June 27, 2018 WWE NXT Recap: Reeves in Action; LeRae vs. Evans; Moustache Mountain/Ricochet vs. Undisputed ERA Main Event

The opening credits roll and then Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, and Percy Watson welcome us to the show. We see that we will take a look back at the WWE United Kingdom Tournament from earlier this week, including Moustache Mountain’s victory to win the NXT Tag Team Championship.
Aleister Black’s music hits, and the NXT Champion makes his way to the ring. Black says how you handle adversity is what defines you as a champion. Black says Lars Sullivan is a freak of nature, but he still made him fade to black. Tommaso Ciampa appears on the stage. Ciampa says it is time for Black to stand face-to-face with the devil. Ciampa says he seems right through Black. Ciampa says the title makes Black who he is and he barely got by Sullivan. Ciampa says all of his personal problems are gone and he is now focusing on the NXT Championship because Black has something that he wants. Black says if Mr. Regal makes the match happen, he will make Ciampa fade to black. Ciampa tells Black to be careful what he says because when he gets into the ring with Black, he will lose not only his title but his mystique will go away with it. Ciampa says he only needs one title match to make Black’s title reign fade to black. Ciampa waves at Black before walking backstage.
We see an update on Lars Sullivan, who suffered a broken jaw during the match at TakeOver: Chicago II. We then see Lacey Evans and Candice LeRae will go one-on-one later tonight.
We see an interview with Vanessa Borne from earlier today. She says she’s not worried about anything, because she will eventually be the NXT Women’s Champion. She then mocks Kairi Sane and wonders why everyone admires her. She says everyone should be admiring her instead and then says she will take Sane to the ring and will make sure she doesn’t walk out.
Match #1: Singles Match – Kona Reeves vs. Maxim Huerto
Reeves applies a side headlock and takes Huerto down to the mat. Reeves keeps the headlock applied, but Heurto comes back and sends Reeves off the ropes. Reeves comes back with a boot to the midsection and then tosses Huerto to the floor. Reeves delivers a straight right hand and then tosses Huerto back into the ring. Reeves stomps away on him and then delivers a butterfly suplex. Reeves delivers a reverse diving elbow and then grinds Huerto’s face into the mat. Huerto fights back, but Reeves takes him down with a big boot. Reeves slams Huerto to the mat with the Hawaiian Drop and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Kona Reeves.
We take a look back at the WWE United Kingdom Tournament and revisit Moustache Mountain’s victory over the Undisputed ERA to win the NXT Tag Team Championship. We see that Moustache Mountain will be in action later tonight.
Match #2: Singles Match – Candice LeRae vs. Lacey Evans
Evans drops LeRae with a shoulder tackle, but LeRae comes back with a trip. Evans takes control again and goes for the cover, but LeRae kicks out at one. LeRae comes back with a few arm-drags and then goes for the cover, but Evans kicks out at two. Evans shoves LeRae into the corner and charges, but LeRae sends her to the apron. Evans grab LeRae’s hair and then drapes her arm over the top rope. Evans slams LeRae’s arm into the ring post and then goes for the cover, but LeRae kicks out at two. Evans grinds her knee into LeRae’s arm and grabs her hair, but LeRae turns it into a roll-up for a two count. Evans comes back and slams LeRae to the mat and then backs her into the corner. Evans wraps LeRae’s arm around the ropes for leverage and then hits the buster in the corner. Evans goes for the cover, but LeRae kicks out at two.
Evans applies a cobra clutch, but LeRae fights to her feet. LeRae connects with a back elbow and then a snapmare. LeRae delivers a rolling neck-snap and then a forearm shot. LeRae delivers a few more forearms and then a series of chops. LeRae delivers a back elbow in the corner and goes up top. LeRae delivers a spinning face-buster and then delivers a vertibreaker. LeRae delivers a springboard moonsault and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Candice LeRae.
We see Johnny Gargano with Cathy Kelly backstage. Gargano says Candice LeRae is his favorite wrestler, but it is hard to focus because he keeps replaying Chicago over and over in his head. Gargano says Ciampa doesn’t get to win and this is far from over. Gargano says he has beaten Ciampa once and Ciampa has beaten him once. He says he is going to talk to Mr. Regal to get a third match. He says he doesn’t care when it is, but this will end when Ciampa ends.
We see that Moustache Mountain will be in action up next.
