Spoilers: TNA Impact Wrestling & Xplosion Tapings from the Past Week

Jan 12, 2017 - by Staff

Below are TNA Impact Wrestling and Xplosion spoilers from the last week of tapings at Universal Studios in Orlando, thanks to readers Enzo Mendicino and Tyler Van Meter. Some matches were taped out of order but these will air in January and February, beginning with tonight’s show.

Taped Thursday:

* Aron Rex and Rockstar Spud have been re-branded as a “Liberace + valet” type of unit. Spud is sporting a powder blue doorman suit; Rex in a floor length white fur coat with oversized, sparkly rings on most fingers. Rex cuts a flamboyant promo claiming that Spud has been “reborn” and “it’s not about violence in 2017.” Robbie E interrupts and gets the double attack in ring. Rex will apparently be using his oversized rings as a brass-knuckle type ploy

* Braxton Sutter defeated Mike Bennett. Allie comes out midway through match as an equalizer against Maria Kanellis. It appears the real-life couples will be continuing this storyline

* TNA Knockouts Champion Rosemary cuts a promo in the ring on how there’s no more challengers for her to take on. Jade, now sporting short hair, interrupts and requests another shot. Rosemary challenges Jade to a Monster’s Ball match (Red vs. Blue). Rosemary goes on the attack after Jade accepts

* The Hardys defeated The Wolves to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles. Excellent match with lots of high spots, near falls, 1 on 2 submissions, and 2 on 1 spots. Dissension between The Wolves starts brewing to set up a Davey Richards heel-turn on Edwards

* Jessie Godderz defeated Bad Bones via submission in a match taped for Xplosion. Godderz is no longer wearing Bro-Mans trunks

Taped Friday:

* Aron Rex and Rockstar Spud defeated Robbie E and Swoggle. Rex got the pin on Swoggle, who got a really good pop

* Crazzy Steve and Abyss defeated Eddie Kingston and Bram by DQ when James Storm hit Abyss with a beer bottle. The two teams brawled after the match

* Jade defeated Laurel Von Ness in a match for Xplosion

Taped Saturday:

* Trevor Lee, Jessie Godderz, Mike Bennett, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Eddie Kingston, Bram, Eli Drake, Tyrus, Mahabali Shera and Crazzy Steve competed in a Race For The Case match. Jeff got the green case, The DCC retrieved the gold case, Lee got the blue case and Drake got the red case

* Ethan Carter III comes out for a promo but is interrupted by Bobby Lashley, who challenges him to a Last Man Standing match for the #1 contendership

* Lashley defeated EC3 in a Last Man Standing match to become the new #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title

* Laurel Van Ness defeated Alisha in a match taped for Xplosion

* Brooke Tessmacher defeated Deonna Purazzo. After the match, Sienna attacks Brooke and leaves her laying

* Drew Galloway defeated Moose to win the Impact Grand Title

* DJZ retained the TNA X Division Title over Caleb Konley, Trevor Lee, Andrew Everett and Marshe Rockett. After the match, Lee attacked DJZ with a steel chair

* In-ring segment with World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Edwards and Lashley. Lashley challenges him to a 30-minute Iron Man match and Edwards accepts. Lashley attacks and Davey Richards makes the save

* Mahabali Shera defeated Rockstar Spud in a match taped for Xplosion

* Davey Richards defeated Eddie Kingston in a match taped for Xplosion

Taped Sunday:

* Robbie E defeated Marshe Rockett in a match taped for Xplosion

* Eli Drake defeated Mahabali Shera in a match taped for Xplosion

* Laurel Van Ness defeated Deonna Purrazzo in a match taped for Xplosion

* In-ring segment with Impact Grand Champion Drew Galloway and Moose to set up the rematch

* Drew Galloway retained the Impact Grand Title over Moose

* The Hardys retained the TNA Tag Team Titles over The Decay and Eddie Kingston & Bram of The DCC

* Rosemary defeated Jade to retain the TNA Knockouts Title in a Monster’s Ball match. Gail Kim came out after the match to check on Jade but Rosemary spit mist at her

* Davey Richards defeated Andrew Everett in a match taped for Xplosion

* Trevor Lee defeated DJZ in a Ladder Match to become the new TNA X Division Champion

* Sienna defeated Brooke Tessmacher with help from Maria Kanellis

* Bobby Lashley defeated Eddie Edwards 3-2 in a 30-minute Iron Man match to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Taped Tuesday:

