WWE Raw Report – 9/26/22

Sep 26, 2022 - by Staff

– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens live from Rogers Place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada as the pyro goes off. Jimmy Smith welcomes us and he’s joined at ringside by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. They hype tonight’s show and we go to the ring.

– We go right to the ring and out comes RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair, Asuka and Alexa Bliss.

We see recent happenings between Belair and Bayley. Belair takes the mic and says she thought about challenging Bayley tonight, why wait until Extreme Rules? But she knew Bayley wouldn’t make this about just them. Belair goes on about how Bayley should’ve faced Bliss one-on-one but she can’t fight her battles alone so the others from Damage CTRL had to interfere. Belair says Bliss and Asuka will be watching Bayley’s girls at WWE Extreme Rules to make sure it stays one-on-one. The music hits and out comes Damage CTRL – Bayley, WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY.

Bayley says she thought Belair would’ve learned her lesson last week. Bayley goes on about how she’s wanted to take over WWE since age 12. She says Belair was chosen but Belair dismisses this and says she earned everything she has. Belair knocks Bayley for being out so long with an injury, and says she will not downplay her own accomplishments. Bayley says she was out injured, but she taught herself how to walk and run again, then she pinned Belair at WWE Clash at The Castle. She says Belair only had success because she wasn’t here, so Belair needs to fall in line like everyone else.

Belair disagrees and goes on how Bayley was here when she began her rise, and she remembers putting Bayley on a ladder with the KOD at Hell In a Cell. Bayley is sick of hearing about the past and hearing Belair run her mouth, but Belair just gave her a good idea. Bayley wants their match at Extreme Rules to be a Ladder Match. Belair seemingly accepts and says she can’t have Bayley, then she will get extreme with her girl tonight. Belair and SKY have words now as they get ready to go. A referee enters the ring and here we go.

RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair vs. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion IYO SKY

The bell rings and this non-title match begins as RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair dropkicks WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion IYO SKY, sending her out of the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and we see a black SUV pulling up in the back. The Bloodline’s Solo Sikoa and Sami Zayn hop out. Sami is on the phone with someone as they enter the arena. We go back to the ring and Belair dumps SKY to the apron. They tangle and Belair slams SKY to the mat face-first. Belair keeps control and covers for 2. We see Belair’s thrust in the corner.

SKY turns it around in the corner and unloads, unloading to beat Belair down. SKY with double knees in the corner for a 2 count. SKY counters a submission with a roll-up for 2. Belair fights in from the apron then mounts SKY in the corner with right hands as fans count along. Belair drops SKY with a big right hand for another close 2 count as Alexa Bliss and Asuka look on. SKY blocks the KOD with elbows.

Belair goes for another waistlock but SKY fights her off as partner Dakota Kai laughs from ringside. SKY drops Belair on the apron while she’s draped over the ropes, and then nails a dropkick from the floor. Damage CTRL celebrates as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and SKY remains in control. Belair mounts offense and turns it around now.Belair with a suplex, and she holds it for a long vertical suplex in the middle of the ring now. SKY kicks out at 2. SKY blocks the Glam Slam and rolls Belair for 2. SKY stands on Belair’s braid now to keep her down as fans boo. Belair escapes but misses the handspring moonsault, but lands on her feet. They tangle and Belair slams SKY, then this time she hits the moonsault.

SKY kicks out just in time and Belair shows some frustration. SKY dodges the KOD, then fights in from the apron and drops Belair. SKY goes to the top and nails a crossbody but Belair rolls through with her, then stands up with a big fall-away slam for a pop. SKY kicks out at 2. Belair goes to the top but SKY cuts her off and rocks her, then climbs up. SKY goes for the Frankensteiner but Belair blocks. SKY fights free and rocks Belair, then leaps back up with a super arm drag to the mat. SKY plays to the crowd for boos, then hits the running double knees in the corner.

