12/2/22 AEW Rampage Recap

Dec 2, 2022 - by Michael Riba

The opening credits roll. Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary from Indianapolis, Indiana.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Cole Karter (w/Nick Comoroto) vs. Darby Allin
Allin beats Comoroto down with the baseball bat before the match begins, and then takes Karter out with a dive into the barricade. Allin slams Karter’s hand into the ring steps and gets him into the ring as the bell rings. Allin delivers right hands in the corner and sends him to the outside with a low dropkick. Allin goes up top, but Karter comes back and shoves him down to the floor. Karter power bombs Allin onto the apron and gets him back into the ring. Karter slams Allin in the corner a few times, and then follows with a Buckle Bomb. Karter delivers a dropkick that sends Allin to the floor, and then throws him into the ring steps. Karter gets Allin back into the ring and delivers knee strikes to his ribs. Karter suplexes Allin to the mat as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Allin counters out and delivers a few shots to Karter. Allin comes off the ropes, but Karter drops him with a forearm shot. Allin comes back with joint manipulation on Karter’s hand, but Karter delivers more shots. Allin comes back with quick slaps and drops Karter with Code Red. Allin goes for the cover, but Karter kicks out. Karter comes back with a few shots and then puts Allin up top. Karter delivers a Falcon Arrow and goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. Karter dives off the top rope, but Allin dodges and locks in an arm-bar. Allin transitions and delivers a Scorpion Death Drop, and then hits the Coffin Drop for the pin fall.
Winner: Darby Allin

Renee Paquette interviews Keith Lee. Lee says it is an ongoing investigation with him and Swerve Strickland, but Shane Taylor interrupts and says Lee is always leaving family behind. Taylor challenges him to a tag team match at Final Battle, and then Strickland walks up and smiles. Lee asks if he can even count on Strickland and walks away.

Footage of Preston Vance turning on Dark Order on last week’s Rampage is shown.

Renee Paquette is in the ring, and she introduces the AEW World Tag Team Champions, The Acclaimed, who are joined by Billy Gunn. Paquette asks what’s next for The Acclaimed, and Anthony Bowens says he can’t answer that without bringing up Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett interrupting them on Dynamite. He says that they are jealous that everyone loves The Acclaimed or they want a tag title shot. Bowens says they can’t cut the line, especially because there is a tag team who has been waiting a very long time for a title shot. The crowd chants for FTR, but The Gunns interrupt. Austin says if The Acclaimed want to face the best tag team in the world, then they’re looking at them. Jarrett’s music hits and he comes to the stage with Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh. Lethal calls The Gunns, “The Ass Boys” and says Jarrett and Lethal are about to beat Private Party and prove they are a great tag team. Billy interrupts and says they want the best, and then FTR’s music hits. FTR comes to the ring and shake hands with The Acclaimed.

A video package airs for the feud between Hikaru Shida and The Bunny. Shida says she will put the Regina Di WAVE Championship on the line when they meet again.

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett (w/Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen) (w/Matt Hardy)
Lethal and Kassidy start the match. They exchange quick holds, and then Lethal takes Kassidy down and tags Jarrett in. Kassidy drops Jarrett with a hip-toss, but Jarrett comes back and drops Kassidy with a right hand. Quen tags in and works over Jarrett as Kassidy kicks Lethal to the floor. Quen delivers a dropkick to Jarrett and then works over his arm. Kassidy tags back in with an ax handle shot,  but Jarrett drops him with a right hand. Hardy gets in Dutt’s face on the outside, but Singh gets in between them. Lethal slams Kassidy into the ring steps as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Kassidy drops Lethal to the mat and guillotines Jarrett on the top rope. Quen tags in and drops Lethal with a cross-body. Quen delivers a dropkick to Lethal and takes Jarrett out with a dive on the floor. Private Party hit the Silly String on Lethal and Quen knocks Jarrett down on the apron. Quen goes for a 450 splash, but Lethal moves. Quen gets a roll-up on Lethal, but Kassidy is in the ring. Jarrett comes in and hits the Stroke on Quen and Lethal hits the Lethal Injection for the pin fall.
Winners: Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett

Renee Paquette sits down with Saraya. Saraya says her return was an emotional moment for her and felt incredible during the match. Saraya says it was incredible to have her family there and says Full Gear was a special moment for her and the Women’s Division as a whole.

