WWE Smackdown Report 9/16/22

Sep 16, 2022 - by Staff

– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown on FOX opens live from the Honda Center in Anaheim, California, presented by Progressive. The pyro explodes as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by Corey Graves.

– We go right to the ring and out comes Logan Paul as Samantha Irvin does the introduction. Paul gets a mixed reaction but more cheers. Cole talks about what has happened between Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns this week.

Paul takes the mic to boos and says he thinks he did it again. He has the habit of opening his mouth and saying some stupid things. He talks about having Reigns on his podcast this week, and how he said he wants to wrestle Reigns after the interview. Fans give Paul the “What?!” treatment now and he says he will tell you what. Paul mentions how he opened his mouth about Floyd Mayweather, and claims even the greatest boxer couldn’t put him down, and still hasn’t paid him. Paul says he’s put together a press conference in Las Vegas tomorrow, and if Reigns is man enough, he’ll show up and meet Paul face-to-face.

The familiar voice of Paul Heyman interrupts. Heyman makes his return on the stage, and with him is The Bloodline – Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos, WWE NXT North American Champion Solo Sikoa, and Honorary Uce Sami Zayn. There’s no sign of Reigns. Heyman introduces himself as the counsel for Reigns as Paul looks on. The Bloodline begins to surround the ring now.

Paul invites Heyman into the ring. They shake hands as The Bloodline watches from the announce table area. Heyman says he’s got this, and tells The Bloodline to let him handle this. Heyman says if there’s anyone outside of WWE that could be a Paul Heyman Guy, it’s Logan. Fans boo. Heyman praises Paul for his exhibition fight with Mayweather, but jokes about their size difference. Paul says he’s not sure Heyman would fight anyone, so where is Heyman going with this? Heyman brings up how Logan’s brother Jake Paul has picked a fight with MMA legend Anderson Silva. Heyman goes on and says Paul shouldn’t open his mouth about The Tribal Chief.

Heyman doesn’t care about Paul’s ambitions, his background, or how he and his brother have changed the fight game, all he cares about is Paul making the smart decision about picking a fight with someone else. Paul knows Heyman is a promoter and he knows how great this could be. Paul says it’s just a press conference, what is The Bloodline so afraid of? Paul goes on and asks if they’re scared Paul will challenge Reigns at the press conference, then win the title? Paul wonders what will happen when he beats Reigns with one lucky shot, dropping The Tribal Chief like a sack of potatoes, and what if he beats Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title? Fans boo. Heyman says insults Paul and his brother, and says he doesn’t like Paul’s scenario, and doesn’t really like Paul either.

Heyman says now he has to handle Paul. Heyman calls for Solo to enter the ring. Paul bets he can knock Heyman out, then exit the ring before Solo gets to him. Sami enters the ring to a pop, then fans chant his name. Sami tells Heyman and Solo he’s got this, they’re good. Sami wonders if Heyman is the wrong guy for the job, if maybe Reigns should’ve had Sami handle Paul. A frustrated Heyman tosses the mic and exits. Sami approaches Paul and says he’s not from their world, so let Sami explain how things work around here… Paul suddenly drops Sami with a right hand to the jaw.

Paul taunts Sami while he’s down. Solo and The Usos rush the ring but Paul retreats. Paul heads to the stage as the music hits and out comes Ricochet to a pop. Ricochet has a match with Zayn as tonight’s opening bout. Ricochet and Paul stand tall together as The Bloodline looks on from the ring. We go to commercial.

Ricochet vs. Sami Zayn

Back from the break and Sami Zayn locks up with Ricochet to start. Logan Paul looks on from ringside, as does Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos, NXT North American Champion Solo Sikoa, and Paul Heyman.

Sami gets the upperhand early on, dropping Ricochet and then raising his finger in the air to some boos. The Bloodline does the same at ringside. Ricochet fights but Sami grounds him again. Ricochet turns it around and focuses on the arm now. They run the ropes and Sami drops Ricochet with a shoulder for a 2 count.

