Cena’s tweet about iPhone X goes viral
When Apple announced the new iPhone X yesterday at the Steve Jobs Theater, they also introduced Face ID, a new technology that will replace the Touch ID home button on the 10-year anniversary special phone. WWE Superstar John Cena decided to have some fun on Twitter with the announcement as the phone only unlocks if it can see and detect your face. “Sooo #iPhoneX about #FaceID …ummmmm …. what do I do?” joked Cena, who is known for his “you can’t see me” phrase. The tweet to his 10 million followers went viral with over 220,000 retweets and over 360,000 likes, way more than anything his previous posts did. During the announcement yesterday, there was also a wrestling reference as the Ultimate Warrior face mask was used to showcase the new Animoji feature on the iPhone X.