Video: Pearce on if a match against Aldis is possible, backstage segments with Chelsea Green, more
On if a match against Nick Aldis is possible:
“Yeah, there’s something there. There’s a lot of errant opportunity between Mr. Aldis and I. But here’s the thing, you have to want that, and I don’t think he wants that. No, that’d be fun. I think neither one of us, neither Nick nor I, are ever going to angle for a position in the spotlight like that. I think we’re both content, very happy and very honored to have the positions we have currently in WWE. There’s only one General Manager for the show, so it’s highly important. It has been the pinnacle of my professional performing career and I hope that continues into the future. But as I’ve said 100 times, privately, publicly, I ain’t afraid to get my hands dirty either. So if the situation calls for it, I’m sure Nick would be down for it and I think there’s a whole litany of NWA fans who have played that what if game? Because I think our names are always connected when people talk about that, especially in the “modern era.” I think it’d be fun for a lot of different groups of wrestling fans.”
On receiving 2 F5s from Brock Lesnar and splitting his pants:
“That was amazing. They split on the first one, which was hilarious. I remember saying to Brock ‘Hey, how do you grab for the F5? I know it’s a firemans carry.’ So he showed me how he’s gonna grab me and I said ‘Don’t worry, I’ll get light for you.’ He goes ‘You don’t have to.’ I said ‘I know I don’t have to, but I will. Brother, I got you.’ What a pro. What a freak athlete. [Did you know they’d split the first time?] No, I didn’t know they split until I got in the back and everyone was laughing at the fact that I split my pants and I was like, why don’t you take two F5s and see what happens?”
Was it supposed to be two?
“He listened to the crowd because they started chanting ‘One more time. One more time. One more time. One more time.’ I’m laying there and kind of look up and again, professionalism, we made eye contact. When the eye contact was sustained for longer than two or three seconds I knew that one more time was gonna happen, which is cool.”
On backstage segments with Chelsea Green:
“Always an experience working with Chelsea and easy to play off. When she would do her thing, and to this day when she does it’s almost like you don’t have to say anything. I always try to think about what would my face say to this person without a word coming out of my mouth. What do my eyes say? I’m pretty good facially and there’s a tip for younger wrestlers too, sell everything with this. Your eyes, your face. I always thought let Chelsea be Chelsea and I just have to kind of react without saying anything. It’s so much fun.”