Cole mentions how Sami and Ricochet first wrestled each other in PWG more than a decade ago. They trade counters now and Ricochet drops Sami. Ricochet keeps control until Sami slides to the floor for a breather, right next to Paul. Sami is talking some trash to Paul but Ricochet takes advantage and kicks him back through the ropes into the barrier. Sami ends up bringing Ricochet back into the ring over the top rope, covering for 2. Sami works Ricochet around the ring now, nailing a second rope elbow to the head. Ricochet kicks out at 2 again.

More back and forth between the two. Sami drops Ricochet again and grounds him with a headlock. Fans rally for Ricochet now. He launches Sami with a hurricanrana and Paul applauds. Sami side-steps a move but Ricochet keeps going and leaps to the top for a move. However, Sami jumps back to his feet and shoves Ricochet from the corner out to the floor before he can execute the move. We go back to commercial with Ricochet down at ringside.

Back from the break and Sami is getting ready to fly but Ricochet leaps up to the top turnbuckle with him. Sami sends Ricochet to the mat. Sami flies but Ricochet dropkicks him out of the air for a big pop. Sami is down. Ricochet mounts some of his signature offense now. Ricochet with a big flying crossbody but Sami kicks out at 2. More back and forth now. Ricochet sweeps the leg and goes for the standing moonsault but Sami gets his knees up. Heyman is concerned at ringside. Cole’s drink ends up getting knocked over at the announce table, apparently by Heyman.

Ricochet blocks a Blue Thunderbomb and they tangle. Ricochet kicks Sami and then connects with a superkick. Jimmy Uso gets on the apron, forcing Ricochet to come off the top to deal with him. Sami takes advantage of the distraction and nails a Blue Thunderbomb. Paul has the referee distracted, which allows Ricochet to kick out at 2. Sami is frustrated and Paul is all smiles.

Sami and Ricochet go at it now. Ricochet with the Poisonrana for a close 2 count. Ricochet drops Sami, then has to knock Jey Uso off the apron. Sami rolls Ricochet up for a 2 count. Ricochet levels Sami with a big knee to the face. Ricochet knocks Jey off the apron again. Sami with a big Half & Half suplex. Jey tries crawling in the ring but the referee stops him, but this allows Ricochet to kick out of Sami’s long pin.

Sami is angry with Jey now, yelling at him from the ring. Sami goes to the floor and gets in Jey’s face as fans cheer. Jimmy gets in between them. Ricochet runs the ring and leaps out, taking down Sami and The Usos for a big pop. Ricochet brings Sami back in, then goes to the top for the Shooting Star Press. Ricochet holds it to cover for the pin to win.

Winner: Ricochet

– After the match, Ricochet celebrates as the music hits. The Bloodline seethes at ringside. Paul joins Ricochet in the ring now. The Bloodline is ready to enter the ring from the apron but Madcap Moss runs down with a steel chair, rushing into the ring to face off with The Bloodline. Moss will challenge Solo for his title later tonight.

– We see how Karrion Kross attacked Drew McIntyre last week. There will be a special look at the attack later tonight. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a video from Karrion Kross and Scarlett, with footage of how Kross took out Drew McIntyre last Friday. Kross says the hands of time decide the judgment, and The Chosen One was publicly executed by the newly appointed People’s Executioner last week. Kross recalls the pathetic noises McIntyre made while he was being choked out. Kross says Drew fought back but he then let it go. The biggest difference between them is that Kross doesn’t let things go, and Kross changes the timelines and he re-writes history. Kross says Drew can’t re-write history, and he will remain on an endless loop of suffering that Kross controls. Kross says he will make sure McIntyre never gets out of that suffering. Tick, tock…

– We go back to the ring and Maximum Male Models founders Max Dupri and Maxxine Dupri are under a spotlight. They’re not here for the nearby bright lights of Hollywood, they’re here to show off the Maximum Male Models Back 2 School Collection. The music hits and out comes ma.çé and mån.sôör modeling various clothing and accessories on the stage. The music interrupts and out comes Braun Strowman to a big pop.