SKY shows off some more and goes back to the top but Belair cuts her off, then shoves her to the floor but Bayley and Kai catch her for the save. Belair leaps over the top to take Bayley and Kai down on the floor. Belair stands tall for a pop. SKY attacks Belair and brings it back in the ring. SKY springboards in but Belair dodges her. Belair then hits the KOD in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Bianca Belair

– After the match, the music hits as Belair celebrates. We go to replays. Belair stands tall with the title in the air as Damage CTRL regroups.

– Kevin Patrick is backstage with Rey Mysterio now. He brings up how Dominik Mysterio asked his dad to hit him with a steel chair last week, and asks Rey what is on his mind. Rey sighs and says Kevin as a father knows there’s no feeling like holding a newborn and wanting them to grow up, always wanting the best for them. Rey will always love his son and he will not under any circumstances fight him, but last week he wondered what happened to the son he raised because he doesn’t recognize who he’s become. Rey knows that is not his son, it’s Rhea Ripley manipulating his heart and min. Rey can’t let him sway his focus because tonight he steps in the ring with Seth Rollins. He’s had his fair share of battles with Rollins and he knows what a savage Rollins is. He says Rollins wanted to injure Matt Riddle with the same steel chair Dominik wanted Rey to hit him with, so Rey may have mercy on his own flesh and blood, but with everything going through his head right now, he will not show any mercy to Rollins tonight. Rey walks off and we go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and The Miz is backstage with a group of security guards. Miz says they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity worth $1 million dollars but not limited to an exclusive cameo in, gift cards, a certified pre-owned vehicle, plus career advice worth millions. Miz says he didn’t want big muscular security, he wanted smart and stealth security, which is why he chose these guys. Miz says these are not just elite security professionals, they are Miz-Force. He gets them to chant Miz-Force and orders them to go find He Who Shall Not Be Named and make sure He’s not here, referring to Dexter Lumis. The Miz-Force security teams rushes off as Miz looks on.

Seth Rollins vs. Rey Mysterio

We go back to the ring and out comes Seth Rollins as Mike Rome does the introductions. We see what happened last week with Rollins and Matt Riddle. The announcers hype their Fight Pit match at Extreme Rules. Rollins hits the ring and fans sing his theme. Rollins welcomes everyone to Monday Night Rollins. Rollins says he should be standing here as the new WWE United States Champion but there’s one reason he’s not, Riddle. Rollins recalls how he almost had Bobby Lashley beat last week but Riddle forced him to take his eye off the ball for one second and it cost him. Riddle has been a thorn in Rollins’ side for months but he cost him the last time because they will finish this inside the Fight Pit in two weeks. Rollins looks out at the crowd and they begin singing his theme again. Rollins has seen everyone’s comments about how the Fight Pit is Riddle’s match and how they think Rollins won’t win. Rollins says this may be Riddle’s match but Rollins has what Riddle doesn’t – the mind for fighting. Rollins says he has an Einstein-level acumen for fighting. Rollins goes on about how he will win inside the Fight Pit and everyone will be singing his song, and calling him the King of the Fight Pit. Rollins hopes Riddle is watching in the back and taking notes because he’s about to give the Father of the Year the beating he’s too cowardly to give his own son. The music interrupts and out comes Rey Mysterio. Rey is all business tonight as Rollins looks on. Rey hits the ring and attacks Rollins before the bell, sending him out of the ring. Rollins seethes at ringside and yells out as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rollins is beating Rey down in the corner. We see how Rey blocked a shot into the steel ring steps during the break, sending Rollins into the steel. Rollins works Rey over on the ropes now.

Rey counters from the corner and takes Rollins down with a scissors for a pop. Rey kicks Rollins but Rollins catches him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Rollins with more offense and another 2 count in the middle of the ring. Rey looks to make a comeback as he flies back in but Rollins cuts him off. We see how Rollins is bleeding from his forehead as he looks out at the crowd.

