The Young Bucks Talk Recent WWE Legal Letter, Tag Teams In WWE, CM Punk, More

Sep 28, 2017 - by Staff

The Young Bucks did an “Ask Me Anything” chat on Reddit yesterday. The full chat can be found at this link and below are highlights:

Did you ever try to include CM Punk to the bullet club somehow?

Matt Jackson: Haha. I’ve been bugging him for over 2 years about that.

Who would you most like to have a match with in the WWE?

Matt: The Revival.

How fun was it invading Raw?

Matt: As we were filming, I realized that we were doing something very special. Something that had never been done before. It felt empowering.

Nick Jackson: We’re the only ones in the business currently who have the balls to do what we did. It was great and people will talk about it for a very long time!

Who do you guys think has the best super kick in the business? (Besides yourselves of course)

Matt: Usos hit some good ones.

Nick: Adam Cole, Lethal, Uso’s.

Is there any tag team living or dead that you think you could have your best match with?

Matt: The Rockers. Demolition. Hart Foundation. Chris Bosh and Scott Lost.

Nick: I’d love to work the Revival

Which do you think are the top 3 tag teams in WWE?

Matt: Hardy’s are number one all time anywhere. Gallows and Gun are quite the team too. New Day also. Three great teams. I can’t think of any other tag teams for this list. There, I listed three tag teams that aren’t called The Revival.

Nick: Hardy’s, Uso’s, New Day.

Are the WWE making you get rid of the too sweet hand gesture?

Matt: 24 hrs after the #BCInvasion, we (Nick & I) received a certain type of letter. Yes. They are trying to do just that.

Nick: That’s what it sounds like.

Is Vince McMahon really mad at you guys ?

Matt: Yes.

How does it feel being one of the hottest and most marketable acts in pro wrestling today? How do you both feel about the success you’ve obtained?

Matt: Would’ve never thought we’d be where we are today as a self-made act. Blows my mind. We’re very satisfied with what we’ve accomplished. I have a huge house.

Has there been any discussion about licensing with Funko for some Pop figures? Your merch already sells like crazy and I know the WWE Pops sell well. I’m sure some BC Pops would do well, especially since Hot Topic is a major Funko retailer.

Matt: Next year.

Nick: Stay tuned…

Is there anyone in particular in the WWE that you would like to see/wrestle on the indies that hasn’t before?

Nick: Ziggler

Who do you think is the most underutilized wrestler in the WWE?

Nick: Gallows and Karl and Sami.

How do you feel about all the criticism you get for “Stealing your gimmick from WWE”?

Matt: Everybody has to have a go-to criticism. It’s just easy so people say it.

is there anyone out there you’d like to see join Bullet Club in the future?

Matt: CM Punk.

Nick: CM Punk

Can I get a 2sweet?

Matt: Umm, legally, I probably shouldn’t.

What are the odds that we’d EVER see you guys in WWE? Would it require you guys to have full creative freedom or just a shit-ton of money.

Matt: I don’t know at this point. Ask me when I’m not grumpy with them.

Nick: After what we received yesterday chances have gotten low.

What would you say was the best advice given to you guys when you were starting out in your careers?

Matt: Kendrick. Dreamer. Terry Taylor. Marty Jannetty.

All different pieces of advice taken from each individual.

Spanky taught me to stand up for myself and not be taken advantage of. Dreamer taught me to steal the show and market myself no matter where I was on the card. Terry taught me how to slow down and make things register. Marty taught me about tag team wrestling psychology, and to question whether or not it’d be okay to possibly sleep with someone who you originally thought was your daughter.

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