1/30/20 WWE NXT UK Results

Jan 30, 2020 - by Michael Riba

The show opens with a video recap of the matches at this past Saturday’s NXT Worlds Collide event. The opening credits roll. Aiden English and Tom Phillips are on commentary from York, England.

1. Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan defeated The Hunt (Primate and Wild Boar)

An interview with Toni Storm airs. She says Kay Lee Ray is still in her head and that it has to end.

Eddie Dennis cuts a promo in the ring. He shows a replay of what he did to Trent Seven at NXT UK TakeOver: Blackpool II earlier this month. Seven interrupts and says the only reason Dennis won is because he exposed the steel of the turnbuckle and used it. Seven proposes that they fight again, but this time with all of the turnbuckles exposed and in a Street Fights. Dennis goes for a cheap shot, but Seven sends him out of the ring with rights and lefts.

Tyler bate is shown in the NXT UK Performance Center when A-Kid walks up. A-Kid says he watches Bate at TakeOver and wants to be in that position. Bate proposes they have a match next week, and they shake hands.

A vignette for Aoife Valkyrie airs. She arrives in NXT UK in two weeks.

2. Isla Dawn defeated Nina Samuels

An interview with Ila Dragunov airs. He says he can learn from his match with Finn Balor at Worlds Collide. He says he needs to refocus because Joe Coffey is waiting for him, and he will not miss again.

An interview with Burch and Lorcan airs. Lorcan says they are here for two reasons: to beat people up, and to throw them up. Burch says they beat The Hunt tonight, and now they want to prove themselves against Gallus.

3. Ridge Holland defeated Tyson T-Bone

Next week: Tyler Bate vs. A-Kid, and Trent Seven vs. Eddie Dennis in a Steel Corners Street Fight.

4. Six-Man Tag Team Match
Imperium (Fabian Aichner, Alexander Wolfe, and Marcel Barthel) defeated Mark Andrews, Flash Morgan Webster, and Dave Mastiff

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