10/14/22 AEW Rampage Recap

Oct 14, 2022 - by Jason Graening

Join the Starman as he recaps tonight’s edition AEW Dynamite, which airs on TNT from the Coca-Cola Coliseum in Toronto, Ontario.

It’s Friday night and you know what that means. The Rampage intro hits and the pyro hits to kick off the show. Wrestlers are already in the ring and we head right into action.

Match 1: Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli vs. The Butcher & The Blade
The bell rings and the four immediately go at it and the action quickly goes out to the floor. Order is restored and both sides go back and forth in the opening moments, until the Bunny gets involved and allows the Butcher and the Blade to take full control of the match as we head into a commercial break.

We return as the Butcher and the Blade continues to work over Castanoli with quick tags and double team moves to pick up a near fall. Castagnoli makes the hot tag, who comes in and quickly takes down the Blade before knocking the Butcher out to the floor and diving out on top of him. Back in the ring, Moxley rakes the Blade’s back and takes him down with a superplex and a piledriver, but the Blade kicks out of the pin attempt. The Butcher comes in and takes Moxley out with a cross body block and the duo goes for a double team move, but Castagnoli saves his partner. Castagnoli tags in as the two take out the Butcher and the Blade in tandem to pick up the pin fall.

Winner: Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli defeated The Butcher & The Blade by pin fall.

Jon Moxley gets in the microphone and says the Blackpool Combat Club doesn’t care who they face and won’t stay down. Moxley then asks Castagnoli what is going to happen next week to the Cowboy if he doesn’t step up. Castagnoli says he is going to get stepped on as we see Hangman Adam Page watching from the back.

Renee Paquette is backstage with Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee and Swerve says their next goal is to get TNA Tag Team Championship and thinks that Mark Sterling trademarking Scissoring is hilarious. Lee steps in and says he believes in Swerve and he doesn’t need to cheat to beat anyone. Lee says Swerve is swerving into the wrong lane and walks away as we head into a commercial break.

Renee Paquette is backstage with the Dark Order and are interrupted by Jose Garcia. Preston Vance says Garcia has been bothering him for the past two months and challenges Rush to a match next week. Vance says if he defeats Rush, Jose will leave him alone for good. The Dark Order then puts their hands all together and another hands enters the pile. Stu Grayson is there and says he won’t miss them being in Canada.

The Jericho Appreciation Society makes their way down to the ring as the announce team recaps what happened this past Wednesday night on Dynamite. Angelo Parker says the family is back together and Matt Menard says the JAS will be together forever. Daniel Garcia says he didn’t want to believe it when Chris Jericho said that sports entertainers are superior to pro wrestlers, but when Jericho hit him in the head with the ROH Championship, he realized then that sports entertainers win every time. He then says his name is Daniel Garcia and he is a sports entertainer.

Jericho gets on the microphone then says he is the best Ring of Jericho champion and will beat every former ROH Champion. He is then interrupted by Dalton Castle and his boys. Castle says he was a former champion and it makes him sick to see the championship around his waist. Castle said he broke his back for the ROH Championship and is willing to break Jericho’s in order to give the people the champion they deserve. Castle then challenges Jericho to a match next week on Dynamite and Jericho accepts.

A video package highlighting the upcoming match on Tuesday Night Dynamite when the interim AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm defending the title against Hikaru Shida, which brings us into the next match of the night.

Match 2: Nyla Rose vs. Anna Jay A.S.
Footage if Nyla Rose wearing the TBS Championship to an autograph signing is aired. The match starts and Anna Jay gets in some quick offense, but Nyla takes her down with two body slams to pick up a near fall. Nyla then misses with a cannonball in the corner as we head into a commercial break. The match continues as Anna is able to counter Nyla’s attack and picks up a near fall. Nyla then rams Anna into the corner and hits the Beast Bomb to pick up the pin fall victory.

Winner: Nyla Rose defeated Anna Jay A.S. by pin fall.