Rollins with a big chop in the corner, then a corner splash. Rollins wastes some time and now misses a corner splash. Rey fights back and sends Rollins face-first into the turnbuckles. Rey mounts Rollins with right hands in the corner as fans count along. Rey dodges a move and elbows Rollins. Rollins catches Rey in mid-air and drives him down with a big Gutbuster over the knee. Rollins launches Rey under the bottom rope, sending him to the floor hard.

Dominik Mysterio comes walking down the ramp now with a steel chair as fans boo and a QR code shows up on the screen but quickly disappears. Rollins looks on from ringside, and Rey is down at his feet. Dominik approaches Rollins but Rollins is wary. Dominik smiles and pats Rollins on the back. Rollins smiles now as fans boo. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rollins is working Rey over as Dominik watches from a chair at ringside. Rollins continues to dominate and then shares a moment with Dominik at ringside. Rollins brings it back in and goes for the Three Amigos suplexes to Rey as fans boo. Rollins wastes some time before the third suplex, acknowledging Dominik, and then Rey counters the third suplex with a big DDT in the middle of the ring. Dominik looks concerned now. Rollins goes for a big Buckle Bomb but Rey turns it into a hurricanrana. Rey climbs up but Rollins cuts him off. Rollins with punches but Rey knocks him to the mat. Rollins leaps right back up but Rey blocks a superplex by sending him to the mat. Rey flies and takes Rollins down, then hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Fans boo. Rey goes on for 2.

Rey drops Rollins for the 619 but Rollins blocks it, hits the Buckle Bomb, then nails the Falcon Arrow for a close 2 count. Rollins and Rey are both down now. Rey dodges the Stomp and then blocks a Pedigree. Rey sends Rollins to the floor as a worried Dominik looks on. Rey runs the ring and slides under the bottom rope hitting a big splash on the floor. Rey brings it back in at the 7 count. Rey goes to the top and hits the big splash but Rollins kicks out at 2. Rey kicks Rollins into position for the 619, but Rollins blocks it. Rollins keeps control and slams Rey on his face. Rollins goes to the top but Rey cuts him off again, crotching him.

Rey finally launches Rollins to the mat with a big hurricanrana, then nails 619 to send Rollins down. Rollins rolls to the floor for a breather. Rey leaps off the apron with a head-scissors. Dominik faces off with Rey now but he tosses the steel chair down. Dominik drops to his knees and dares his father to hit him. Rhea Ripley comes from behind and shoves Rey into the steel ring post.

The referee was distracted with Rollins. Rollins comes back in with the Stomp to put Rey back own. Rollins then grabs Rey and takes him down into the Peruvian Necktie submission. Rey fades out for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

– After the match, Rollins stands tall as the music hits. Back to commercial. Rollins makes his exit now as we see Riddle backstage watching. The WWE United States Champion walks up and Riddle is started. Lashley hypes Riddle up for the Fight Pit and tells Riddle don’t let Rollins get out of the match as he’s afraid of tapping out or getting knocked out. Riddle won’t let Rollins escape this one and plans to knock him out or submit him. Lashley says he knows Riddle was just trying to help him last week, but he warns him to never interrupt one of his matches again. Lashley goes on and tells Riddle to knock Rollins’ teeth out. Riddle says damn straight.

– We see Kevin Owens and Johnny Gargano walking backstage. They stop and see one of The Miz’s security guards laid out on the floor. They laugh and keep walking as we go back to commercial.

Alpha Academy vs. Kevin Owens and Johnny Gargano

We go back to the ring and out first comes Alpha Academy – Otis and Chad Gable. Out first comes Johnny Gargano for his team. The music hits next and out comes Kevin Owens to a big pop from the Canadian crowd. Owens and Gargano march to the ring together, and Owens stops to rip up a fan sign that says “Hey KO Fight My Sign!”

