Bischoff expresses willingness to return for one-off WWE projects
Eric Bischoff has indicated a willingness to return for one-off WWE projects, underscoring his respect for the company on his 83 Weeks podcast.
“Definitely. You know, WWE does it right. If that opportunity were to be presented to me, I’d have to give it serious consideration. Honestly, I don’t want to make it sound like I’m too good for anything, because that’s not the case at all. For me, it’s just very personal in terms of travel. I mean, I say it all the time, and I don’t think people really believe me or understand how committed I am to this, but it’s just so hard for me to travel anymore. My biggest issue is the travel part. I guess it depends on where, when, how often, and that type of thing, but I’m never going to turn down an opportunity to do anything with WWE. They’re a class organization. They treat you right.”
“I almost always have a great time. I always keep an open mind, for sure, and especially something that’s kind of groundbreaking as is WWE ID, you know, to be on the ground floor, that would be something I would be interested in for sure.”
And the other shoe drops, explaining why Bischoff has been so critical on AEW’s product, and overly praiseful of WWE.