Live 6/18/24 WWE NXT Results

Jun 18, 2024 - by staff

Hello Wrestling fans!

Chris Soriano here with an NXT recap!

The show opens a little…….bouncy. Je’Von Evans music hits and we are set for the battle royal for the number 1 contendership for the NXT Championship as there are already contenders in the ring. Joe Hendry comes out next and says there are 24 other people in the ring but ONE Joe Hendry. He says he is winning the battle royal and then bringing the title to TNA. We now have TNA Chants going on WWE TV. Ethan Page is out next but him and Oro Mensah brawl right away. Hendry is eliminated by Kazarian (TNA is runnin wild on NXT). Bullshit chants go out for that one. Might I also say that Booker T is the worst commentator in wrestling. He makes Mark Madden sound like Gordon Soilie. Shawn Spears seems hot with a couple of eliminations, including Eddy Thorpe. In the meantime, Frankie Kazarian eliminates 2 more guys to have 3 eliminations to his credit. Apollo Crews is eliminated by Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo as we go to a split screen commercial break. Lexis King and Garza are eliminated as we start to dwindle down. Tony D’Angelo is eliminated after a strong outing. This is awesome chants start getting loud as we are down to the final 4. Dragon Lee, Kazarian, Shawn Spears and Evans. Evans irish whips Kazarian out and Lee and Evans go at it in the middle of the ring. Spears goes out of the ring but under the ropes but comes right back to eliminate Lee. Now its Evans and Spears. Evans closelines spears over the top but his feet dont touch the floor. They fight for some more but Evans gets him and throws him over the top to get the victory and head to HeatWave as the number 1 contender. Great match to start things off! Trick Williams and Evans should be a good one in Canada.

They are squawking in the women’s locker room as everyone argues when Fallon Henley rolls up to talk about how she’s the one that really deserves a title match and they all start getting louder. I actually saw this earlier today as I was online at a Starbucks! (My latte came out fine!)

Roxanne Perez tells Lola Vice she doesn’t trust anybody but wants to handle business tonight, and we go to commercial break.

Back Live and Chase U are walking with Ridge Holland and telling him how he did a great job and pretty much saying he’s part of the club as they give him a t-shirt and everything. Good Brothers pull up and say it’s very touching to see a brute go nerd. This seems to be cooking towards a future tag match. Duke Hudson has to hold Thea Hail back as she goes all crazy on the Good Bros.

Up Next we have Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx vs. Lola Vice & Roxanne Perez vs. Meta-Four (Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend) This is crazy from the jump as we have a lot of fast paced action. Eventually Perez and Vice start working together to keep Lash out of the ring! Jayne with a cannonball into her own partner and Legend and Jackson drive her into the steel steps! Lola with a solebutt, Roxanne with a suicide dive and we go to break! Back from commercial and Perez sends Jayne into the barricade. Tag to Lola, striking away on Jackson, Speedball kicks into the corner, a set for Nyx as well! Squashing Jazmyn and Jakara both with hip attacks but Jacy blasts her with a running elbow! Jackson tags in, double-team nearfalls Jayne but Jazmyn breaks it up! Pele Kick sends Legend packing, mat slam from Jakara! Perez tags in, Lola’s not happy about it. Lola Vice & Roxanne Perez win by pinfall with Pop Rox from Perez on Jakara Jackson.
Postmatch- Perez lays Vice out with a backfist and she smiles about it!

Backstage, Ava Raine congratulates Je’Von Evans on his win.

“All Ego” Ethan Page rolls up to point out that he’s still in the battle royal because he was never eliminated due to Oro Mensah attacking him. He demands Ava do something about Oro and Je’Von taunts Page into a match in the main event with the Number 1 contendership on the line. Ava agrees to it and they keep arguing.

Kelani Jordan (c) vs. “Michin” Mia Yim (NXT Women’s North American Championship) IS UP NEXT! This promises to be a good one and we have some high paced action right out of the gate! The two trade blows as The Good Brothers come down to ringside. Mia seems in control, she locks a bear hug tight. Next is trading chops and forearms from their knees. Now back to their feet, Kelani flying forearms, handspring countered, bridging German suplex… 1-2…..NO! Electric chair, straitjacket, Jordan counters into a poison Frankensteiner..1-2….. STILL NO! Michin captures the mat slam jawbreaker for a nearfall! OTM come down the aisle and the Good Brothers confront them. Jaida Parker comes from the crowd and from behind she knocks Yim down. Jordan sees her down and goes for it! Kelani Jordan wins by pinfall with the split-legged moonsault, retaining the NXT North American Championship in a good match.

Ethan Page is interviewed backstage. He again insists he’s still in the battle royal and furthermore Trick Williams didn’t beat him at his best, but now he’s back on track and he’s got business to handle, and he’s gonna handle Je’Von tonight before taking the title from Trick, and the next time he and Oro Mensah cross paths, he’s taking care of him. He seems a little forced with the promo. I would like to see more. And whoever the interviewer was, gotta be more into the interview!

We then get a video package for Izzi Dame focusing on her volleyball background and saying she will dominate NXT and that WWE brought her in for a reason.

Oba Femi is shown walking backstage and that takes us to a break.