The bell rings and Gargano locks up with Gable. They tangle and Gable applies a headlock. Gable drops Gargano and thanks everyone. They go at it some more and Gargano nails a hurricanrana. More back and forth, Gargano with a dropkick. Otis tags in but fans pop as Gargano tags Owens in. They collide and both are still standing. They collide again and Owens can’t drop Otis. Owens then dropkicks Otis. Gable tags in but Owens drops him, then nails a senton in the middle of the ring. Owens

Owens keeps control of Gable. Gargano jumps on Owens’ back and Owens nails the senton to Gable with Gargano riding his back. A weak cover is broken up when Gable kicks out. Otis ends up coming in and pressing Gable high in the air for a powerslam. Otis yells out for boos from the crowd but Gable is loving him. We go back to commercial with Alpha Academy in control.

Back from the break and Otis is dominating Gargano. Gable tags in for the double team but Gargano fights them off and crawls to Owens. Gable stops the tag and applies the ankle lock to Gargano but it’s blocked. Gargano rocks Gable with a kick. Owens unloads on Gable and nails the Atomic Drop, then clothesline. Owens rocks Otis off the apron and levels Gable with a clothesline as fans pop. Owens with a big corner cannonball to Gable in the corner. Owens drops Gable again in the middle of the ring for 2. Owens goes to the top for the big Swanton Bomb but Gable gets his knees up, and Owens lands bad.

Gable goes to the top now but misses a moonsault and lands on his feet. Gable blocks the superkick and the Stunner. Owens ends up applying the Sharpshooter as Canada pops big time. Gable crawls for the bottom rope but Owens pulls him back. Otis rushes in to attack Owens, breaking the hold up. Otis tells everyone to suck it. Gargano tags in, knocks Otis to the floor, and tangles with Gable. Owens tags in as Gargano nails a roundhouse kick to Gable, then launches him into the turnbuckles. Owens goes to the top and hits the Swanton to Gable for another close 2 count.

Owens can’t believe it. Gable blocks the Pop-Up Powerbomb and nails a German suplex to Owens. Gargano tags in and goes for One Final Shot but Gable nails a Northern Lights suplex, then a big German. Otis tags in and puts Gargano on his shoulders for the Electric Chair. Gable leaps off the top with the big super bulldog off Otis’ shoulders as Owens break the pin up.

Otis levels Owens with a clothesline, then sends him to the floor. Otis runs around the ring and drops Owens with a big clothesline as fans boo. Otis takes apart the announce table now. Owens fights back and superkicks Otis twice, putting him on top of the announce table. Owens stands on top of the barrier now, then leaps with a flying elbow to put Otis through the table. Gable and Gargano look on from the ring as fans chant “holy shit!” now.

Gargano and Gable fight, and Gargano nails a clothesline. Gargano looks to finish Gable off but Austin Theory appears at ringside with his Money In the Bank briefcase, providing the distraction. Gable ends up rocking Gargano and hitting a big Cliffhanger DDT for a close 2 count.

Gable can’t believe it but Theory is still confident as he looks on from ringside. Theory swings the briefcase from behind but Gargano ducks it, then superkicks him. Gargano fights with Gable from the apron now. Gargano nails One Final Beat for the pin to win.

Winners: Johnny Gargano and Kevin Owens

– After the match, Gargano’s music starts up as he and Owens hit the corners to pose. Alpha Academy recovers at ringside.

– Kevin Patrick stops AJ Styles backstage and asks why he turned down the invite from The Judgment Day last week. AJ says you gotta give respect to get respect, and he’s been on his own for a while now. Finn Balor walks up smiling as fans in the arena boo. Balor says he comes in peace, he is AJ’s friend. Balor says they know the importance of having a few friends around here. He says The Judgment Day has already achieved a lot, but with AJ, he and Balor could change the business together again. AJ shakes his head. Balor tells him to hear him out – AJ has a match tonight with Sami Zayn, and Sami has back-up in Solo Sikoa. Balor says as AJ’s friend, The Judgment Day would like to once again offer an olive branch. AJ says he will watch his own back. He walks off as Finn nods his head.

