
Follow along with the Starman as he recaps the Impact Wrestling Sacrifice pay-per-view, which takes place live at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario.
A video package that highlights tonight’s matches is aired. We then see an arial shot of St. Clair College before heading into the sold out arena and we head into the first match of the night.
Match 1: Mike Bailey vs. Jonathan Gresham
The two shake hands and quickly go back and forth with a series of reversals and counters. The announce team then state that Mickie James will not be competing tonight due to injury. They also announce that Josh Alexander is also out with a triceps tear and will be relinquishing the Impact World Championship after a record 335-day reign. Back to the action, the match slows down as Bailey and Gresham trade grappling and mat maneuvers to try to wear each other down.
Gresham then gains the advantage and begins to focus on Bailey’s legs and even refuses to break a leg lock once Bailey got a rope break. Bailey doesn’t take the long hold too well and begins to connect with a flurry of kicks as Gresham rolls out to the floor. Bailey then lands a moonsault out to the floor and rolls Gresham back into the ring. Gresham is able to regain control with a drop toe hold and continues to methodically work over both of Bailey’s legs.
Gresham picks up a couple of near falls after landing some strikes, but Bailey is able to counter with a dropkick from the middle rope. Bailey then picks up a near fall after hitting a running Shooting Star Press. Gresham is able to recover and plants Bailey with a DDT and continues to work over Bailey’s legs. Bailey tries to fight back, but Gresham locks in a Figure Four, which gets a few near falls. Bailey is finally able to roll both of them to the ropes the break the hold.
While on the apron, Bailey kicks Gresham into the ring post and then connects with a flip knee drop onto Gresham on the apron. Bailey then heads to the top, but Gresham recovers and pulls him down before dropping Bailey’s knee on the apron. The try to keep each other from entering the ring, but they both make it back in before the count of 10. The two then trade some quick pin attempts until Bailey misses with the Ultimate Weapon. Gresham then locks in another Figure Four, but Bailey reverses it and makes Gresham tap out.
Winner: Mike Bailey defeated Jonathan Gresham by submission.
Brian Myers said his first reign as the Impact Digital Media Champion was epic and his next reign will be even better. Moose then comes out and says he was going to help him win the championship. Santino Marella comes in and says he heard what Moose just said and he is forbidden to be ringside.
Prior to the match Joe Hendry says he is at St. Clair College, where you can expect a quality education, but tonight he will be dishing out that education to Brian Myers as he slaps him around the ring.
Match 2: Joe Hendry vs. Brian Myers (Impact Digital Media Championship)
The bell rings as Hendry quickly begins tossing Myers around the ring. Myers rolls out to the floor, but Hendry follows and sends him into the apron and the stairs. Hendry the slams Myers on the floor but Myers is able to recover as Hendry breaks the 10 count and takes control of the match. Myers hits Hendry with a chop block and slowly begins to wear down Hendry while picking up a few near falls in the process.
Myers gets a little too confident and allows Hendry to get back into the match as he takes Myers down with a spinning back elbow. Hendry then slams Myers down with a fallaway slam and picks up a near fall after hitting a cutter. Myers is able to recover and picks up a near fall of his own with an DDT. Myers then heads to the top rope but Hendry counters with a cutter and hits the Standing Ovation to pick up the pin fall and retain the Impact Digital Media Championship.
Winner: Joe Hendry defeated Brian Myers by pin fall to retain the Impact Digital Media Championship.
Santino Marella and Mickey James are being interviewed backstage as Mickie says she is disappointed to find out that she has a broken rib. She says she can’t defend the Knockouts Championship tonight, but wants Jordynne Grace to know that she is not ducking her, but hopes that she will be able to defend the championship at Rebellion. Marella jumps in and says at Rebellion, Grace and the winner of will face the winner of the 4-way match at Multiverse United for the Knockouts Championship. If James is cleared to compete, it will be a 3-way match. James says she will be at Rebellion and defend the title or will pass over the championship to the woman that wins.
A video package highlighting the Gisele Shaw/Deonna Purrazzo match is aired as we head into the next match of the night.
Match 3: Gisele Shaw vs. Deonna Purrazzo
The match starts as the two go back and forth in a furry of action and quick pin attempts. Shaw then rolls out to the floor as Purrazzo was trying to go for the Venus de Milo. The fight goes out to the floor and Purrazzo rolls Shaw into the floor as Savannah Evans takes out Purrazzo with a clothesline. Shaw continues wearing Purrazzo down in the ring as Jai Vidal also gets involved behind the referee’s back as this has turned into a 3-on-1 match.
