1/4/17 NXT Recap: Two Title Matches and More from Australia

Jan 4, 2017 - by Michael Riba

Tonight’s edition of NXT is being broadcast from Melbourne, Australia. We see the NXT opening video and then go into the Margaret Court Arena where Tom Phillips and Corey Graves welcome us to the show. Phillips reminds us of tonight’s main: the final encounter between Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa Joe, this time inside of a steel cage. Graves reminds us that #DIY will defend the NXT Tag Team Championship against TM-61 later tonight.

Match #1: The Revival (Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder) vs. Tino Sabbatelli and Riddick Moss
Dawson and Moss start the match. They tie up and then shove each other away quickly. Dawson takes Moss down with a couple side-eadlock take downs. Moss counters with a quick roll-up, but Dawson kicks out at one. Dawson applies a wrist-lock to Moss, but Moss counters with a wrist-lock of his own and tags in Sabbatelli. Sabbatelli applies a wrist-lock and takes Dawson down to the mat. Dawson gets back to his feet and counters with an elbow to the midsection. Dawson tags in Wilder, who delivers a knee to Sabbatelli’s midsection. Wilder clubs Sabbatelli in the back and then raises a knee to Sabbatelli’s midsection again. Wilder kicks Sabbatelli in the midsection and takes him down with a shoulder block. Sabbatelli comes back and takes Wilder down with a cross-body and goes for the cover, but Wilder kicks out at two. Moss tags in and drops an elbow to Wilder after Sabbatelli slams him down to the mat. Moss goes for the cover, but Wilder kicks out at two. Moss runs the ropes, but Wilder tags him down with a clubbing shot to the chest and tags in Dawson. Dawson sends Moss to the corner and delivers a few hard chops. Moss comes back and drops Dawson with a back elbow and a forearm shiver. Moss takes Wilder down with a fall-away slam, but Dawson gets him from behind. Dawson catches Moss with a knee and goes up top, but Moss catches him and takes him down with a fall away slam. Sabbatelli and Wilder get involved and Sabbatelli and Moss take advantage and send them to the floor. Moss drags Dawson back into the ring, but Dawson rakes his eye as the referee was dealing with Wilder. Dawson delivers a scoop slam to Moss and tags in Wilder. Wilder delivers a leg drop and goes for the cover, but Moss kicks out at two. Dawson and Wilder beat down Moss in the corner. Dawson stomps Moss into the mat and tags in Wilder. Wilder delivers a right hand to Moss’ ribs and then applies a headlock down on the mat. Moss gets free and throws Wilder into the corner. Moss goes to make the tag, but Wilder gets to Dawson first and Dawson stops Moss. Moss gets free and tags in Sabbatelli and Sabbatelli takes Dawson down with a dropkick. Sabbatelli throws Wilder onto Dawson and then slams Dawson down to the mat again. Sabbatelli goes for the cover, but Dawson kicks out at two. Moss tags back in and he and Sabbatelli go for a double-team on Dawson, but Wilder pulls Sabbatelli to the floor. Wilder tags in and Moss rolls him up, but Wilder kicks out at two. Dawson grabs Moss and Wilder charges, but Moss ducks and Wilder knocks Dawson to the floor. Moss rolls Wilder up again, but Wilder kicks out at two. Dawson tags in and they hit Moss with the Shatter Machine and get the pin fall.
Winners: The Revival.

Phillips informs us of another tag team match coming up next: Buddy Murphy and Tye Dillinger vs. Elias Samson and Bobby Roode, as we head to a break.

Match #2: Elias Samson and Bobby Roode vs. Buddy Murphy and Tye Dillinger
Murphy and Roode start the match. They pose and taunt each other and the crowd is behind both men. They tie up and Roode applies a headlock. Murphy sends Roode off the ropes, but Roode counters with a shoulder block. Roode runs the ropes and goes for a sunset flip, but Murphy counters with a kick to the face. Murphy goes for the cover, but Roode kicks out. Murphy applies a modified arm-bar down on the mat and then turns it into a wrist-lock and tags in Dillinger. Roode backs away and stares Dillinger down. Roode tags in Samson. Samson applies a wrist-lock and works Dillinger down to the mat. Dillinger gets free and takes Samson down with a snap-mare. Dillinger taunts Samson and applies a waist-lock, but Samson counters with a back elbow. Samson sends Dillinger to the apron, but Dillinger catches himself and tags Samson down. Dillinger delivers an elbow drop and tags in Murphy. Murphy goes for the cover, but Samson kicks out at one. Dillinger tags back in and he and Murphy work over Samson’s arm. Dillinger drags Roode into the ring and stomps away on him in the corner. Samson breaks it up and Roode rolls to the floor as Dillinger delivers a series of left hands to Samson. Roode distracts Dillinger and Samson takes him down with a knee to the face. Roode tags in and stomps away on Dillinger in the corner. Roode sends Dillinger to another corner and charges, but Dillinger moves. Dillinger comes off the ropes, but Roode counters with a spine-buster. Samson tags back in and stomps away on Dillinger. Samson sends Dillinger off the ropes and drops him with a clothesline. Samson goes for the cover, but Dillinger kicks out at two. Roode tags in and stomps down onto Dillinger. Roode slams Dillinger face-first into the turnbuckle and then delivers a series of right hands. Roode taunts the fans and turns around into a superkick from Dillinger and both men are down. Murphy and Samson tag in and Murphy takes Samson down with a back elbow and a couple clotheslines. Murphy kicks up and drives Samson down with double knees. Murphy goes for the cover, but Samson kicks out at two. Murphy sends Samson to the corner and charges, but Samson sends him down to the apron. Murphy comes back and takes Samson down with double knees again. Murphy goes for the cover, but Roode breaks it up at attacks Dillinger. Dillinger comes back and gets the tag and Murphy takes Roode down with a suicide dive over the top tope. Dillinger grabs Samson and delivers the Tye-Breaker for the win.
Winners: Tye Dillinger and Buddy Murphy.