– We see Omos and MVP walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and this week’s Royal Rumble Classic replay looks at the 1998 match.

– Austin Theory is backstage with Alpha Academy, asking what happened out there. Chad Gable says Otis hasn’t been 100% since that dumb doofus Braun Strowman hurt him on SmackDown. Gable says they would’ve schooled Johnny Gargano and Kevin Owens tonight if it weren’t for Braun. Theory says it would’ve been good to know that before this happened to his jaw. Theory says they need to get even because Gargano will not embarrass him twice in a dump like Canada. Theory’s phone rings and it’s someone for Gable. We hear Braun Strowman on the other end, and he’s not happy about the doofus comments. Braun promises they won’t be laughing next week as he challenges Gable to a match in Gable’s hometown, so they won’t have to fly Gable’s body home for the funeral. Gable tries to deliver a “Shoosh!” to Braun but he’s stuttering. They hang up and Theory hypes Gable up for next week, and says Otis will also face Gargano and end his short run here as this will be Gargano’s last match.

Omos vs. Greg Lester and Joey Gibson

We go back to the ring and Omos has made his way out. MVP is on commentary. Two enhancement talents are waiting in the ring – Greg Lester and Joey Gibson.

The bell rings and Omos grabs one man by the throat, then the other. Omos runs them both over the top rope to the floor. Omos follows and launches one guy into the steel ring steps. Omos then destroys the other guy, sending him into the edge of the apron and nailing a huge kick. Omos tosses the guy back into the ring and splashes him in the corner. Omos brings the other guy in from the apron, launching him to the mat.

Omos runs over the guy with a clothesline, then picks up the other for a chokebomb in the middle of the ring. Omos then drops the other guy with a chokebomb, and pins the first guy with a boot on the chest for the win.

Winner: Omos

– After the match, Omos stands tall as the music hits. MVP barks orders and Omos sends his victims back to the floor. Omos places Gibson on the announce table, then stacks Lester on top of him. MVP hypes Omos up as he stands on top of them on the announce table, raising his first in the air and yelling out.

– The Miz goes back into the room he was in earlier but he’s furious and disappointed when he sees his Miz-Force security guards laid out. The room has several Edmonton Oilers (local NHL team) items on display, including what looks to be a life-size hockey player mannequin. Miz is ranting when he suddenly senses Dexter Lumis in the room. Lumis is hiding in the hockey suit. He takes the helmet off and stares at the back of Miz’s head. Miz turns around and Lumis drops him with one shot. Lumis then breaks the hockey stock over him while he’s down. Lumis sits down next to Miz and Miz tries to crawl away but Lumis puts him to sleep with The Silence. Lumis starts petting Miz to end the segment.

– Back from the break and we see what just happened to The Miz.

Nikki A.S.H. vs. Candice LeRae

We go back to the ring and Nikki A.S.H. is out. She’s angry and ready to get revenge on Doudrop. The music hits and out comes Candice LeRae instead. LeRae gets a big pop for her surprise debut and Nikki is shocked.

The bell rings and they go at it. LeRae attacks but Nikki rocks her and sends her out. Nikki traps LeRae in the apron cover and works her over with aggression. Nikki brings it back in but LeRae ends up fighting her off, unloading into the corner.

LeRae drops Nikki in the corner and unloads. LeRae goes on and drops her from behind. LeRae goes to the top but Nikki cuts her off. Nikki climbs up and talks some trash. LeRae rocks her and sends her to the mat with a super swinging neckbreaker from the second turnbuckle. LeRae covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Candice LeRae

– After the match, LeRae stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. LeRae poses as Nikki looks on from the corner. LeRae bows to the crowd and makes her exit. Nikki takes her mask off and she’s crying in the corner now.

