More on the passing of Luna Vachon

Sep 1, 2010 - by Steve Gerweck

To update the story, Luna Vachon was actually living on her own at the time of her death, and not living with her mother. Her mother did discover her body, which was found in a pool of blood – with her face on a piece of pizza according to the Pasco County, FL, Sheriff’s office, on August 27th. As TMZ noted, the investigation team discovered a sniffing straw, with the belief is that she had been sniffing Oxycodone (Oxycontin). Several prescription medication bottles were also discovered, as Luna was bipolar, and took medicine for her extreme mood swings. Her former husband, Dave “Gangrel” Heath noted that she had been suffering from depression.

The autopsy has been completed, and the investigation is being treated as a drug overdose.

Vachon did check herself into a rehab center last year, which was paid for by WWE. She completed her rehab in June 2009.

credit: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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