WWE Smackdown Report – 10/14/22

Oct 14, 2022 - by Staff

– Tonight’s post-Extreme Rules edition of WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up from outside of the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. Michael Cole welcomes us to this breaking news situation, and he is joined by Wade Barrett at ringside. We see an ambulance and a car that was crashed into by a pick-up truck. EMTs are tending to an injured Karrion Kross, and Scarlett is a bit frantic. Drew McIntyre suddenly comes running from out of nowhere. He attacks Kross as officials try to hold him back. McIntyre smashes Kross’ head into the truck window, then beats him down. Kross is laid out as Scarlett checks on him. Officials hurry McIntyre away from the scene as he yells about this being just the beginning. We cut to the SmackDown opening video.

– The pyro goes off inside the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans as Michael Cole and Wade Barrett welcome us. We see how Karrion Kross defeated Drew McIntyre in the Strap Match at WWE Extreme Rules last weekend. The announcers hype Bray Wyatt’s return for tonight and confirm that Kross is still scheduled to compete in the Fatal 4 Way to name the new #1 contender to WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER.

Kofi Kingston vs. Sami Zayn

We go right to the ring for tonight’s opener and out first comes The New Day – Kofi Kingston with Xavier Woods. Samantha Irvin does the introductions. The New Day takes the mic and they remind everyone of their record 483-day title reign, and how important it is to them, and how they plan to keep it. Cole says this is interesting as Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos are 30 days away from breaking the record. We go backstage to the Gorilla Position and see Sami Zayn talking with Solo Sikoa now. Jey Uso walks up and Sami says finally he’s here, but where is Jimmy Uso? Jey says Jimmy is handling business and it’s a family thing. Zayn says Jimmy would’ve told him about it, if it was family. Jey says real family. Sami says they don’t have time for this talking. He tells Sikoa to hang out backstage because he has the big Fatal 4 Way tonight, and Jey will go out with Sami. Sami wants to be clear – he doesn’t want a repeat of what happened with Matt Riddle on RAW this week. Jey agrees and says Zayn was confident about getting the win on RAW, so Jey let him have it. A phone rings and it’s Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Sami answers and says he’s about to go out to the ring now. He makes some low-key comments about Jey and then hands the phone to Jey as Romana wants to speak to him. Jey tries to plead with Reigns but whatever he says, Jey hushes up and agrees. Sami takes the phone back and laughs with Reigns as Jey stares him down. The music hits and out comes The Bloodline – Sami with Jey.

The bell rings and they go at it. Kofi with a missile dropkick from the corner to send Sami to the floor. Kofi teases a dive but he puts the brakes on and Sami retreats. Woods hits the apron with Francesca as Kofi dances in the ring. Zayn looks on from ringside as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Zayn leaps off the second rope with an elbow to the forehead. Kingston kicks out at 2. Cole says the car accident investigation is still going on outside, and Karrion Kross is being examined by medics. Zayn barks at Kingston to get up now. Zayn with a suplex to keep control. Zayn stomps away on Kingston in the corner now while the referee warns him.

Zayn calls for the Rikishi/Umaga splash and he hits it in the corner, but Jey isn’t impressed. Kingston kicks out. Zayn beats Kofi around the ring with punches and forearms now. Zayn keeps control for another 2 count, then he grounds Kingston in the middle of the ring with a hold. Kingston fights up and out but Zayn drops him again with a clothesline for another 2 count. Zayn with a scoop slam in the middle of the ring. Zayn goes to the top but stops to raise his 1 with Jey. Zayn flies from the top but Kingston dropkicks him in mid-air for a big pop.