– We get a video package on Logan Paul’s challenge to Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns for WWE Crown Jewel.

– Kevin Patrick is backstage with The Judgment Day. Finn Balor tries to convince them that AJ Styles will come around and join them. Damian Priest is asked if he will hold back against his former friend tonight. Rhea Ripley says that is a dumb question. Priest will not hold back, Riddle is a former friend but this is his family. He says they will continue to run RAW while Riddle keeps his head in the clouds. Priest goes on knocking Riddle and says Seth Rollins has him so confused he thinks he’s doing MMA now. Priest says Riddle is not a Viper, he’s not a cage fighter, and he’s sure as hell not Priest’s friend any longer. Priest says Riddle will fall like everyone else tonight, while The Judgment Day will rise.

Sami Zayn vs. AJ Styles

We go back to the ring and out comes The Bloodline’s Sami Zayn with Solo Sikoa. We see how Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns officially made Zayn an Honorary Uce on SmackDown. Sami is excited to show off his custom t-shirt from Reigns now. Out next comes AJ Styles as Solo looks on.

The bell rings and they go at it as fans sing “Ole!” now. They collide with shoulders and Sami raises the 1 in the air, talking some trash. AJ unloads and nails a dropkick. AJ keeps control and hits a backbreaker in the middle of the ring. AJ with more offense until Sami nails a big back-drop in the middle of the ring. Sami wastes some time and covers for a 1 count.

Sami takes AJ into the turnbuckle face-first. Sami leaps off the second rope with an elbow to the face for another 1 count. Sami tosses AJ to the floor near Solo. Sami follows and bumps fists with Solo, then slams AJ face-first into the edge of the apron, and again, as the referee counts. Sami kicks AJ from the apron, then nails the springboard moonsault to take AJ down on the floor.

Sami stands tall and shows off his t-shirt. Sami brings AJ back into the ring for a 2 count. AJ fights back and hits the sliding forearm, then a corner splash. AJ with Ushigoroshi. AJ looks for the Styles Clash but it’s blocked. They trade strikes and AJ hits the Rack Bomb for another close 2 count. Sami rolls to the floor for a breather as the referee counts. AJ launches himself out of the ring, dropping Sami at ringside. AJ stares Solo down as we go to a break.

Back from the break and they block suplex attempts and go down. We see how Sami mounted offense during the break with stiff shots. AJ with a forearm from the apron. AJ goes for the Phenomenal Forearm but Sami moves. More back and forth now. Sami launches AJ into the turnbuckles and he lands hard. Sami rolls to the floor for a breather at Solo’s feet.

AJ follows and brings Sami back in. AJ goes over and has some words with Solo now. AJ comes back in but Sami meets him with a big boot, then the Blue Thunderbomb. AJ kicks out and Sami can’t believe it. They fight up top but Sami brings AJ back to the mat and hits a suplex into a sit-out powerbomb, a modified Orange Crush. AJ kicks out and Sami can’t believe it. They go to the floor and Sami sends AJ face-first into the ring post a few times, then sends him over the barrier into the timekeeper’s area. Sami rushes back in and looks for the count out win.

Fans count along but AJ rushes back in at the 9 count. AJ cradles Sami for 2 off a counter. They trade big strikes in the middle of the ring now. AJ gets rocked but he drops Sami with a pele kick. AJ and Sami are both down flat on their backs in the middle of the ring now as Solo looks on. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sami has AJ up top. AJ fights back and goes for the Sunset Bomb but Sami resists. AJ turns that into a Styles Clash attempt but Sami kicks free. AJ charges but Sami catches him with the Exploder into the turnbuckles. Sami readies for the Helluva Kick now but AJ rolls to the floor and some fans boo. Sami follows but AJ goes right back in. Sami follows back in but AJ rolls him into the Calf Crusher out of nowhere. Sami tries for the bottom rope but AJ tightens the hold. Sami gets the bottom rope to break the hold as Solo looks on. Sami with a jawbreaker. AJ with a sunset flip into another Styles Clash attempt but Sami breaks it up. Sami back-drops AJ to the apron but AJ hangs on.