The Monster of All Monsters immediately rushes out from the back and runs right over Mace and Mansoor. Braun then beats Mace and Mansoor down the ramp, sending them into the barrier. Braun launches Mansoor into the ring and he lands hard. Braun rushes in and drops Mansoor with a big strike. Braun poses for the crowd and they cheer him on. Braun then grabs Mansoor in the middle of the ring for a big powerbomb as fans cheer him on.

The music interrupts and out comes Chad Gable by himself. Gable points from the ramp, but Otis suddenly attacks Braun from behind in the ring. Braun beats Otis down and then drops Gable as he rushes into the ring. Otis attacks and sends Braun into the corner. Otis with a corner splash as Gable directs traffic. Otis then scoops Braun for a World’s Strongest Slam in the middle of the ring. Braun quickly gets back up and he’s pissed. Alpha Academy retreats to the floor. Otis talks trash from ringside while Strowman lashes out from the ring, telling Otis to come back in so he can kick his ass. Gable holds Otis back as we go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and our Progressive Match Flo replay shows us how Dakota Kai and IYO SKY defeated Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah on RAW to become the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, thanks to an assist by Bayley.

– We go back to the ring and out comes Damage CTRL – Bayley with WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY. We see celebrity Jojo Siwa sitting at ringside.

Bayley takes the mic in the ring and says everyone’s role model is back on SmackDown. She brags about being the longest-reigning blue brand Women’s Champion in history. She introduces Kai and SKY but fans boo them being champions. Kai says they can go to any brand they want, any time they want, and do anything they want. SKY says SmackDown is their show now, and Bayley agrees. Bayley says they destroyed Raquel Rodriguez and put Aliyah on the shelf. She goes on bragging about how this is real greatness, and how Damage CTRL has power for this and that in WWE. The music interrupts and out comes Raquel Rodriguez to a pop.

Raquel says she doesn’t see greatness at all, she sees three bullies who hurt her partner, and who are powerless at stopping her from getting revenge. Raquel drops the mic and rushes into the ring but Damage CTRL retreats to the floor. Raquel stands tall in the ring as we go back to commercial.

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Bayley

Back from the break and the bell rings as Raquel Rodriguez stops Bayley from escaping the corner. Rodriguez sends her back into the corner but Bayley manages to retreat to the floor.

Raquel follows and ends up throwing SKY onto Kai as Bayley looks on. They bring it back in and Raquel nails a right hand. Raquel counters and mounts more offense, launching Bayley face-first into the turnbuckles. Raquel with a big side-slam for a close 2 count. Bayley catches Raquel on the apron, hangs her up on the middle rope and then kicks her to the floor. SKY and Kai taunt Raquel while the referee counts.

Raquel crawls back in but Bayley unloads while she’s down. SKY and Kai rally for Bayley and applaud her as she beats Raquel around the ring. Bayley dodges a slam and sends Raquel into the corner. Raquel sends Bayley across the ring and hits a big boot to the chest. Raquel turns it around and goes for the middle rope corner corkscrew elbow but Kai and SKY distract from ringside, allowing Bayley to take control back. Bayley takes out the knee to boos but Raquel kicks out at 2.

Bayley drops Raquel in the middle of the ring and still focuses on the knee. Bayley wraps Raquel’s knee around the middle rope in the corner as the referee warns her. Bayley has words for the referee. Bayley goes for a leg submission but Raquel kicks away. Raquel blocks a single-leg Crab but Bayley slides in with the clothesline to the back of the head for another 2 count. Raquel catches Bayley by her neck, then tosses her into the turnbuckles but her hurt knee is giving her problems. Bayley fights back but Raquel drops her with headlocks and more strikes. Raquel is fired up now as she hits two big fall-away slams.

