How to Speed Up Recovery Time after Wrestling Class

Jan 11, 2024 - by staff

Any activity, whether simple aerobic or full-fledged wrestling, puts stress on the body. Recovery is a crucial aspect that should not be overlooked, but rather used to assist the muscles recover faster. Follow the checklist to complete things as effectively as possible: the guidelines are appropriate for both beginners and professional wrestlers.

The complete recovery process takes the body at least two days. This is the period during which it needs to rebuild the operation of all its systems, namely:

● increase the level of certain hormones;

● direct resources to recovery;

● fill the calorie deficit;

● regulate heart function;

● neutralize the effects of the adrenaline surge that occurs during physical activity.

It is during this period that you can do the following things.


Massage is recommended for wrestlers of all types and levels as it provides an anabolic benefit. Even one massage session in a top massage parlor in the skillful hands of a massage therapist, for example from the Armonia SPA salon, improves blood circulation and facilitates the interaction of tissue fluids, relieving muscle tissue fatigue. It also promotes the elimination of metabolites and toxins through the venous and lymphatic circulation.

Massage relieves musculoskeletal stress and exhaustion while also providing a mentally calm state of mind.

A post-exercise massage is often recommended 1 to 6 hours after a difficult workout, heavy workout, or competition. Massage should target all muscle groups involved, not just regions of discomfort, to aid in speedy recovery after wrestling and promote endurance. If tournaments are held on many days in a succession, a thorough but quick massage is required after each training session. Prolonged massage will overly relax the athlete, making physiological arousal harder to accomplish.


How quickly your body and muscles recover depends on how you eat. The diet should be balanced, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, microelements and plenty of water.

During physical activity, the body expends a large amount of energy, which must be restored afterwards. For example, immediately take a serving of protein. This rehabilitates muscles, protects against damage and helps the body gain strength. After an hour, you need to eat carbohydrates and replenish your glycogen reserves.

What you can eat immediately after training:

● cottage cheese with fruit;

● protein smoothie;

● whole grain toast, a slice of turkey or chicken, a slice of cheese, lettuce;

● canned tuna salad with cucumber;

● Greek yogurt with fruit and honey.


Saunas can help the body regenerate by improving blood circulation around the muscles. The sauna’s heat and dampness induce sweating, which cleanses the body of impurities. Nitrogen, a result of protein catabolism, cannot be used by the organism. It is normally eliminated in the urine after being cleared from the blood by the kidneys. A sauna or services like baths in the Armonia SPA will assist in the removal of this nitrogen through the skin, sparing your kidneys unnecessary labor and important energy for muscle tissue growth and repair. To ensure that the body recovers to a hydrated condition, it is critical to continue fluid intake following a sauna session.


First of all, rest includes quality and healthy sleep. When a person sleeps, important processes occur in the body: certain organs, body systems and muscles are restored. It is important not only the number of hours spent sleeping, but also the sleep schedule itself. You need to go to bed around 10 pm (or at least before midnight), and sleep for at least 8-9 hours.


Stretching is a frequently overlooked healing technique. Stretching is used to eliminate or speed the removal of metabolites that induce weariness and stiffness, as well as to enhance microtrauma repair. These injuries may not be obvious right away, but years of exercise and inappropriate rehabilitation can lead to a serious, chronic illness.

More stress is put on the tendon during exercise as the cross-sectional area of the muscle rises and its capacity to create force increases. In fact, the musculotendinous junction is the site of 90% of injuries. Stretching allows muscles to achieve their resting length more quickly.

Each stretch is held for 60 seconds in a comfortable, pain-free range. Perform many sets of each stretch for optimal effect, and dedicate one day to stretching.


Giving your body time to rest is as important as choosing and buying clothes for wrestling, maintaining the correct technique and eating a balanced diet. Only if all of the above conditions are met can you expect to achieve the desired result.

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