AJ rocks Sami from the apron. Sami grabs AJ’s hair but the referee warns him. The referee is distracted by Sami now, allowing Solo to grab AJ from the apron and drive him into the edge of the apron with a Uranage. Sami follows up with a Helluva Kick to AJ in the corner for the pin to win.

Winner: Sami Zayn

– After the match, Zayn stands tall as the music hits. Sami goes to ringside to embrace Solo as we go to replays. Sami celebrates with Solo at ringside, fist-bumping him again as AJ tries to recover in the ring. The music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day. Finn Balor says it pains him to see AJ like this, and he wonders if the outcome would’ve been different if AJ took him up on the offer earlier. Balor says AJ deserves much better. Balor enters the ring while the others wait on the apron. Balor says because he’s a fair and generous person, he’s asking AJ, as a friend, to rise up and join The Judgment Day. Balor offers his hand to help AJ up from the mat. AJ gets up on his own. Damian Priest smiles from the apron. Balor throws up the “Too Sweet” in the air but AJ flips him off in response. Balor kicks AJ in the gut and beats him down. Priest and Dominik Mysterio join in now. Rhea Ripley brings a steel chair and hands it to Balor. Balor wraps the chair around AJ’s neck, then goes for a big stomp while the others hold AJ down but Balor puts the brakes on and doesn’t follow through with the stomp. Balor kneels down and says he could’ve ended it all for AJ, but he’s AJ’s friend and that’s not what friends do. The music hits while The Judgment Day stands tall over AJ, who is flat on his back with the chair still around his neck.

– Still to come, Matt Riddle vs. Damian Priest for the first time. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and the announcers talk about John Cena going into the Guinness Book of World Records for his 650 Make-A-Wish Wishes. The announcers congratulate Cena while a video plays.

– Bianca Belair, Asuka and Alexa Bliss are backstage talking when Candice LeRae walks by. She stops and says she hopes Belair shuts Bayley up at Extreme Rules. Belair says she will. She congratulates and compliments LeRae on tonight’s debut. Damage CTRL interrupts. Bayley says Belair and LeRae should be the ones to shut up. They have words and Bayley says compliments are just jealousy in disguise, right? LeRae tells her bullies are just cowards in disguise. Bayley says LeRae is confident after just one win but they can change that. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Dakota Kai says Bayley already has a match at Extreme Rules, volunteering herself. LeRae says Kai doesn’t have a match. Bayley says she knows LeRae is new, but Damage CTRL is in control here, and if she wants a match with Kai, she has to wait until next week. Bayley says she will see Belair at Extreme Rules. Belair steps to her and says they don’t have to wait. Bliss and Asuka pull Belair away.

Matt Riddle vs. Damian Priest

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event as The Judgment Day waits in the ring – Damian Priest with Finn Balor, Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. Out next comes Matt Riddle. Riddle launches himself into the ring as the pyro pops. Riddle gives a look at The Judgment Day as they stare them down, he then poses in the corner for the fans.

The bell rings and fans chant “Bro!” as they size each other up. They lock up and tangle. Priest strikes first and they lock up again. Riddle goes for a choke but Priest resists. Riddle with a submission to the arm. Priest fights but Riddle gets on his back with a Sleeper. Priest slams Riddle to the mat to break free. Priest wastes some time and Riddle grabs him from behind again for a submission.

Priest fights up and out. They size each other up and lock up again but Riddle applies a headlock, then takes Priest down. They tangle on the mat then break. Riddle misses a punt kick. They trade strikes and blocks in the middle of the ring. Priest dodges a knee and Riddle dodges a roundhouse kick. Riddle shows Priest up and taunts him for a pop. Riddle slams Priest as he charges. Riddle with the Bro-ton for a 2 count. Riddle with a big chop in the corner.

