Detailed 5/18/12 WWE Smackdown Recap

May 18, 2012 - by Michael Riba

-Smackdown opens up with a review video of the confrontation between John Cena and John Laurinaitis from this past Monday on Raw, where it was revealed that if anyone interferes in their match this Sunday at Over the Limit they will be fired, or if Laurinaitis loses he will be fired.

-John Laurinaitis makes his way out to the ring. Johnny says he disagrees with the Board’s decision about his match against John Cena this Sunday. He says it’s not fair. He says he asked the Board to reconsider and they said no. He asks the WWE Universe to support him in the match and the crowd boos him. He says they don’t have to cheer him, but he asks everyone to say a prayer for him. WWE Champion CM Punk makes his way out to the ring. Punk says everyone around the world has already been praying and that their prayers have been answered. Punk wishes Johnny the best of luck in his future endeavors. Punk says a party will be thrown that will be bigger than Mardi Gras. Punk says Laurinaitis had done nothing but make everyone miserable. Laurinaitis puts Punk in a match against Kane for later tonight. Punk says he won’t run to the Board and ask out of the match because he is a man. Punk says this time next week, he’ll still be the WWE Champion while Johnny will be hanging out in the unemployment line. Laurinaitis asks the crowd if they like that and they say yes. Johnny says he blames the WWE Universe for Punk’s and Cena’s actions. He says he detests the WWE Universe. He tells everyone they can go to hell and leaves the ring.

-We see that Sheamus and Randy Orton will go one-on-one later tonight.

-We see the John Cena/Make-A-Wish video that has been shown over the past couple of weeks.

-Match #1: Darren Young and Titus O’Neil vs. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth (w/Lil’ Jimmy)
The match starts with Truth and Young and they tie up in the center of the ring. Young backs Truth into the corner and connects with a few knees to the midsection. The referee backs Young away, which allows Truth to reverse. Truth kicks Young in the head and tags in Kingston, who comes off the top rope with a cross body into a cover for a two count. Kingston kicks Young in the head and then kicks O’Neil off the apron. Young takes advantage of the distraction and back drops Kingston on the apron. Young tosses Kingston back into the ring and drops an elbow and goes for the cover, but Kingston kicks out at two. Young takes Kingston into his corner and tags in O’Neil, who slams Kingston to the mat. O’Neil squashes Kingston in the corner and stretches him over the rope. He backs away and charges, but Kingston gets his boots up for the reversal. Kingston tags in Truth and O’Neil tags in Young and Truth gains the advantage. Truth hits the spinning corkscrew elbow and a DDT and goes for the cover, but O’Neil breaks it up at two. Kingston comes in and he and Truth connect with a double dropkick on O’Neil. O’Neil goes to the outside and Kingston connects with a cross body over the top rope. Truth hits Young with his face buster finisher for the pin fall. Winners: R-Truth and Kofi Kingston.

-We see a video package covering WWE’s Be A Star initiative.

-Zack Ryder is backstage filming his web show when we see Damien Sandow looking disgusted with Ryder as he walks away. Sandow is in action next.

-We see a video package for Ryback, highlighting his path of destruction since his arrival on Smackdown.

-Match #2: Damien Sandow vs. Yoshi Tatsu
Sandow cuts a promo before the match. He said he was here to save the masses as usual and said Yoshi was an unworthy opponent. He said he refuses to fight Yoshi for the benefit and betterment of the masses. You’re welcome. Tatsu takes the microphone and calls Sandow a chicken as he is walking away. Sandow gets in the ring and pummels Tatsu in the corner and connects with some knees before hitting him with a reverse neck breaker. The match never officially got underway.

-We see that we are going to revisit what happened between John Laurinaitis and The Big Show from this past Monday night on Raw.

-We see a video package of what has led to the Fatal-Four Way Match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Chris Jericho, and Randy Orton this Sunday at Over the Limit.

-Matt Striker is interviewing Sheamus and Orton backstage. Sheamus says he is looking forward to the match this Sunday to prove the kind of Champion that he is. Orton says he doesn’t want to beat anyone in the match more than Sheamus. Sheamus says he’s glad Orton was man enough to say that to his face. Orton says unlike him, Sheamus is a nice guy and we all know where nice guys finish.

