Jericho asked about a possible WWE return

Mar 17, 2024 - by Steve Gerweck

During an interview with Gabby LaSpisa, AEW’s Chris Jericho commented on potentially making a return to WWE…

“It was great to be there, I had a great 20 years there, but I’ve had a great going on five years in AEW. I love working here. I love working with, not even for, with Tony Khan. WWE is a completely different animal now than when I left in 2017. It’s been six years. It’s not something I’ve really thought about. I like watching and reading about what’s going on, the buzz that they have, but I also like my company and I helped start AEW.”

”I don’t really see any reason why I would want to leave at this point. Never say that I wouldn’t go, but I have zero plans of that. I like it here and I like the people I work with. I enjoy coming to work every week, which was not always the case in WWE, and it’s weird how that is the case here, but it’s a different vibe and I have a lot of fun here in AEW.”

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