Riddle unloads with kicks in the corner now. Priest explodes out of the corner with a big heel kick to the face. Priest mounts Riddle with elbows now. Priest yells at Riddle about trying to embarrass him on his birthday. Priest with more strikes, then he sends Riddle into the corner. Riddle ends up going for a Triangle in the corner and he sends Priest to the floor. Riddle kicks Balor from the apron as he tries to interfere.

Riddle leaps off the apron but Priest knocks him out of the air, stunning Riddle. Priest scoops Riddle and slams him onto the edge of the barrier with a Broken Arrow. Riddle goes down and screams in pain. Priest stands tall and yells out as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Priest has Riddle grounded in the middle of the ring with a knee to the back. Riddle fights up and out with elbows but Priest drops him. Ripley yells at Priest to make Riddle pay. Riddle gets up with a flurry of strikes but Priest fights back. Riddle with a big Ripcord knee to the jaw, then a kip-up for a pop. Riddle with big right hands into the corner.

Priest rocks Riddle but Riddle nails a big overhead suplex, sending Priest to the floor for to regroup. Riddle kicks Priest from the apron and hits a Floating Bro to the floor. Riddle brings it back in and blocks a kick, then kicks Priest in the head. Riddle with a powerbomb and a knee to the face in the middle of the ring. Priest kicks out at 2 and Riddle can’t believe it.

More back and forth now. Riddle goes to the top for another Floating Bro but Priest jumps up and shoves him to the floor. Riddle lands hard and yells out. Priest follows and sends Riddle back into the barrier. We go to commercial with Priest standing over Riddle.

Back from the break and Riddle has Priest up top. Riddle hits a huge Fisherman’s superplex and The Judgment Day is worried. Riddle crawls for the cover but Priest kicks out at 2. They get up and trade big strikes now. Riddle with a knee. Priest blocks a knee and nails a Bell Clap. Riddle drops Priest to one knee with a kick to the head. Priest ducks a roundhouse kick and ends up catching Riddle on his shoulder. Riddle fights out and nails the Bro-Derek in the middle of the ring.

Priest kicks out at 2 and no one can believe it. Riddle goes back to the top but Ripley gets on the apron. The referee warns her. Riddle is distracted, allowing Priest to deck him from behind. Priest goes for the Broken Arrow but Riddle slides out. Riddle charges but Priest levels him with a clothesline. Priest slams Riddle face-first into the mat but Riddle kicks out just in time. Balor can’t believe it.

Priest goes for the South of Heaven chokeslam now but Riddle blocks it. Priest blocks the RKO. Riddle counters The Reckoning. Riddle drops Priest with a jumping knee. Riddle drops to the mat to prepare for the RKO like Randy Orton would. Balor hits the apron to distract but Riddle knocks him off. Priest scoops Riddle onto his shoulders but Riddle fights free and cradles Priest out of nowhere for the pin to win.

Winner: Riddle

– After the match, The Judgment Day immediately rushes the ring and beats Riddle down. Priest with a South of Heaven in the middle of the ring. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Edge to a big pop from the Canadian crowd. Edge rushes into the ring, ducks Balor, then sends Priest out with a big Spear. Edge stares down Dominik and scares him out of the ring as Balor watches from the corner. Edge turns around to Balor charging, but Edge sends him out of the ring with a Spear. Edge is fired up now. Edge takes the mic as the crowd cheers him on. Edge says they have tried to finish him over and and over again but he always comes back. Fans pop. Edge says even if it takes him 9 years, he comes back, and he got to come back in Edmonton tonight, in his country. Edge says he doesn’t quit. He challenges Balor to a match at Extreme Rules for the first time ever, in an “I Quit” match. The Judgment Day looks on from ringside as Edge’s music starts back up. Balor and Edge yell at each other as announcers hype the match at Extreme Rules. RAW goes off the air with Edge staring out at Balor.

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