Raquel goes back to the second rope for the elbow but Kai and SKY provide distractions. SKY is launched off the apron and Bayley is dropped. Raquel grabs Kai and slams her on top of Bayley. Raquel with the big corner elbow to Bayley and Kai. Kai rolls to the floor, distracting the referee. SKY rakes Raquel’s eyes from the apron, allowing Bayley to hit the Rose Plant for the pin to win.

Winner: Bayley

– After the match, the music hits as Bayley stands tall. Damage CTRL immediately triple teams Raquel until the music hits and out comes Shotzi to make the save. Damage CTRL retreats as Shotzi checks on Raquel. The two sides bark at each other from the ring and the floor.

– Still to come, new #1 contenders to The Usos will be revealed, and Solo Sikoa will defend his NXT North American Title.

– We see Ronda Rousey backstage talking with Kayla Braxton. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Kayla Braxton is backstage with Ronda Rousey, asking about her previous controversial outings with SmackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan, and their WWE Extreme Rules match on October 8, and if she’s hoping for a different outcome this time. Rousey says with all due respect, there will be no controversy this time. Rousey says speak of the devil as Liv comes walking in. Liv asks Braxton if she can have a moment alone with Rousey. Braxton leaves and Liv thanks her.

Morgan sits down and says she’s never met anyone that says words that mean nothing more than Rousey. Liv says Rousey said with all due respect, but she doesn’t respect Liv. Liv points to how she’s defeated Rousey twice and says if anyone should have Rousey’s respect, it’s her. Liv brags more about their previous interactions and says nothing she says will make Rousey respect her so she will have to do what she’s done her entire career and that’s earn it, and she can only do that by beating Rousey again. Liv wants their match at Extreme Rules to be held under Extreme Rules.

Rousey leans over and laughs at the idea of an Extreme Rules match. Rousey says it will be Liv’s funeral. Rousey gets up and walks out of the room.

– The announcers are talking when Drew McIntyre suddenly appears on top of the announce table, standing there with a mic. Drew congratulates Karrion Kross on finally getting his attention. Drew says he’s been waiting backstage for Kross all day long, but it seems Kross doesn’t have the balls to face him like a man unless he’s attacking from behind. Drew tells Kross to do them both a favor – finally grow a set of balls, step up to Drew and Drew is going to make a promise right now – time is running out for Kross and the only countdown he needs to worry about is 3-2-1… lights out with the Claymore Kick. Drew drops the mic as his music starts up. He stares into the camera from on top of the table.

– The Usos are backstage hyping up Solo Sikoa while Sami Zayn looks on. The Usos say they’ve got Solo’s back tonight like they did last week, so let’s go. Solo says he’s got this because Jey Uso was off his game earlier. The Usos look surprised. Solo asks Sami if he’s coming out there with him. The Usos stare Sami down as Solo heads out to the ring. Sami follows him.

NXT North American Title Match: Madcap Moss vs. Solo Sikoa

We go back to the ring and out comes NXT North American Champion Solo Sikoa with Sami Zayn. We see how Solo won the title from Carmelo Hayes on Tuesday’s NXT 2.0 One Year Anniversary episode. Out next comes Madcap Moss to a pop. Moss hits the ring and poses as Solo and Sami look on. This is the first time the title has been defended on the main roster, and the first singles title shot for Moss. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Solo locks up with Madcap as Sami watches from ringside. They stay locked up for a minute, then break and stare at each other. They lock up again, and once again they break. Solo talks some trash and Moss shoves him. Moss grabs Solo from behind now. Solo fights free with back elbows. Moss with a right hand and a knee to the gut. Moss rocks Solo but Solo runs over him with a back elbow.

Solo kicks Moss in the chest while he’s down. Solo with a jumping headbutt in the middle of the ring. Solo taunts Moss and works him around the ring. Moss runs the ring, ducks a swing from Solo, then drops him with a big shoulder. Moss knocks Solo over the top rope to the floor now. Moss follows and beats Solo around the ringside area. Sami teases an attack from behind but Moss turns around to warn him. Solo takes advantage of the distraction and drops Moss at ringside. Solo launches Moss into the barrier, then brings him back in at the 9 count.