Woods rallies for Kingston now as Jey looks on. Kingston with a pair of clotheslines and a dropkick. Zayn ducks Kofi and kicks him, but Kingston nails a senton from the top rope but Zayn grabs him. Kofi counters but Zayn rolls him up for 2. Kofi levels Zayn with a knee to the face for another 2 count. Kingston goes back to the top but Zayn cuts him off. Kingston fights back and looks to dive but Sami runs back at him. Kingston headbutts Zayn to the mat. Zayn runs right back up and knocks Kingston off the top to the floor. Kingston lands hard over by the announcers. Woods runs over to check on Kingston while Jey looks on. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and they’re going at it. Kingston drops Zayn with the SOS for a close 2 count. Zayn catches Kofi in the corner but Kofi fights free with elbow strikes. Kofi goes to the top but Sami rolls to the floor. Jey and Woods end up having words at ringside. Jey levels Woods to put him down at ringside with a superkick. Sami takes advantage of the distraction, nailing Kingston with the Blue Thunderbomb for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring.

Sami goes for the Helluva Kick but he runs into a kick from Kofi. Kofi leaps off the top and takes Zayn down. Kofi rallies but has to stop and knocks Jey off the apron. Zayn rolls Kofi up for 2. Zayn blocks Trouble In Paradise and they tangle some more. Kofi blocks a Facebuster and rolls Zayn up but Jey returns to the apron and kicks him, allowing Sami to pin Kingston for the win.

Winner: Sami Zayn

– After the match, Sami celebrates and makes his exit as the music hits. Woods tends to Kingston. Jey watches on from behind Sami on the ramp.

– WWE Hall of Famer & Chief Content Officer Triple H is backstage talking to a few police officers. He shakes their hands and they walk off. Rey Mysterio approaches Triple H now. He says it’s not easy with everything going on RAW, and he’s reached his breaking point over what’s been going on with his son Dominik Mysterio. Rey just doesn’t see a way moving forward, he won’t fight his son, not even when he’s at his worse and yelling in Rey’s face, telling him to fight him. Rey says Triple H knows how he feels and Triple H can imagine. Rey says he still sees the little boy who sat on his lap and fell asleep on his shoulder. Triple H puts a hand on Rey’s shoulder to console him as he appears to get a bit emotional. Rey says he loves WWE but he can’t do this anymore, so he came to SmackDown to look Triple H in his eyes and tell him… I quit. Fans in the arena boo. Triple H says there’s got to be another way. He asks Rey to go with him and talk for 5 minutes to see if they can come up with something else. They enter Triple H’s office as we go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and WWE NXT’s Roxanne Perez is backstage talking to Shotzi. Raquel Rodriguez walks in and comments on Perez facing her former partner, Cora Jade, at Halloween Havoc in the Weapons Wild match. Perez says that’s why she came here – to pick Raquel for the “Pick Your Poison” match against Jade next Tuesday night, if Raquel will do it. Raquel accepts. Damage CTRL interrupts and Bayley can’t believe Perez chose Rodriguez, saying she is the only choice. Perez was going to pick Bayley but Bayley isn’t exactly on a winning streak. Bayley says Perez isn’t on her level. Bayley hopes Perez is ready because tonight Damage CTRL plans to embarrass all three of them. Damage CTRL walks off as Rodriguez tells Perez and Shotzi to not worry.

Handicap Match: Braun Strowman vs. James Maverick and Brian Thomas

We go back to the ring and out comes Braun Strowman to a pop. Two enhancement talents are already waiting in the ring – James Maverick and Brian Thomas.

The bell rings and Strowman drives Thomas into the corner, then drops Maverick with an elbow as he charges from behind. Strowman proceeds to destroy both opponents with ease. Strowman with a running corner splash on Maverick. He then launches Maverick across the ring.

RAW Superstar Omos comes walking through the crowd, with MVP. They stop to watch the match at ringside, on the other side of the barrier. Thomas tries to take advantage of the distraction but Strowman fights him off. Strowman with a running powerslam to Thomas.

Strowman then grabs Maverick while staring out at Omos. Strowman gets the crowd riled up before powerbombing Maverick on top of Thomas. Braun puts a boot on his opponents to pin them while staring at Omos.