-Match #3: Daniel Bryan vs. Zack Ryder
Ryder backs Bryan into the corner and as the referee is separating them, Bryan gets a good cheap shot in. Bryan takes Ryder down to the mat and drops a knee to his head and goes for the cover, but Ryder kicks out at two. Ryder gets in some quick offense, but Bryan reverses with a knee lift which takes Ryder down again. Bryan hits a running dropkick on Ryder in the corner and goes for the cover, but Ryder kicks out at two. Bryan wrenches Ryder’s arm and wrist, but Ryder powers out. Bryan charges at Ryder in the corner, but Ryder gets his knees up and hits a dropkick from the top rope. Ryder goes for the Broski Boot, but Bryan moves out of the way and kicks Ryder in the head. Bryan applies the YES! Lock and Ryder taps out. Winner: Daniel Bryan.

-We see Kane staring into the camera backstage as we go to commercial.

-Daniel Bryan has joined the commentary team for the following match.

-Match #4: CM Punk vs. Kane
Kane takes Punk down with a shoulder block. Punk gets up and kicks Kane a couple of times to no affect. Kane knees Punk in the corner before Punk gets out. Punk clotheslines Kane over the top rope. Punk kicks Kane’s knee until he goes down. Punk grabs Kane and connects with a DDT and goes for the cover, but Kane kicks out at one. Punk allied the Figure Four Leg-Lock, but Kane punches his way out of it. Kane drapes Punk over the top rope, but Punk does the same to Kane. Punk comes off the top rope but Kane catches him with an uppercut. Kane stomps on Punk in the corner and dropkicks him into the ring post. Kane stretches Punk around the post and drives his shoulder into his midsection. Kane goes for the cover, but Punk kicks out at two. Kane applies a bear hug, but Punk powers out. Kane grabs Punk and hits him with a back breaker and goes for the cover, but Punk kicks out at two. Punk goes on the offensive with a few kicks to Kane’s leg and Punk comes off the ropes, but Kane catches him and attempts a choke slam. Punk reverses into a reverse neck breaker and goes for the cover, but Kane kicked out at two. Punk hits his running knee lift in the corner and attempts the bulldog, but Kane shoves him off into the other corner. Kane charges at Punk, but Punk reverses and goes to the top rope and connects with the bulldog. Punk goes for the cover, but Kane kicks out at two again. Punk hits a flying clothesline off the top rope and goes for another cover, but Kane kicks out again. Punk attempts the GTS, but Kane slides off and gives Punk a big boot and goes for the cover, but Punk kicks out at two. Kane takes Punk to the top rope, but Punk powers out and hits the Macho Man Elbow Drop and goes for the cover, but Kane kicks out at two. Punk attempts the Anaconda Vice, but Kane easily powers out and hits Punk with a side slam and goes for the cover, but Punk kicks out at two. Kane comes off the top rope with a clothesline and sets Punk up for a choke slam, but Punk kicks him in the head and Kane rolls to the outside. Punk dives through the middle rope and takes Kane down on the outside. Bryan grabs a steel chair and acts like he is going to hit Punk, but turns around and hits Kane and runs up the ramp as the referee calls for the bell. Winner by disqualification: Kane. After the match, Kane grabs the chair and attacks Punk with it. He slams Punk into the announcer’s table and the barricade and tosses him into the ring. Kane choke slams Punk in the ring twice as Bryan looks on from the top of the ramp.

-We are reminded that the main event tonight is Sheamus vs. Randy Orton and that coming up next, Santino Marella and Cody Rhodes will go one-on-one in a Champion vs. Champion Match.

-Match #5: Champion vs. Champion Match: Cody Rhodes vs. Santino Marella
Rhodes gains the early momentum in the match and takes Marella down to the mat and slaps the back of his head. Rhodes takes Marella to the ropes and knees him in the midsection. Rhodes keeps the momentum and goes to the top rope and attempts a moonsault, but Marella moves out of the way. Marella goes for the Cobra, but Rhodes connects with a dropkick and goes for the cover, but Marella kicks out at two. Rhodes sends Marella off the ropes, but he reverses and connects with the Cobra out of nowhere for the pin fall. Winner: Santino Marella.