* Marshe Rockett defeated the returning Samuel Shaw in a match taped for Xplosion

* TNA Tag Team Champions The Hardys are out with promos on how they plan to win all the tag team titles in the world, teasing that they will go to other promotions. Jeff Hardy wants to go back to some singles action, so he calls out Bobby Lashley. Lashley comes out and says he will destroy Hardy just like he did Eddie Edwards for the World Heavyweight Title last week. Hardy cashes in his green case

* Lashley defeated Jeff Hardy with a spear to retain the World Heavyweight Title. Eddie Edwards comes out after the match and congratulates Lashley for last week’s win. Lashley disses him and now Eddie wants his rematch. Lashley grants it but says this will be Eddie’s last shot

* Drew Galloway retained the Impact Grand Title over Moose, which may have been a re-tape

* Tyrus and Eli Drake are out for promos to call Ethan Carter III to the ring. Eli gets in a cheap shot to set up a match

* EC3 defeated Eli Drake, despite interference from Tyrus. Drake goes to attack EC3 with a bat after the match but the lights go out and The DCC hits the ring to attack EC3. They also take out Drake and Tyrus. EC3 is destroyed and taken to the back by referees

* Brandi Rhodes comes out and calls Knockouts Champion Rosemary to the ring. It ends with Rosemary choking Brandi out until Moose makes the save

* Aron Rex defeated Robbie E with help from Rockstar Spud and a loaded punch

* Shane Helms comes out and introduces the new X Division Champion and the crown jewel of The Helms Dynasty, Trevor Lee. Helms says Andrew Everett is the weak link of the group and threatens to take him out. Everett brought up how he and Trevor win titles together, blaming everything on Helms leading them. Lee and Helms beat Everett down to end the segment

* Brooke Tessmacher defeated Sienna

* Brandi Rhodes and Moose defeated Crazzy Steve and Rosemary in a quick match

* James Storm, Kingston and Bram defeated Eli Drake and Tyrus in a handicap match after Eli walked out during the match

Taped Wednesday:

* Jessie Godderz defeated Kingston

* Caleb Konley defeated Kongo Kong in a match taped for Xplosion

* Bobby Lashley retained the World Heavyweight Title over Eddie Edwards in what will be the main event of an upcoming episode. Angelina Love and Alisha were at ringside. The finish saw Lashley spear Edwards after Davey Richards pulled the referee out of the ring for a distraction. After the match, Angelina attacks Alisha and brings her into the ring. Davey and Angelina stand tall over Alisha and Eddie

* TNA Tag Team Champions The Hardys are out to talk about their Expedition of Gold, where they will go from promotion to promotion. They tease going to ROH and WWE to face their champions. Vanguard 1 was with them and he now has teleporting powers, which is how they got to the Impact Zone and left the ring

* Drew Galloway retained the Impact Grand Title over Mahabali Shera

* Tyrus hosts a “Fact of Life” segment with Eli Drake as the guest. Drake is wearing a sling from The DCC beatdown. The segment ends with Tyrus grabbing Eli and challenging him to a match next week

* Trevor Lee retained the TNA X Division Title over DJZ. After the match, DJZ attacks Shane Helms but Lee makes the save. Andrew Everett makes the save for DJZ

* Cody and Brandi Rhodes are out for a promo. Cody congratulates Brandi for her recent success and calls Moose to the ring to thank him. Cody ends up kicking Moose below the belt. Brandi gets upset and storms off

* Jade calls Rosemary to the ring and wants another Knockouts Title shot. She challenges her to a Last Knockout Standing match and Rosemary accepts

* Tyrus defeated Eli Drake by DQ when Eli decks Earl Hebner to get out of having to wrestle Tyrus. After the match, Drake and Tyrus have a staredown but celebrate and leave together

* Jessie Godderz defeated Bram

* The wedding for Laurel Van Ness and Braxton Sutter is announced for tomorrow

* Moose vs. Cody is the main event but Cody attacks him from the crowd and they brawl. Security and other wrestlers come out but can’t hold them back. Brandi is also out, begging for Cody to stop. The brawl ends after Cody decks Josh Matthews and Moose leaps onto a bunch of wrestlers and security

* Trevor Lee retained the TNA X Division Title over Andrew Everett

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

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