Alexander Hammerstone update
Alexander Hammerstone via Facebook:
Haven’t been super active on here.
Honestly having a rough go the last few weeks.
Trying to keep things in perspective as I know a lot of people have things a lot worse and in the grand scheme of things this is all a minor inconvenience.
I just feel like I’m losing ground and just falling behind in all aspects of my life. And yes I’m aware how much of an exaggeration that sounds like.
Somewhere earlier in my life I just learned that I could work harder than other people to dig myself out of shit situations and achieve things I want in life. And when you take that ability away from me I feel lost. I just wanna work harder to get better, to get stronger, and have an awesome return. But I literally just have to wait. I know it’s about working smarter. But it’s all just kind of a realization as you get older you can’t just grind your way to the top. My body literally can’t handle what I put it through in my early twenties and that’s a very frustrating thing to grasp when it’s such an integral part of my identity.
I’m back in the gym and training as best I can. Obviously no leg training yet. But even just walking around the gym and picking up weights and such get my leg throbbing in pretty intense pain about halfway through a work out. Same when I try to do what littler cardio I can.
I feel like a lazy POS when I have to lie in bed for extra hours in the middle of the day but gotta do it
But I’m doing my best. One step forward every day. Anyway… blah blah blah… poor me. I’m fine. Just frustrated.