Phillips reminds us once again of tonight’s main event: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Samoa Joe in a steel cage match for the NXT Championship, but up next is Liv Morgan vs. Ember Moon vs. Billie Kay in a triple threat match.

Match #3: Triple Threat Match: Liv Morgan vs. Billie Kay vs. Ember Moon
Ember and Liv go for a handshake, but Billie breaks their hands apart. They both go after Billie, but she ducks to the floor. Liv and Ember tie up and Liv applies a headlock. Liv comes off the ropes and takes Ember down with a shoulder block. Liv comes off the ropes again, but Ember takes her down with a head-scissors take down. Billie tries to get her in the ring, but Ember goes after her and Billie goes back to the floor. Liv takes Ember down with a dropkick and then Billie gets into the ring. Liv rolls Billie around the ring and then takes Ember and Billie down with a double bulldog. Liv goes for cover after cover on Ember and Billie, but they kick out at one every time. Liv takes Ember down with a Thesz Press and goes for the cover, but Billie breaks it up and throw Liv out of the ring. Billie kicks Ember in the face and goes for the cover, but Ember kicks out at two. Billie delivers a headbutt and then stomps away on Ember in the corner. Billie chokes Ember with her boot and clubs Ember in the back. Liv rolls back into the ring, but Billie stomps away on her. Ember goes for a roll-up on Billie, but Billie kicks out quickly and takes Ember down again. Liv gets into the ring and delivers a dropkick to Billie and goes for the cover, but Billie kicks out at two. Liv gets sent to the apron and taken down to the floor by Ember and then Billie takes Ember down to the mat again and goes for the cover, but Ember kicks out at two. Billie delivers a few right hands and goes for another cover, but Ember kicks out at two again. Billie delivers a few elbow shots to Ember, but Ember comes back with a right hand to Billie’s face. Ember backs away and charges, but Billie sends her to the outside. Liv charges across the ring, but Billie sends over over the top rope and Liv lands on Ember. Billie grabs Liv and Ember and throws them back into the ring. She goes for a cover on both, but they both kick out a two. She grabs them both by the hair and chops Ember and then Liv. She runs the ropes, but they double chop her down to the mat. Liv and Ember go at it now and Ember takes Liv down with a cross-body. Billie comes back with a big boot to Ember, but Ember ducks under and drops Billie with a double-underhook suplex. Ember clotheslines Billie in the corner and goes up top, but Liv cuts her off. Liv goes or a suplex on Ember, but Billie gets involved and power bombs Liv down to the mat. Billie goes for the cover, but Liv kicks out at two. Billie turns right around into the Eclipse (top rope stunner) from Ember and Ember gets the pin fall.
Winner: Ember Moon.

We are reminded that #DIY will defend the NXT Tag Team Championship against TM-61 tonight, and that match is next.