Vicki Guerrero comes into the ring holding a 1-0 sign as Jade Cargill and the Baddies walk down the ramp. Leila Grey and Kiera Hogan tell Jade to stay back as they make their way to the ring. The two are stopped by security as Jade comes down and takes out the security, however, Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir and Vicki Guerrero sneak behind them to escape.

A video package featuring the Trust Busters is aired. Ari Daivari says he isn’t trying to recruit Hook and says the envelope Hook tore up last week had a check for $50,000 so he could buy the FTW Championship. Daivari says he will take the FTW Championship from him next week on Rampage by any means necessary.

Match 3: Isiah Kassidy vs. Ethan Page
The bell rings and Page quickly takes Kassidy down with a boot to the face as the announce team reminds us that if Page wins, the contract for Matt Hardy will belong to the Firm and Kassidy is fighting to get Private Party’s contract out from the Firm. Kassidy picks up a couple of near falls as Page rolls out to the floor. Kassidy takes Page out with a dive over the top rope and rolls Page back into the ring. Stokely Hathaway distracts Kassidy, which gives Page an opening to regain control of the match. Page hits Kassidy with a Twist of Fate and then hits the Ego’s Edge to pick up the pin fall. Matt Hardy’s contract now belongs to the Firm as Hardy and Marq Quen look dejected.

Winner: Ethan Page defeated Isiah Kassidy by pin fall to gain control of Matt Hardy’s contract.

A video package featuring Orange Cassidy and the Best Friends is aired. Best Friends call out Death Triangle next Tuesday on Dynamite for the Trios Titles as they want gold for all the boys as we head into a commercial break.

Mark Henry as moderating an interview between Prince Nana & the Embassy and FTR & Shawn Spears. Spears says he has been waiting five months for this as FTR puts over the Embassy but says the Pinnacle always comes out on top. It’s time for the main event.

Match 4: Shawn Spears & FTR vs. The Embassy (Brian Cage & the Gates of Agony)
Spears does is NXT “10” entrance for the match. Spears is able to get in some early offense on Kaun and connects with 10 punches in the corner. The fight spills out to the floor as we head into a commercial break.

The match continues as Cage sends Spears into the ring with a superplex for a near fall. Spears then counters with a DDT and crawls to his corner, but he is cut off by Kaun. Spears kicks him off and makes the hot tag to Dax Harwood. Harwood takes Kaun down with a spinebuster, but Cage runs in and levels him with a clothesline. Cage is tagged in and connects with a elbow from the top rope and goes for the cover, but it is broken up by Spears. The match breaks down and both members of FTR puts the Sharpshooter on Cage and Kaun. Price Nana tries to interfere, but Spears pulls him in and puts the Sharpshooter on him. Toa Liona comes in and clears the ring. The fight heads out to the floor until Kaun and Harwood go back into the ring. A series of quick tags allows Spears to become the legal man and takes Kaun out with the C4 for the pin fall.

Winner: Shawn Spears & FTR defeated The Embassy (Brian Cage & the Gates of Agony) by pin fall.

The Pinnacle celebrates their win but are interrupted by the Kingdon (Maria Kanellis, Mike Bennett and Matt Taven). Maria introduces herself as the first lady of professional wrestling. She goes on to say that the ROH and IWGP Tag Team Titles belong to them and that they never get the credit they deserve. Maria then introduces Bennett and Taven as the Embassy attacks FTR and Spears from behind. The Kingdom join in to make it 5-on-3 until Samoa Joe and Wardlow walk out to even the odds. The Embassy and The Kingdom clears the ring as they enter and Rampage comes to a close.

Quick Results
– Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli defeated The Butcher & The Blade by pin fall.
– Nyla Rose defeated Anna Jay A.S. by pin fall.
– Ethan Page defeated Isiah Kassidy by pin fall to gain control of Matt Hardy’s contract.
– Shawn Spears & FTR defeated The Embassy (Brian Cage & the Gates of Agony) by pin fall.

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