Solo with a spinning heel kick. Solo works Moss over while he’s down, then stomps away for another 2 count. Solo grounds Moss in the middle of the ring now. Moss tries to turn it around but Solo whips him hard into the corner, then catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex in the middle of the ring. Solo keeps control as Sami and fans rally for him. Solo with the Rikishi/Umaga splash in the corner. Solo takes his time and covers for a 2 count. Solo punishes Moss some more and says now this is it. Moss fights back and rocks Solo but Solo levels him with a big right to the jaw. Solo stomps away in the corner now to keep Moss down, as the referee warns him. Solo charges again but Moss leaps out of the corner, taking Solo’s knee out with a chop block.

Solo and Moss slowly get up now. Moss blocks punches and fights back in the middle of the ring. Moss with a big clothesline and a forearm. Moss slams Solo face-first into the mat as a worried Sami looks on. Moss with shoulders to the gut. Solo blocks the Punchline but Moss counters and nails a big modified Uranage in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count. Fans rally for Moss now as a nervous Sami watches. Solo counters with an elbow to the jaw and a big headbutt that dazes Moss.

Moss blocks a Samoan Drop. Moss keeps going and charges again but Solo catches him with the Samoan Drop. Moss still kicks out. Fans chant “Uso!” and try to rally for Moss now as Solo stomps away to keep Madcap down. Solo goes for the Rock Bottom in the middle of the ring but Moss counters and rolls him up for 2. Moss catches a crossbody in mid-air and turns it into a big fall-away slam. Moss looks to put Solo away but Sami pulls him to safety at ringside as fans boo.

Moss chases Sami around the ring, then back in. Sami runs right back out of the ring to the floor while Solo catches Moss running into the ring with a big superkick. Solo then hits the Rock Bottom/Uranage in the middle of the ring for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Solo Sikoa

– After the match, Solo stands tall as the music hits. Sami brings the NXT North American Title into the ring and gives it to Solo as we go to replays. Moss sits up against the barrier at ringside as Sami raises Solo’s arm in victory from the ring.

– Still to come, new challengers for The Usos will be determined. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and the announcers confirm Logan Paul’s press conference with Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns in Las Vegas tomorrow at 3:30pm ET, from the Dawg House Saloon & Sports Book. It will air live on WWE’s social media channels. It’s also confirmed that Reigns will be back on SmackDown next week in Salt Lake City. Braun Strowman vs. Otis is also announced for next Friday.

#1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Hit Row vs. The New Day vs. Imperium vs. The Brawling Brutes

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event to determine the new #1 contenders to Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos, for a title match next week. Out first comes Hit Row’s “Top Dolla” AJ Francis and Ashante “Thee” Adonis with “B-Fab” Briana Brandy. Out next comes The New Day’s Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. Imperium is out next as WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther leads Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci to the ring. Finally, The Brawling Brutes are out last – Ridge Holland and Butch with Sheamus.

The bell rings and Butch starts brawling with Kaiser. Butch with a big step-up enziguri to send Kaiser to the floor. Vinci comes over and drops Butch at ringside, then Holland drops Vinci. Sheamus and Gunther face off at ringside. Dolla launches Adonis out of the ring onto the others at ringside. Dolla teases a big dive to the floor but Vinci rushes in and takes his knee out.

Woods takes out Vinci with a pump kick. Woods runs the ring and leaps out onto Imperium and The Brawling Brutes. Kofi also runs the ring and uses Dolla to leap out for another big dive. The New Day celebrates at ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Kaiser is beating Butch around. Kaiser stops and plays to the crowd for heat, then covers for a quick pin attempt. Kaiser grounds Butch with a headlock now. They get up and run the ropes, and Butch levels Kaiser with a clothesline. Butch grounds Kaiser now with a knee, then starts bending his fingers back as Gunther yells at the referee to do something about it.