Match #3 – Singles Match: Athena vs. Dani Mo
Athena delivers a forearm shot immediately, and then drops Mo with a series of suplexes. Athena goes for the cover, but pulls Mo up at the two count. Athena backs the referee into the corner and gets in his face, but Mo rolls her up for a two count. Mo delivers a roundhouse kick, but Athena comes back with an elbow strike and follows with right hands. Athena puts Mo in the corner and stomps her to the mat. Athena slams Mo to the mat and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Athena
-After the match, Athena throws Mo out of the ring and slams her into the barricade and ring steps. Athena calls out Mercedes Martinez, but referees rush out to get in between her and Mo. Athena backs away, but charges at Mo and delivers a knee strike against the steps. Athena acts like she is going to strike referee Aubrey Edwards, but backs away and walks up the ramp.

A video package airs of Juice Robinson challenging Samoa Joe for the ROH World Television Championship at Final Battle.

Darby Allin cuts a promo. He says he has settled scores over the last few weeks, and now he wants the AEW TNT Championship back. He challenges Samoa Joe for this Wednesday night on Dynamite, which is made official.

Announced for the 12/7 Dynamite:
-AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: The Acclaimed (c) vs. FTR
-AEW TNT Championship Match: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Darby Allin
-Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royale: Brian Cage, Dalton Castle, Ethan Page, Jack Perry, Matt Hardy, Ricky Starks, Shawn Dean, and others to be announced
-Trios Tag Team Match: Jade Cargill, Leila Grey, and Red Velvet vs. Kiera Hogan, Madison Rayne, and Skye Blue
-Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta vs. Daniel Garcia and Jake Hager

Announced for the 12/9 Rampage:
-Regina Di WAVE Championship Match: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. The Bunny

Announced for ROH Final Battle on 12/10:
-ROH World Championship Match: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
–If Castagnoli loses, then he must join The Jericho Appreciation Society
-ROH Women’s World Championship Match: Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Athena
-ROH World Television Championship Match: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Juice Robinson
-ROH Pure Championship Match: Daniel Garcia (c) vs. Wheeler Yuta
-Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Swerve in Our Glory

Match #4 – AEW All-Atlantic Championship – Lumberjack Match: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. QT Marshall
Cassidy delivers a few shots, but Marshall throws him to the floor. Cassidy delivers his shin kicks to some of the heel lumberjacks and then slams Marshall into the barricade. Cassidy gets Marshall back into the ring and goes up top, but Marshall catches him and delivers a few back-breakers. Marshall tosses Cassidy to the outside and Ethan Page tells Hardy and Private Party to beat him down, but they help him up instead. Page and Hardy get face-to-face and Page elects Hardy from ringside. Marshall slams Cassidy into the corner as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, The Factory get in the ring, but Best Friends clothesline then out and take them out with dives. Marshall takes Cassidy down, but Cassidy comes back with the Stundog Millionaire. Cassidy goes for the DDT, but Marshall counters and goes for the Diamond Cutter. Cassidy counters and goes for Beach Break, but his back gives out. Marshall delivers a right hand and goes for a power bomb, but Cassidy counters with a hurricanrana and follows with a DDT. Cassidy goes for the Orange Punch, but The Factory pull Marshall to the floor. Cassidy goes up top, but Marshall counters with an enzuigiri. Marshall goes for a power bomb on the apron, but Danhausen gets on the apron and curses Marshall. Marshall flips him off and the lumberjacks get into a brawl on the floor. Cassidy drops Marshall with the Beack Break on the apron and dives onto the lumberjacks. Marshall gets back into the ring and Cassidy goes up top, but Penelope Ford gets on the apron. Kip Sabian shoves Cassidy off the top and Marshall drops him with the Diamond Cutter. Marshall goes for the cover, but Cassidy kicks out. Cassidy comes back with an Orange Punch and hits the Beach Break for the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW All-Atlantic Champion: Orange Cassidy
-After the match, Cassidy dives ont Sabian and they brawl up the ramp. The lumberjacks continue to brawl in and around the ring, and then the lights go out. They come back on and The House of Black are in the ring. They lay everyone in the ring out and Brody King and Buddy Matthews set Ortiz up for Dante’s Inferno. Malakai Black saves Ortiz and they deliver Inferno to Serpentico instead. The House continue to attack everyone on the outside as the show comes to a close.


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