We then see Heavy Machinery grilling some food and talking about The Mighty. They both say they want The Mighty and they are coming for them.
We see a tweet from William Regal. He says Gargano needs to move on from Ciampa, so Gargano will face EC3 on next week’s show. We then see LeRae backstage. She says it is time to focus on her and her goals, and nothing is going to stop her from going after the NXT Women’s Championship.
Match #3: Tag Team Match – Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven and Tyler Bate) vs. Dave Dixon and Carl Axelrod
Before the match begins, Dixon and Axelrod are attacked on the stage by The Undisputed ERA. The ERA lay them out and throw them off of the stage. O’Reilly says Mountain’s victory was a fluke and a scam. Strong says they are phonies and the titles belong to ERA. Cole says they are going to make sure that when Mountain gets on a place back to the UK, they leave without their pride and the NXT Tag Team Championship. ERA get into the ring, but Ricochet’s music hits and he rushes the ring as we head to a break.
Match #4: Six-Man Tag Team Match – Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven and Tyler Bate) and Ricochet vs. The Undisputed ERA (Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly, and Roderick Strong)
Bate and O’Reilly start the match and Bate keeps O’Reilly grounded and then works over his arm. Ricochet tags in and Cole and Strong get sent to the floor by him. Seven tags in and goes for the Seven-Stars Lariat, but O’Reilly blocks it and tags in Cole. Seven chops Cole a few times and then drops him with a DDT. Seven goes for the cover, but Cole kicks out at two. Bate tags in, but Cole fights back. Seven slams Cole and Bate slams Strong, who tagged in. Seven then sentons down onto Cole and Strong. Ricochet tags in and he moonsaults onto Cole and Strong. Ricochet goes for the cover, but Strong kicks out at two. Bate tags back in and stomps on Strong in the corner. Strong comes back with a knee and a forearm, but Bate delivers a left hand, and then one to Cole and O’Reilly as well. Cole kicks Bate in the head and Strong delivers a half-Nelson slam.
Cole tags in and stomps away on Bate. Cole stomps away on Bate in the corner and tags in O’Reilly. O’Reilly drives a knee into Bate and then tags in Strong. Strong delivers a chop and stomps on Bate’s hand. Strong applies a rear naked choke and then goes for the cover, but Bate kicks out at two. Cole tags in a drops a knee onto Bate and then delivers a snap suplex. Cole goes for the cover, but Bate kicks out at two. Cole applies a headlock down on the mat and then tags in O’Reilly. O’Reilly drives knees into Bate and then tags in Strong. Strong delivers a shoulder-breaker and goes for the cover, but Bate kicks out at two. Strong then applies a shoulder bar submission and sends Bate to the corner. Bate comes back with a knee strike and then a release suplex.
Ricochet and O’Reilly tag in and Ricochet delivers a head scissors take down. Ricochet takes out Cole and Strong as well and then slams O’Reilly into the corner. Ricochet slams O’Reilly to the mat and goes for the cover, but O’Reilly kicks out at two. O’Reilly fights back and locks in the guillotine choke. Ricochet gets to the corner and tags Seven in and he and O’Reilly exchange shots. Seven delivers a Michinoku side slam and goes for the cover, but O’Reilly kicks out at two. Cole pulls Bate off the apron and O’Reilly kicks Seven in the back of the leg. Strong knees Seven in the face and Cole delivers a back-breaker. O’Reilly kicks Seven in the face and Cole goes for the cover, but Ricochet and Bate break it up. Cole goes for a knee strike, but Seven drops him with a lariat. Ricochet tags in and he slams Cole with a Michinoku Driver and gets a two count.
Strong takes Ricochet out, Bate takes Strong out, O’Reilly takes Bate out, and Ricochet and Cole take each other out and all six men are down. Bate, O’Reilly, Strong, and Seven battle on the apron as Cole and Ricochet battle in the ring. O’Reilly drops Bate with a knee strike and Strong slams Seven on the apron. Ricochet drops Cole with a clothesline and dodges the High-Low from Cole and O’Reilly. Ricochet kicks Cole in the chest and then goes up top. Ricochet connects with the 630 and goes for the cover, but O’Reilly pulls Cole out of the ring. Ricochet takes O’Reilly down with a suicide dive, but Strong slams Ricochet onto the apron. Strong tosses Ricochet back into the ring and Cole makes the pin fall.
Winners: The Undisputed ERA.