Johnny Impact Hints at a New TV Deal for Impact Wrestling, Talks Nashville’s Loyalty, Homecoming, more

Dec 13, 2018 - by James Walsh

Show: Interactive Wrestling Radio
Guest: Johnny Impact
Date: 12/13/18
Your Host: James Walsh

Before Impact Wrestling returns to the place where many of our first impressions of the company emanated from – The Asylum in Nashville,

Tennessee – Johnny Impact, the Impact World Champion, visited the company’s roots on a media tour to promote the January 6th, 2019

Homecoming pay-per-view. As part of that tour, Johnny joined the Wrestling Epicenter for a one on one talk about his experiences in Nashville,

his Homecoming opponent Brian Cage, Killer Kross’ continued involvement, and even a little talk about The Iron Sheik’s Massacre.

Impact Wrestling presents Homecoming from the Asylum at the Nashville Fairgrounds on January 6th, 2019. The first wrestling pay-per-view of





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On the crazy media day in Nashville:
“I am in Nashville. We just finished a media day promoting the first pay-per-view of 2019, Homecoming, at the Asylum where Impact Wrestling began in the early 2000’s.”

On the loyalty to Impact in the Nashville area:
“A lot of people I have talked to today are die-hard fans of Impact Wrestling and have been since the very beginning. It felt really cool! It really struck me today… Going back to its roots, the journey always takes you home… That kind of thing. It is one thing to say it but to be on the ground and talk to people that are excited for Impact to come back really hit home with me today.”

On if he watched many of the Impact Asylum era PPV’s in 2002-2004:
“Absolutely. I would say I was a fan. I was aware of Impact Wrestling. But, at the time, I was kind of in the WWE developmental bubble which was pretty time consuming and almost all inclusive. (laughs) But, Elix Skipper, AJ Styles, and a lot of those guys that were at Impact at that time I was a fan of and still am to this day. But, now that I’ve been with Impact Wrestling for over a year, I feel like I’ve got a much better grasp on the company, its history, and its roots.”

On the charm of the Asylum venue:
“I love it, man. I’ve wrestled there a few times before. It is such a cool venue! First of all, it has the nostalgia of Impact there. But, the other times I’ve wrestled there, it always has this electricity. I think that’s why Impact started in Nashville and Nashville became the heart and soul of Impact Wrestling from day one. The people of Nashville are wrestling fans and they’re really cool to wrestle in front of. That, and the building is really cool! There are a lot of reasons to come down to Homecoming on January 6th or to the TV tapings on January 7th… Before the Asylum closes. I’ve heard it is getting remodeled sometime soon.”

On life as champion being special:
“It is always nice to stand on top of the mountain and drink a Diet Cola and revel in accomplishment! (laughs) It’s been great. No one grows up and dreams of being a number one contender. So, it means a lot. I feel like I’m doing my best to be a brand ambassador to Impact. There are so many great things that has happened to Impact Wrestling in 2018. The up-swing. The shedding of negative connotations about Impact Wrestling. And now? Now I feel like we’re in a good spot. Wrestling’s hot right now.”

On Impact Wrestling’s momentum going into 2019:
“I feel like the work that our roster has done in 2018 has a good shot of getting us on a network that has more eyeballs on it in 2019. Really, it comes down to putting on quality wrestling performances. The people that are watching and those that are coming to the shows have been really gracious in letting us know they’re appreciative of the work that we’re doing. It feels good to be a part of this company right now!”

On facing Brian Cage at Homecoming:
“Man, it’s tough. He is someone I’m very familiar with. He’s someone I consider a friend. BUT! They call it show business. They don’t call it show friends! If I have to pick between him or me, I’m going to pick me. Brian went on record and said he was going to do whatever it takes to take the championship from me. So, I think it is safe to say we’re going to set aside our friendship on January 6th. Maybe not our respect. I’ll always respect Brian and I think he’d say the same about me win, lose, or draw at Homecoming. Brian is no joke. I think this is going to come down to my belief that the main event of a pay per view is more like a chess match than it is a power lifting contest. That, I think, is going to be my competitive advantage.”

On the potential involvement of Killer Kross at Homecoming:
“Man, I hope not. (laughs) I would be naive if I thought he was going to stay out of it completely. He’s an intelligent man – Maybe a little sociopathic. There’s a few screws loose. When he sets his sights on something, he gets it. And, I know he wants the world championship. It has been pretty clear. He’s been offering his services and trying to stay close to my title reign. He’s offered to help me against Brian which I don’t want any part of. I know there’s something in it for Killer Kross. What it is? I don’t know. But, I’m trying to keep myself focused on Brian Cage knowing I’m probably going to have to call an audible or two or three. Killer Kross is going to be in the building. He’s probably going to try something. If he does, I’ll be ready.”

On ending 2018 getting to team with his wife who he married this year:
“Yeah! Taya Valkyrie is my favorite human. Anytime I get to do anything with her is really special to me. But, more than that, I respect her as a performer and her psychology for professional wrestling. So, to tag with her as husband and wife, it’s exciting! She’s someone that really has my back. We can kick ass together. It does feel like a special way for 2018 to come to an end!”

On what to expect from Johnny Impact in 2019:
“Man! Expect the unexpected! Expect the best damn year in the history of years! (laughs) Kira (Taya) and I wrote this short crazy horror movie on our honeymoon that we shot at our house a couple of months ago. There’s still fake blood and crap all over the walls! It is called The Iron Sheik’s Massacre. I can’t say too much more about it except that the Iron Sheik is molt. It is one of the first substantial things that I’ve directed in a long time. That will be coming out at some point in 2019. Expect me to continue to evolve physically and mentally. I’ve come to the realization, especially after Survivor, that there is nothing that I’m better at than professional wrestling. I want to prove that I’m the best in the world at it and prove that I deserve to be Impact World Champion and deserve to be World Champion wherever I go.”

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