Winner: Braun Strowman

– After the match, Strowman hits the corner to pose as the music hits. MVP takes the mic and gives Strowman props for being an incredible specimen, but he’s not The Monster of All Monsters. He says Braun looks normal standing next to Omos. MVP advises Braun to not get too comfortable because monsters hang in the shadows. Braun yells out and says Omos is nothing compared to him. The music starts back up as the two sides stare each other down.

– Still to come, a new #1 contender to GUNTHER will be named, and Karrion Kross is still scheduled. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Sami Zayn is hyping Solo Sikoa up for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way. Jey Uso says Sami is welcome for his earlier won. Jey and Sami argue over who was responsible for the win. Jey asks Solo if he saw it. Solo didn’t but he was watching Sami because he can learn a lot from him. Sami agrees and says now Solo will follow in his footsteps. Sami goes on about how Solo will dominate tonight and go on to win the WWE Intercontinental Title. Solo says after he levels up tonight, he’s going to get a piece of gold for himself. Solo says let’s go.

LA Knight vs. mån.sôör

We go back to the ring and out comes Maximum Male Models – mån.sôör with ma.çé and Maxxine Dupri. Cole shows us how Max Dupri, now known as LA Knight, officially “filed for divorce” from Maximum Male Models last week. He says Maxxine revealed to him that Mama Dupri has disowned her son. Out next comes Knight to a big pop.

Mansoor tries to attack Dupri during his entrance but it back-fires. The bell rings and Knight unloads, back-dropping Mansoor across the ring. Knight with a clothesline to send Mansoor over the top rope to the floor.

Knight follows but Maxxine gets in his way. They have words. Mace taunts Knight, allowing Mansoor to attack and send Knight into the steel ring steps. Mansoor works Knight over as Mace congratulates him. Mansoor brings Knight back into the ring and drops him for a 2 count. Mansoor stomps away to keep Knight down, covering for another 2 count.

Knight sends Mansoor into the corner but Mansoor comes back with a big DDT. Knight kicks out at 2. Mansoor grounds Knight in the middle of the ring now. Mansoor keeps control but Knight fights back and nails a neckbreaker. Knight with a running knee to the face from the apron. Knight launches himself back in over the top rope with a big shoulder.

Knight catches a kick and flips Mansoor face-first onto the mat. Knight with a clothesline. Mace hits the apron but Knight knocks him off. Knight blocks Mansoor and drops him with the BFT in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: LA Knight

– After the match, Knight stands tall as the music hits. Mace carries Mansoor away from ringside while Maxxine stares Knight down. We go to replays. Knight takes the mic and wants to talk to everyone as Maximum Male Models watch from the ramp. Fans cheer Knight but he says he didn’t just do that for the fans. He insults the fans and says he doesn’t need a bunch of incels saying his name. He puts everyone on notice, including the entire roster, and says right now they all can get their tickets punched, why? Because whose name is it… it’s LA Knight, yeah. The music starts back up as Knight taunts his former stablemates from the ring.

– Still to come, Bray Wyatt is here and we will re-live his Extreme Rules return. Back to commercial.

– Back from a break and we see how Bray Wyatt returned to WWE at Extreme Rules last Saturday. Wyatt will be on SmackDown tonight.

Damage CTRL vs. Raquel Rodriguez, Shotzi and Roxanne Perez

We go back to the ring and out first comes Damage CTRL – Bayley and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions IYO SKY and Dakota Kai. We see highlights from Bayley’s Ladder Match with RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair at Extreme Rules last weekend. Damage CTRL poses on the ropes as Bayley rants to the crowd. Out next comes Shotzi, Raquel Rodriguez and Roxanne Perez, and they’re all riding on Shotzi’s tank.

Kai starts off with Perez. Kai goes for the hair to control Perez early on. Perez fights back and mounts offense for a 2 count. SKY tags in and she stares Perez down. They lock up and SKY with a takedown. They trade counters for a few minutes and SKY nails a dropkick. SKY prevents a tag, mounting Perez with punches.

