Chris Masters on his struggles and disappointments in pursuing wrestling opportunities

Jan 26, 2025 - by staff

Chris Masters opened up about his struggles and disappointments in pursuing wrestling opportunities, despite his belief in his abilities. He reflected, “I’d like to, man, I’ve tried to work for that. I was with NWA for a minute, and that gave me kind of a good, at least, platform to show what I can do. But it’s tough, man, because I look around the landscape now and I just, I don’t know where that opportunity is going to come from. It might not be in the cards.”

Masters emphasized his deep connection to wrestling but acknowledged the challenges of his career. “It doesn’t mean I’m gonna walk away from wrestling. It’s just one of those things where wrestling can be…the career of a wrestler goes through a lot where, in terms of, it’s a love-hate relationship. You love it sometimes, but sometimes you don’t feel like it’s loving you back. I’ve definitely fallen back in love with wrestling, but I’ve gotten to the point now where I just don’t feel like it’s loving me back.”

Despite feeling his skills are better than ever, Masters is unsure if he’ll get the chance to prove it. “I definitely feel like my ability is better than it’s ever been. If given the opportunity, I could do something. But the question is [if] that opportunity’s going to come and if it is, who’s it going to come from? I just, I don’t know.”

He admitted to being at a crossroads in his career, saying, “No, yeah. I’m at a crossroads myself, personally. I’ve been on the indie scene for so long that it’s gone to the point where I need something more. Because this can’t just be it. If this was just going to be it, then I have to pivot, or I have to, at least, do something else in addition to, if nothing else.”

Masters also expressed concern about lingering too long on the independent scene without progress. “But at the same time, I don’t want to be 5-6-7 years from now, that guy who was like, kind of hoping for that next shot, but just never got it. Since then has just been dithering on the independent scene. And don’t get me wrong, the independent scene has been a lot of fun. But shoot, you’re gonna want something more.”
He explained the limitations of the indie circuit, both financially and personally. “Because you can’t, even with the independent scene you can only work about once or twice a week most times. So there’s just a lack of fulfilment and there’s not enough physical reimbursement, I mean, money just straight up. You’re not…You’re definitely not planning your retirement just on the independent wrestling scene.”

Source: Rewind Recap Relive

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