Female of the Day

Jenna Van Muscles

Jul 8, 2016 - by Steve Gerweck

Jenna VanMuscles 070816

Introducing Jenna Van Muscles…

Wrestling Bio:

WRESTLER: Jenna Van Bemmel

NAME: The Bionic Beast aka Jenna
Van Muscles
HEIGHT: 5’ 10”

WEIGHT: 200 lbs

HOMETOWN: Clearwater, Florida

BIRTHDAY: October 31
ENTRANCE THEME SONG: ‘Beast’ by Rob Bailey & the Hustle Standard

GIMMICK DESCRIPTION: The beautiful bionic beast uses her out of this world strength to defeat her opponents.

TRAINED BY: Bonnie Maxon/Rain

FAVORITE MOVES: Bear hug; Body Attack; Double Axe Handle; Beal toss; Choke Slam; Leg Drop; Spear

FINISH MOVE: Royal Butterfly
DEBUT: April 9th, 2016
Dream Opponent: China
Goals: Fitness is my life and love and wrestling has always been a passion. I am striving on being a dominant force in the wrestling industry and establishing myself as the strongest female wrestler in history.

Favorite wrestler: That’s the hardest question…if I have to choose toss up between The Rock and Stone Cold.

Have a suggestion for a future Female of the day? Send them to betweentheropes@hotmail.com

Previous Female of the Day

Thursday, Jul 7, 2016

Debbie Sharpe

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