Perez fights SKY off, then knocks Bayley off the apron. Perez runs the ropes and leaps out with a big suicide dive on Bayley. Perez brings Bayley back in and hits a side-Russian leg sweep for a 2 count. SKY and Bayley with a cheap shot and distraction. Bayley beats Perez down. Kai and Shotzi tag in and go at it now. Shotzi goes for a DDT on the apron but she has to fight Kai and SKY off. Kai with a big kick to Shotzi’s jaw from the apron.

Bayley runs over and yells at Cole, telling him to talk about her. SKY works Shotzi over and rolls her back in. SKY follows and tags in Kai while sending Shotzi to their corner. SKY and Kai double team Shotzi in their corner now. Shotzi knocks Bayley off the apron, then SKY, but Kai rocks her in the ring. Kai misses Shotzi on the apron, and Shotzi drops Kai face-first into the edge of the apron. Shotzi rolls back in and tags in Rodriguez. Bayley also tags in but Raquel runs over her with power moves. Raquel with a big fall-away slam to Bayley. Raquel waits for Bayley to get up, then hits a corner splash on Bayley and Kai at the same time.

Kai is sent to the floor. Raquel presses Perez in the air to throw her onto the heels, but Bayley takes her leg out and they both go down. Kai and SKY pull Raquel to the floor and they double team her. She catches Kai for a big powerbomb but SKY nails a springboard moonsault to the floor to take her down. Shotzi goes to the top and flies, taking them down on the floor. Perez rolls Bayley for a 2 count in the ring. Perez blocks the Bayley-to-Belly suplex, then kicks her. Bayley fights back and now hits the Bayley-to-Belly for a close 2 count.

Bayley is frustrated now. Bayley keeps control and goes to the top but Perez cuts her off and climbs up. Perez with a big Frankensteiner from the top but Bayley kicks out at 2. Perez is frustrated now. Bayley rocks Perez and goes for the Rose Plant but it’s countered as they tangle. Bayley gets the win via roll-up.

Winners: Damage CTRL

– After the match, Damage CTRL regroups at ringside as the babyfaces recover in the ring. We go to replays. Bayley yells at the losers to end the segment.

– Tonight’s Progressive Match Flo looks back at how Legado del Fantasma debuted last week with an attack on Hit Row.

Hit Row vs. Legado del Fantasma

We go back to the ring and out comes Hit Row first – “Top Dolla” AJ Francis and Ashante “Thee” Adonis with “B-Fab” Briana Brandy. They pose in the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see how Ronda Rousey captured the SmackDown Women’s Title from Liv Morgan in the Extreme Rules match last Saturday. We also see a new dark vignette for The Viking Raiders, with a fire. The Gods are finally speaking, and it’s about to begin. Valhalla Awaits. We go back to the ring and Hit Row waits as Legado del Fantasma comes out for their blue brand in-ring debut – Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro with Santos Escobar and Zelina Vega. Hit Row meets Legado at ringside and the four match participants start brawling while Escobar, Vega and B-Fab look on and direct traffic.

Hit Row gets the upperhand at ringside. Dolla brings Cruz back in the ring and Adonis follows. Dolla lifts Adonis in the air and drives him down into Cruz on the mat. The referee checks on Cruz and he’s good to go. The bell hits and Dolla man-handles Cruz, talking trash. Dolla drops Cruz with a shoulder. Dolla stands tall over Cruz to some cheers. Dolla shows off some and drops a big elbow in the middle of the ring. Escobar pulls Adonis off the apron, sending him face-first into the steel ring steps

B-Fab yells at Escobar but Vega takes B-Fab down at ringside and works her over. Wilde tags in and they unload on Dolla with the double team. The double team continues with the Sacrificio finisher for the pin to get the fairly quick win.

Winners: Legado del Fantasma

– After the match, Legado del Fantasma celebrates in the ring as the music hits.