Match #4: NXT Tag Team Championship Match: #DIY (Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa) (c) vs. TM-61 (Shane Thorne and Nick Miller)
Thorne and Ciampa start the match and it’s even-Steven from the beginning. Thorne gets a quick roll-up attempt, but Ciampa kicks out at two. Miller and Gargano tag in and tie up. Gargano sends Miller off the ropes, but Miller takes him down with a shoulder block. Miller applies a wrist-lock and Thorne tags in. They drop Gargano with a double shoulder block. Thorne keep control of the match for a bit, but Gargano gets free and tags in Ciampa as Miller tags in as well. Gargano and Ciampa double dropkick Miller in the corner and Ciampa works over Miller’s shoulder. Miller elbows his way free and tags in Thorne and Thorne connects with a standing moonsault to Ciampa as Miller drops a fist to Ciampa’s face. Ciampa rolls to the outside with Gargano, but Miller takes them both out. Miller tosses Ciampa back into the ring and Thorne takes him down with a Falcon Arrow. Thorne goes for the cover, but Ciampa kicks out at two as we head to a break.
We’re back and Thorne is still in control of Ciampa. Thorne goes for a springboard elbow, but Ciampa dropkicks Thorne’s arms out from under him. Gargano tags in and kicks Thorne in the back of the head and then locks in a submission. Thorne rolls over and goes for a cover, but Gargano kicks out at two. Ciampa tags back in and delivers a chop to Thorne. Thorne comes back with an uppercut, but Ciampa takes him to the corner and stomps him down to the mat. Ciampa backs away and charges, but Thorne gets a boot up. Thorne takes Ciampa down with a dropkick and tags in Miller. Milelr drops Ciampa with a few clotheslines and delivers a knee to Gargano. Miller slams Ciampa down to the mat and then delivers an exploder suplex to Gargano. Miller delivers a forearm to Ciampa and goes for the cover, but Ciampa kicks out at two. Ciampa gets free and Gargano tags in. Gargano takes Miller down with the through-the-ropes spear and goes for the cover, but Miller kicks out at two. Gargano goes for a neck-breaker, but Miller shoves him into the corner. Gargano causes Miller to kick Thorne in the head and then slams Miller down to the mat and goes for the cover, but Miller kicks out at two. Gargano takes Miller to the corner, but Ciampa and Gargano go for a double team. Miller dodges it and takes Ciampa down with an exploder suplex. Miller sets Ciampa on the top rope and they exchange slaps. Thorne tags in and Ciampa delivers a headbutt to Miller. Miller power bombs Thorne, who suplexes Ciampa down to the mat. Miller throws Throne on top of Ciampa, but Gargano breaks it up. Thorne gets dropped by a huge clothesline from Ciampa. Ciampa drops Thorne with the power bomb back-breaker and goes for the cover, but Miller breaks up the count at two. Gargano and Ciampa come right back and takes Thorne and Miller down and get the pin fall.
Winners and still NXT Tag Team Champions: #DIY.
After the match, TM-61 receive a standing ovation from their home continent crowd. Ciampa and Gargano get back into the ring and shake hands with Miller and Thorne. They all share a hug and raise each other’s arm as the crowd cheers them all on.

We see that Shinsuke Nakamura will defend the NXT Championship against Samoa Joe up next.

We see that we will hear from the NXT Women’s Champion, Asuka, on next week’s NXT. We also see that #DIY will defend the NXT Tag Team Championship against The Revival next week. We then take a look at the video hype package for the feud between Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa Joe.

Match #5: NXT Championship Steel Cage Match: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Samoa Joe
Nakamura takes Joe down with a single-leg take down, but Joe is able to get free and pins Nakamura against the ropes. Joe reverses and pins Nakamura against the ropes. Nakamura counters Joe this time and pins him against the ropes again. Joe gets free and goes for a clothesline, but Nakamura ducks under and taunts Joe. Nakamura takes Joe down with a knee shot to the face and then delivers Good Vibrations in the corner. Nakamura grabs Joe and brings him to the middle of the ring, but Joe counters and slams Nakamura into the cage. Joe delivers a series of right hands to Nakamura and then splashes him against the cage as we head to a break.
We’re back and Joe is still in control of the match and has Nakamura grounded. Nakamura comes back with a left hand and then delivers a series of knees to the side of Joe’s head. Nakamura applies a front face-lock, but Joe escapes. Nakamura goes for the exploder suplex, but Joe blocks it. Nakamura slams Joe into the cage and then delivers a German suplex. Nakamura goes for Kinshasa, but Joe counters with a power slam. Joe goes for the cover, but Nakamura kicks out at two. Joe and Nakamura exchange right hands and then Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch. Nakamura backs Joe into the cage and then breaks the hold as both men are down on the mat. Nakamura rolls into a cover, but Joe kicks out at two. Nakamura gets to his feet and tries to escape the cage, but Joe catches him and climbs up with him. Joe goes for the from the ropes, but Nakamura cuts him off. Nakamura slams Joe’s face into the cage and then powerbombs Joe down to the mat. Nakamura gets on the ropes and then hits the Kinshasa from the top rope and both men are down again. Nakamura walks toward the door and the referee opens it, but Nakamura slams it shut and hits Joe with another Kinshasa. Nakamura gets to his feet, as does Joe, and Nakamura hits him with a third Kinshasa and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still NXT Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura.
After the match, the cage is raised above the ring and Joe rolls out of the ring as Nakamura celebrates his successful title defense in the ring as NXT comes to a close.

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