AJ Francis on a possible WWE return, WWE planning a big Raw for the final USA network episode, more

Dec 12, 2024 - by Steve Gerweck

– While speaking to Wrestleholics, AJ Francis was asked about possibly returning to WWE, especially with WWE’s partnership with TNA. He stated, “he would love to work with NXT and be in the Royal Rumble, adding that WWE has his number since they fired him twice before. I would love to do some work at NXT and go back to WWE. That would be great. I’d love to be in a Royal Rumble, but they’ve got my number. They had it the two times they fired my ass.”

– Wrestlevotes reports that WWE is planning a huge final episode of RAW on the USA Network on December 30 in Houston, TX. It was noted that a big send off is planned and that the company has been hard at work on an incredible show to show their appreciation to USA as they move to Netflix starting on January 6th.

– WWE posted:

One Response

  1. Luke says:

    Yes, Royal Rumble. He can eliminate himself by doing the Whale Flop over the top rope and then he can act like he meant to do it!

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