is very excited to be there.  MJF thought going there would enrage Aussie Open.  Cole wants to watch Crocodile Dundee.  MJF then shows Cole a kangaroo video.  He says he has mastered the kangaroo kick.  Cole isn’t so sure.  They then double closeline a guy in the back.  Tony Khan calls them to the office and lets them have it.  Funny bit.

In a live clip, Cole and MJF enter in a sports car.  They run off and The Kingdom are shown trying to find Adam Cole, as we go to break.

Cole and MJF enter the arena and head to the ring.  They are known as, Better Than You, Bay Bay.  They have the crowd on their feet.  They have everyone laughing and chanting Kangaroo Kick.  They say they will win the ROH World Tag Team Championships.  Later that night they will face each other for MJF’s AEW World Championship.  Cole addresses the match for the singles title.  Cole tells Max he will do anything to win the title.  MJF tells Cole that’s a great story, but his is better.  MJF says his two dream matches from day one in wrestling career were Cody Rhodes and Adam Cole.  He then talks about asking Cody for a shot at All In, the original show.  He showed a lot of respect to Cody and even mentioned WWE.  All In gave him his shot at AEW.   Now in 2023, he grew from the undercard to the Main Event and World Champion.  (This is a great promo.)  Now he says this is the biggest opportunity, in front of the biggest crowd with his dream opponent.  He calls Cole is his best friend, but the only one thing is the most important thing to him.  It is the Triple B, the AEW World Championship.  (What a Moment)  He tells Cole he loves him like a brother, but a win in Wembley is legend.  Cole then says may the best man win.  MJF and Cole lay out their catch phrases and the place just eats it up.  Great stuff.  MJF was brilliant.  Aussie Open jump them post promo, but they only hold the advantage a minute.  They escape before the Double Closeline.  Cole teases jumping MJF.  The crowd chants “hug it out,” which they do.  Roderick Strong and The Kingdom are shown watching the segment in the back.

Renee Pacquette interviews a bloody, Chris Jericho.  Jericho talks directly to Will Osprey threw the camera.  Jericho challenges Osprey at Wembley Stadium, All In.

Match 3.  Texas Chainsaw Death Match.  Jeff Hardy (with Matt Hardy, Ethan Page, among others) VS Jeff Jarrett (with Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal and Satnem Singh)

Jeff Jarrett and Hardy start the match from inside the arena somewhere, no fans are there.  Matt Hardy and several others are adding to the fight.  This is a street fight.  We go to break.  We come back to Jarrett and Hardy brawling their way from the back to the ramp.  Jarrett is a bloody mess.  Back from break, everyone is hitting each other with weapons.  Jeff Hardy leads his group into the ring with Jeff Jarrett being basically drug around.  Everyone pounds on Jarrett and they put him on a table.  Hardy goes to the top, but Lethal and company even the numbers.  Hardy performs a swanton on the table, crushing Jarrett.  Lethal makes the save.  Ethan Page gets crotched.  Karen Jarrett crotches Matt Hardy.  Double J gets a guitar, but Hardy steals it and clubs Jarrett with it.  Just then Leatherface enters with a chainsaw.  Leatherface chases Karen off.  Singh and Lethal take out Jeff Hardy and place Jarrett on top.  Jarrett pins Hardy.

Winner, Jeff Jarrett.

Match 4.  Dr Britt Baker VS The Bunny (with Kip Sabian, Butcher and The Blade and Penelope Ford)

Baker takes the early advantage, but Bunny stomps the hands and knees Baker.  Baker lands an elbow strike and running neck breaker.  Ford interferes.  Bunny capitalizes, but Baker counters with a forearm and knee strikes of her own.  Bunny holds her own over a commercial break.  The winner of this match secures a spot in the 4 way, Women’s World Title Match at Wembley.  Baker sling blades and double underhooks Bunny.  The two slug it out center ring.  Bunny eats a swinging neck breaker, then a Baker boot.  After a head stomp it is over.

Winner by pinfall, Dr Britt Baker

Saraya, Toni Storm, Britt Baker will challenge Shida for the AEW Championship at All In, Wembley.

Match 5.  The Acclaimed VS ???

Lights go out and The House of Black are in the ring.  They attack Max Caster and Anthony Bowen.  This is just a beatdown.  Buddy Mathews does most of the work and he bloodies Max.  The House stand tall and we go to break.

Match 6.  The Gunns VS The Young Bucks

The Bucks jump the Gunns on the ramp.  Once in the ring, Nick and Matt Jackson work on Colton Gunn.   The story is the Bucks are furious over Omega being attacked earlier.  Austin Gunn is crushed on the outside by Nick.   The Gunns mount a comeback inside and on the floor.  Nick is thrown in the barricade and Matt is double teamed in the ring.  We go to break.  The Gunns are still working over Matt as we return.  Matt backdrops both Gunns to the floor.  Matt is able to make the hot tag.  Nick uses superkicks, head scissors and spike to take control.  Matt enters to double team Austin.  The Bucks go for the V Trigger, but Colton makes the save.  Nick kicks Colton.  The match has broken down and all four are brawling.  The Gunns hit the 3 10 to Yuma and get a two count.  Nick makes the save.  Austin lands a famouser on Matt.  The Gunns score a pinfall with a assisted pin.

Winners.  The Young Bucks

Jay White and Juice Robinson attack The Bucks right after the match.  The Gunns and BCG are stopped by FTR.  The Bucks recover as FTR land Shattered Machine on Juice.  FTR and The Bucks stand tall to end the show, but this is an uneasy stare down.  They will face off at Wembley for a rubber match and the World Tag Team Championships.










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