-We revisit what happened earlier tonight with John Laurinaitis and we see that the confrontation between Laurinaitis and The Big Show will be seen next.

-We go back to Raw this past Monday and see the segment between John Laurinaitis and The Big Show, where Show was “fired.”

-Match #6: Randy Orton vs. Sheamus
The match begins with a tie up and the men circle the ring with neither gaining any advantage whatsoever. The referee separates them then Sheamus eventually gets Orton in a headlock. Orton shoots Sheamus off the ropes, but Sheamus comes back with a shoulder block that takes Orton down. Sheamus comes off the ropes again, but Orton catches him with a dropkick and goes for the cover, but Sheamus kicks out at one. Orton applies a submission, but Sheamus powers out and they back into the corner where the referee breaks them up again. The brawl back and forth before Orton takes advantage with a big clothesline. Orton stomps Sheamus while he is down and goes for a knee drop, but Sheamus moves out of the way. Sheamus takes Orton into the corner and they reverse each other a few times before Orton drops Sheamus to the mat with a clothesline. Orton clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope, but Sheamus drags Orton out with him. Sheamus tosses Orton into the steel steps. Orton’s head is against the ring post and Sheamus sets up for the Brogue Kick, but Orton moves and pulls Sheamus shoulder-first into the ring post. Orton slams Sheamus’ shoulder into the steps a few times and stomps on his arm as we go to break. We’re back and the two men are back in the ring. Orton pummels Sheamus while he is down on the apron and continues the attack on the arm with an arm breaker. Orton goes for the cover, but Sheamus kicks out at two. Orton applies a chin lock that Sheamus gets out of, but Orton jerks Sheamus’ arm and he goes down again. Sheamus fights back, but Orton sends him into the corner and goes for the cover, but Sheamus kicks out at two. Orton continues to work on Sheamus’ arm, but Sheamus quickly reverses and sends Orton to the outside. Sheamus catches Orton on the apron and delivers his vintage ten clubbing blows to Orton’s chest. Sheamus knocks Orton off the apron as we go to commercial. We’re back and Sheamus is dropping knees on Orton’s head repeatedly and goes for the cover, but Orton kicks out at two. Sheamus applies a submission, but Orton powers out and charges at Sheamus, but Sheamus hits a knee lift and sends Orton to the mat again. Sheamus goes for the cover, but Orton kicks out at two. Sheamus hits the plunge and goes for the Celtic Cross, but Orton reverses into a neck breaker. Orton hits a couple of clotheslines and a power slam before Sheamus reverses in the corner. Orton counters and hits a belly-to-belly suplex and goes for his second-rope DDT, but Sheamus reverses and drapes him over the rope. Sheamus launches himself back into the ring with his shoulder block and then takes control of Orton and hits a running knee lift and a power slam. Sheamus goes for the cover, but Orton kicks out at two. Sheamus connects with the Irish Curse back breaker and goes for the cover, but Orton kicks out at two again. Sheamus goes to the top rope, but Orton reverses and hits a super-plex and goes for the cover, but Sheamus kicks out at two. Orton takes advantage and takes Sheamus down to the mat. Orton goes for the RKo, but Sheamus reverses and goes for the Brogue Kick, but Orton reverses and goes for another RKO, but Sheamus reverses and rolls Orton up for the pin fall. Winner: Sheamus. After the match, they shake hands before Orton connects with an RKO to leave Sheamus lying in the ring. Orton stands over Sheamus and smirks as Smackdown comes to a close.

Quick Results:
1. R-Truth & Kofi Kingston def. Darren Young & Titus O’Neil
2. Damien Sandow vs. Yoshi Tatsu never got started
3. Daniel Bryan def. Zack Ryder
4. Kane def. CM Punk via disqualification
5. Santino Marella def. Cody Rhodes in a Champion vs. Champion Match
6. Sheamus def. Randy Orton

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