– Kayla Braxton is backstage with Sonya Deville now. She mentions seizing her opportunity against Alba Fyre on NXT, and says someone who did not seize their opportunity this week was Liv Morgan. She says Liv has been given opportunity after opportunity but she keeps failing. Deville says Liv had the chance to solidify her title reign at Extreme Rules and prove she deserved it, but she got destroyed by new SmackDown Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey. Deville says Liv just doesn’t have it, she’s nothing but a whiny… Morgan suddenly attacks from behind and beats Deville down, forcing Braxton to quickly retreat. Liv slams Deville on top of a production case. Liv is wide-eyed as she kicks Deville around and clears a table off. She slams Deville’s face into the table over and over. Deville slowly gets back up but Liv delivers a stiff kick to the face. Liv then places Deville on top of the table. Liv climbs the set scaffolding and leaps off, putting Deville through the table with a big senton. Liv appears to be hurting as she lays there amid the debris, but Deville is laid out.

Fatal 4 Way to Crown a New #1 Contender to WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER: Ricochet vs. Sheamus vs. Solo Sikoa vs. Rey Mysterio

We go back to the ring for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way to decide who will be the next challenger to WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER. The music hits and out comes Ricochet to a pop. He poses in the corners and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see how Matt Riddle defeated new WWE United States Champion Seth Rollins in the Fight Pit at Extreme Rules. We go back to the ring for the Fatal 4 Way as Ricochet waits. Out next comes leader of The Brawling Brutes – Sheamus, by himself. The Celtic Warrior hits the ring to a pop and waits as The Bloodline’s Solo Sikoa makes his way out next, by himself as well. Solo hypes himself up as Ricochet and Sheamus stare him down. Samantha Irvin announces that Karrion Kross is unable to compete due to injuries suffered in the earlier car accident, so the new fourth member of the Fatal 4 Way is… the music hits and out comes Rey Mysterio to a pop.

The bell rings and they go at it. Sheamus and Rey watch as Solo and Ricochet fight on the apron, both ending up down on the floor. Sheamus and Rey fight now. Cole says this is the first time fighting in WWE.

Rey sends Sheamus to the floor, then runs and leaps over the top rope with a corkscrew, taking Sheamus back down at ringside. Rey returns to the ring and stands tall by himself to a pop. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Ricochet blocks a Cloverleaf submission. Sheamus levels Ricochet and catches Rey in mid-air with an Irish Curse backbreaker. Cole says Rey made a deal with Triple H, and he’s now an official member of SmackDown. Sheamus plants Ricochet in the mat again. Sheamus calls for a Brogue Kick to Ricochet but Solo runs in and clotheslines Ricochet instead, intercepting him. Solo and Sheamus stare each other down as fans pop now. They meet in the middle of the ring and have words.

Solo strikes first and they go at it into the ropes. Sheamus shoulders Solo to the floor. Sheamus follows but Solo catches him with a Samoan Drop on the floor. Ricochet runs and leaps out from the ring, taking Solo down. Rey runs the ring and slides under the rope, splashing Sheamaus on the floor.

Rey and Ricochet face off back in the ring now. Fans pop as they go at it. Rey with a takedown. Rey with a head-scissors but Ricochet lands on his feet. They trade more counters and pin attempts. Ricochet with a Northern Lights suplex but he rolls through into a suplex for a 2 count. Ricochet goes to the top for a Shooting Star Press but he lands on his feet as Rey moves.

Solo rushes in and splashes Ricochet into the corner, then splashes Rey into the opposite corner, and again. Solo with a spinning heel kick to take Sheamus back down. Solo stands tall in the middle of the ring and yells out as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Solo has been dominating through the commercial. He beats Sheamus down in the corner and motions for a title around his waist as some fans boo. Solo headbutts Rey. Solo and Sheamus fight out of the corner. They trade big strikes now. Sheamus goes on and pulls himself to the top after dropping Rey and Solo. Ricochet leaps to the top with Sheamus and they tangle. Ricochet and Rey are up top double teaming Sheamus now.