We get a recap of Tatum Paxley losing to Jordynne Grace at TNA Against All Odds last Friday.

Oba Femi makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He talks about successfully retaining his NXT North American Championship at Battleground, where he did what he does best— DOMINATE. So he asks who can ever take the title from him?

Wes Lee comes out!

He points out Femi didn’t pin him and the champ calls him irritating but he doesn’t care. He talks about how badly he wanted to test himself against Oba one-on-one, to the point where he declined entry in the battle royal tonight. Every ounce of his focus is on getting his North American Championship back. Oba says he’s tired of seeing Wes go in circles and he’s done. But as he leaves, Lee tells him not to turn his back on him. He says he’s got everything going for him, guys like Big E telling him he’s his favorite, but he knows deep down what Wes is to that title, unless he does something about it. But he’ll be facing an all-new Cardiac Kid if he does. Oba admits that changing the record books means something to him and he’ll give Lee his one-on-one match but it will be the final time Wes gets a title match as long as he’s champion. Lee agrees to the terms.

Hank Walker catches up with Tank Ledger backstage and tells him he’s got some good news and he’d never crank his tank. He is cleared for competition and they’re back in action. Tank wants to challenge New Catch Republic as their first match back!

Fallon Henley makes her entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, No Quarter Catch Crew interview Tavion Heights.

Charlie Dempsey books a match for next week where if Heights can beat Damon Kemp, he’s in.

We get NXT Anonymous footage of Joe Coffey freaking out over Wes Lee demanding another title match when Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe attack and brawl with Gallus!

Carlee Bright vs. Fallon Henley is next.
Bright looking for a wristlock, Henley with a knee, off the ropes, Carlee with a tijeras and a crossbody, cover for one! Fallon takes control, kicks in the corner, choking her. Bright gets back in it, sleeper hold applied, and Wendy Choo comes and puts Kendal Grey to sleep at ringside! We get back in the ring and Bright comes up short on a crossbody, Fallon hooks her, fisherman suplex and this one is over as Fallon Henley wins by pinfall with a Shining Wizard.

Back from commercial, Je’Von Edwards is getting his ribs taped up when Trick Williams comes in to congratulate him on winning the battle royal and warns about Ethan Page. Edwards says he’s gonna do what he has to and then he’ll see Trick at Heatwave. Edwards has to work on his promo skills. They are not great. But the kid can work in the ring. WWE do your magic!!!

Up next we have Tag Team action as The Good Brothers take on Chase U! Thankfully we aren’t doing a drinking game because if we were for every time Booker T says Ohhhhhhhhhh Man, things could get ugly. Nevertheless, good action with this tag match. Anderson eats the pin from Duke Hudson with a folding press for a victory for Chase U! I still think this group is gonna be magic on the main roster!

Ava Raine congratulates Kelani Jordan on her win and Jordan says her next challenger should be someone who doesn’t complain or act like they’re owed anything. Arianna Grace appears, thinking that Kelani is talking about her and she accepts the match. Jordan says actually she was talking about Sol Ruca, and Arianna complains that she surfs and doesn’t carry herself like a pageant queen and she’s so much better than Ruca that it’s funny. Robert Stone suggests running the match next week and Ava likes it, so it’s official!

Trick Williams makes his entrance to join commentary for our main event. Maybe he can just replace Booker T.

Main Event time on NXT! Evans vs. Page! Trick out on commentary. Page has most of the offense early on, hitting Evans with a powerslam, but only gets a 2 count. Williams says on commentary that Page is an outsider to the brand, coming from a different world (AEW) and does not belong. Evans starts to muster some offense as he gets Page with a kick. Big fly closeline and goes for a pinfall but Page kicks out at 2. Page counters Evans off the top rope, gets an Ethans edge and pins Evans. “All Ego” celebrates and stares at Rick. They get into a confrontation by the announce desk. However, Shawn Spears comes out and attacks Evans. Trick comes in for the save but Page comes in and the double team is on. Evans gets up and lays out spears and page from the top rope. All 4 men are down with the title in the middle of the ring as the broadcast ends.

Final Thoughts: I can see creative going with the Fatal 4 Way Angle. Technically Page did not lose the Battle Royal as he was never eliminated. And he pins Evans fairly cleanly? Spears coming out and attacking Evans could be something. But even if it’s a triple threat, I do not think we will get a one on one at Heatwave. Or maybe that match will get interference and we will get a fatal 4 way down the line. Could be interesting. Also, must I say, Vic Joseph has gotten a lot better on commentary. Dude is an enjoyable listen. He just has to get a better partner. Booker brings down the product. Almost like when JBL was with Cole. GREAT wrestlers. Not great announcers.

Until Next Time Wrestling fans!

Take care and enjoy the sport of Wrestling!

Chris Soriano

Keep checking back for live results and updates

3 Responses

  1. trypz says:

    Sorry man, but no commentator could ever be worse than Renee Young. She was unbearable and brought nothing of value.

  2. JJ says:

    Obviously we are forgetting about Mike Adamle as an announcer.

  3. Luke says:

    We’re forgetting about a lot of people, but when it comes to current full time wrestling announcers, the trophy has to go to Excalibur. Outside of his more obvious flaws, I can’t recall anyone else who somehow makes every other member of his commentating team worse.

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