Cardona on Z! True Long Island Story: “It changed the business”

Oct 31, 2022 - by Steve Gerweck

While speaking with Sam Roberts on Not Sam Wrestling, Matt Cardona made a bold claim regarding the influence of Z! True Long Island Story.

“It changed the business. Tell me that Z! True Long Island Story didn’t change the business. Tell me to my face that it didn’t change the business. All these kids vlogging. The BTE show that started AEW. Really, I’m responsible for AEW. I’ll say it right now, without Z! True Long Island Story there would be no BTE and there would be no E…ah, let’s do that again. This is live pal. We’re live pal,” Cardona said with a laugh before trying again. “Without Z! True Long Island Story there would be no BTE and there would be no AEW. Quote me on that.

“Z! True Long Island Story” started in February 2011 and lasted 100 episodes.

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