Butch bends Kaiser’s arm and stomps on it as Sheamus smiles from ringside. Butch tags in Holland for the double team on Kaiser. Holland covers for 2. Kaiser rocks Holland and they tangle into the ropes. Vinci tags in and clubs Holland from behind. Vinci with a deep arm drag to Holland. Vinci rocks Holland with an uppercut and chops. Holland ends up countering and launching Vinci with a big suplex. Dolla tags in and faces off with Holland now.

Holland with a shoulder but Dolla is still there, and again. Holland with an uppercut. Dolla blocks a suplex attempt and hits one of his own. Adonis tags in and Dolla slams him on top of Holland for a 2 count. Adonis mounts Holland with rights and lefts now. Adonis counters a suplex and nails a dropkick. Kofi tags in to a pop. He and Adonis go at it. Kofi with a big right hand, then the Boom Drop in the middle of the ring on Adonis. Kaiser comes from behind and sends Kofi into the ring post. Vinci tags in and Imperium hits a big double team to Kofi in the corner, sending him to the floor. Adonis slowly gets to his feet as Imperium stands tall in their corner to boos. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Kaiser has Woods grounded. Kofi fights up and out but Kaiser elbows him back down. Vinci tags in for more double teaming but Kofi mounts offense now, sending Kaiser to the floor. Kofi crawls for the tag. He back-drops Kaiser, then tags in Woods after dropping Vinci. Woods runs wild on Vinci now as fans cheer him on. Kaiser runs into a big boot but Woods nails the Honor Roll for a pop.

Butch and Adonis attack Woods but he drops them with a double DDT. Vinci attacks Woods but Woods fights him off an nails a side Russian leg sweep. Woods kips-up for a big pop. Woods with a Falcon Arrow to Vinci for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Woods yells out to the crowd for a pop. He goes to the top but has to land on his feet. Vinci levels Woods with a big clothesline.

Butch tags Vinci out, then stomps Woods, then knocks Dolla and Adonis off the apron. Butch with double knees to Woods. Butch with a moonsault from the apron to Vinci and Kaiser at ringside. Butch then leaps off the apron to take Kofi down at ringside. Butch with a snap German suplex to Adonis in the ring now. Butch is running wild as fans cheer him on. Butch levels Adonis with a big kick to the back of the neck.

Dolla enters he ring and faces off with Butch now. Butch attacks but runs into a big boot and goes down. Dolla scoops Kofi and Butch on his shoulders at the same time as fans pop. Woods leaps but Dolla catches his crossbody. Dolla has Woods, Kofi and Butch up at once, then he slams them at the same time for a pop. Dolla poses but Holland rocks him. Holland picks Dolla up but Dolla elbows him to get free. Dolla goes for a powerbomb but Holland blocks it. Holland with a big Alabama Slam on Dolla for a close 2 count. Holland can’t believe the kick out.

Woods is legal now as he tags Holland out. Adonis tags in also. Woods and Adonis unload on each other in the middle of the ring as fans chant “this is awesome!” now. Kofi tags in and nails a big suicide dive to Dolla instead, sending him over the announce table. Kofi with a big top rope splash to the back of Adonis but Butch breaks the pin up just in time. Wood sends Butch out, then launches himself out to to take Butch down on the floor. Vinci tags in and rolls Kofi up for a 2 count. Kofi rolls Vinci for 2. Vinci rocks Kofi in the corner. Vinci catches Kofi with a big Spinebuster, then Kaiser follows up with a big knee.

Kaiser is legal now as they hit the Imperium Bomb from the corner to Kofi, but Holland tags himself in, then breaks up the pin and tosses Kaiser to the floor. Holland quickly covers Kofi for the pin to steal the win and earn the title shot.

Winners and New #1 Contenders to Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos: Butch and Ridge Holland

– After the match, Butch and Holland stand tall in the middle of the ring as the music hits. Sheamus rushes in to join them as the others recover from the chaos. SmackDown quickly goes off the air with The Brawling Brutes celebrating in the middle of the ring as Butch and Holland vs. The Usos is confirmed for next week.

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