Bo Dallas on Being a Social Outcast with Mr. Perfect’s Son, Possibly Working with Bray Wyatt, More

Jan 29, 2016 - by Staff

– Bo Dallas recently spoke with to promote Monday’s WWE RAW in Birmingham, Alabama. The full interview can be found at this link. Below are highlights:

I’m really enjoying the Social Outcasts, and it must be extra special that you get to do it with Curtis Axel since I know you’re a big fan of Mr. Perfect. What is it about Mr. Perfect that draws you to his style and character?

Bo Dallas: Well, he’s perfect. [Laughs. No, no. Mr. Perfect/Curt Hennig, he was an amazing athlete. I was a fan of him before I was a performer, but now that I am a performer myself, watching what he did in the ring is just an amazing thing. I’m a huge fan of his and everything he did because he was so amazing. I’m good friends with Curtis Axel. We started a group together, and it looks like we’re taking the world by storm right now and everything’s going great.

Growing up wrestling fans, is the dream as brothers [with Bray Wyatt] to one day be tag team champs or to feud like Bret and Owen Hart, or both?

BD: Oh, absolutely. Anything is possible We grew up as brothers dreaming about the day we would become tag team champions. Who knows? Who knows what’s going to happen?

Your bit with Brock Lesnar after SummerSlam was amazing. How does a spot like that work? Do you know going into it that he’s going to get rough with you, or does he take the time to rehearse and prepare so you’re all on the same page? Can you walk me through that process?

BD: Ha. There’s no controlling Brock Lesnar. You have no idea what he’s going to do. At any moment, he could rip your head off. He’s Brock Lesnar. He’s a beast, and he does what he wants. It was intense, awesome and terrifying all at the same time.

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