Solo gets up and sends Rey and Ricochet to the mat with a double powerbomb. He covers Rey for the pin but Sheamaus leaps off the top with a big knee drop to Solo’s kidneys to break it up. Sheamus is up first. He delivers 10 Beats of the Bodhrán to Solo as fans count along, going to 26 instead of 10. Sheamus brings Solo back in for White Noise but Solo fights free. They trade big strikes and Sheamaus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf submission now.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Jey Uso suddenly hits the apron and Sheamus knocks him off. Sami Zayn rushes into the ring but Sheamus clotheslines him and sends him to the floor. Solo drops Sheamus, sending him to the floor. Sami mounts Sheamus with punches at ringside but Jey pulls him off so he can pound on Sheamus instead.

Sheamus is double teamed now until Butch and Ridge Holland make the save. Solo comes out and assists Sami and Jey as the The Bloodline and The Brawling Brutes members fight away from the ring area. Rey flies into the ring and goes for 619 to Ricochet but Ricochet catches his legs, then looks to finish Rey off but Rey counters and drops him on his head with a modified Destroyer. Rey nails 619 and goes to the top for the Frogsplash for the pin to win and earn the title shot.

Winner and New #1 Contender to WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER: Rey Mysterio

– After the match, Rey stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. Rey celebrates and says SmackDown is his new home, and he was ready to quit but now he has a title shot. Booyaka.

– Still to come, Bray Wyatt is here. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and it’s time for Bray Wyatt’s first SmackDown appearance since The Fiend defeated Kevin Owens on October 9, 2020. Ominous music starts up and eventually transitions with a hip-hop/rock beat and lyrics. The door from Extreme Rules is kicked open, and the light shines through. Out comes Wyatt with his lantern as fans cheer and light up the Smoothie King Center with fireflies. Wyatt enters the ring as his new theme continues.

The music suddenly stops as the crowd erupts. Wyatt is standing in the middle of the ring, with the lights still low. Fans chant “welcome back!” and Wyatt takes the mic. He says he’s incredibly grateful and really, really nervous to be here. He never thought this would happen. Wyatt says this is just him, a version of him that he never got to introduce to the fans before. Just him being him, genuine him for the first time. Wyatt chuckles and fans pop.

Wyatt just wants to share how this past year of his life – he lost a lot of things, he lost… he tells a fan he loves them, too. He lost his career, his self confidence, two people who were very, very close to him. Wyatt is a bit emotional and his voice is shaky, almost cracking. He says he also lost his way, and got to a point where he thought everything he’d ever one in WWE was all meaningless, nothing he ever did has mattered to anyone, and he was wrong. He was wrong.

Wyatt says once he was done feeling sorry for himself he decided to go into the world again and see people everywhere. They said thank you, when are you coming back home, and every once in a while it would be someone he met who was truly remarkable, and you know who you are. He says these people come to him and say, ‘Bray, I just want to thank you, man, because I was in a time of need and I lost people that were close to me, and I lost my self confidence, and I felt weak, and I felt vulnerable, and in this wicked state, I found your words, Bray, and I just wanted to thank you, man, you saved my life, Bray.’

Fans pop. Wyatt says the truth is he doesn’t think about things like this. A “thank you Bray!” chant starts up. Wyatt says one thing about this is, he can sit here right now today and look everyone in the eyes and say they were there when he was weak, vulnerable, and run-down, so he just wanted to say thank you, you all saved my life. Fans pop again.

Wyatt says fans wouldn’t leave him alone, every time he tried to get away and hide, they found him, they’re the reason… the Wyatt moth logo suddenly appears on the big screen. The Wyatt face mask with the distorted voice from Extreme Rules and RAW appears on the screen. The masked character tells Wyatt to come with him, your life is done, forget the future, forget the past, life is over. The character continues and says you have no idea who you are dealing with… oh, but you will. The character laughs and repeats the line – oh, but you will.

The Wyatt moth logo suddenly appears on the big screen again as SmackDown goes off the air.

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