Purrazzo slows down Shaw with a neckbreaker and picks up a near fall after landing a Russian leg sweep. Purrazzo then locks in the Koji Clutch but Shaw reverses into a pin attempt to make Purrazzo release the hold. The two then trade strikes until Shaw connects with the Shock and Awe, but Purrazzo kicks out at two. Purrazzo then counters a kick with an armbar and finally locks in the Venus de Milo to pick up the submission victory.
Savannah Evans then runs into the ring and takes down Deonna Purrazzo to cut her victory celebration shot. Tasha Steelz then comes out the the ring and begins talking to Evans and motions to double team Purrazzo, but attacks Evans when her back is turned. Jai Vidal gets involved as Steelz takes him down with a DDT and a Cutter before tossing him out to the floor.
Winner: Deonna Purrazzo defeated Gisele Shaw by submission.
A video package highlighting what went down between Eddie Edwards, PCO and Kenny King that led to our next match of the night.
Match 4: Kenny King vs. PCO
King jumps PCO before the bell to get this match started. PCO is able to fight back as King rolls out to the floor to regroup with Eddie Edwards. King enters the ring and attacks PCO as Edwards causes a distraction, but King’s offense is short lived as PCO powers him around. PCO then turns his attention to Edwards and stalks him ringside as King dives over the top rope and takes out PCO.
The match returns to the ring, where King continues on the attack before being dumped over the top rope and onto the floor. PCO then looks to dive out after King, but appears to short circuit and dives out to the wrong side of the ring. PCO recovers and dives out onto King and finally tosses him back into the ring. PCO begins to wear King down with a series of power moves and hits a draped leg drop from the middle rope.
PCO again tries to climb the ropes, but Edwards distracts PCO. King is able to recover and flips him onto the ring apron and onto the floor to regain control. King then sends PCO into the steps before moving the floor mats and giving PCO a suplex and a slam onto the bare floor. King returns to the ring and sets up a steel chair in the corner as PCO gets back into the ring. King picks up a few near falls on PCO, but PCO begins to come back to life.
Edwards tosses a kendo stick into the ring, which distracts the referee and King connects with a chair shot to PCO’s back. The referee tosses Edwards from the ringside area as PCO punches the chair into King’s face and picks up the pin fall.
Winner: PCO defeated Kenny King by pin fall.
A video package featuring “the Wild Child” Jody Threat is aired. We then see Rich Swann and Frankie Kazarian in the locker room as Steve Maclin comes in. Kazarian reminds Maclin that Josh Alexander is their friend and tonight Maclin is their partner and they need to make this work. Maclin says it is going to work as this is his chance to get a look at Kushida before their upcoming match at Rebellion.
Match 5: Lince Dorado vs. Trey Miguel (Impact X Division Championship)
The match starts out with Miguel and Dorado mirroring each other with a series of dodges, counters and reversals. Miguel rolls out to the floor after being hit with a dropkick and is able to counter Dorado’s attack and send him down to the floor with a hurricanrana. Back in the ring, Miguel slowly wears down Dorado and tries to tear at Dorado’s mask. Miguel gets a little too cocky and Dorado is able to send Miguel out to the floor and takes him out with a splash from the top rope.
Dorado tosses Miguel back into the ring and picks up a near fall after connecting with a cross body block from the top rope. Dorado continues on the attack and goes for a trio of moonsaults, but Miguel is able to dodge the third one and takes Dorado down with an enziguri. Miguel then connects with a series of kicks and picks up a near fall of his own. Dorado fights his way back into the match and sends Miguel crashing to the ring with a Frankensteiner from the top rope. Dorado then hits the Shooting Star Press, but Miguel rolls out to the floor.
Miguel is able to regain control and drives Dorado down to the mat with a powerbomb, but Dorado is able to kick out of the pin attempt. The two thengo back and forth with punches and strikes until Miguel is able to roll up Dorado with a hurricanrana and pick up the pin fall to retain the X Division Championship. The two then stare each other down as Miguel celebrates his victory.
Winner: Trey Miguel defeated Lince Dorado by pin fall to retain the Impact X Division Championship.
TMDK is backstage where Shane Haste talks about calling up Bad Dude Tito and asking him if he wanted some gold. Tito said he would crush the mini Bullet Club and Haste says they are going to get the job done right now as we head into the next match of the night.
Match 6: TMDK (Shane Haste & Bad Dude Tito) vs. Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (Impact Tag Team Championship)
Chris Bey starts off against Bad Dude Tito, who quickly powers Bey around the ring. Ace Austin is tagged in and finds himself in the same predicament against Tito. Shane Haste tags in and continues working over Austin and picks up a near fall. Bey makes the blind tag and the duo take Haste down with some quick double team moves to gain control of the match.
Bey and Austin work together to wear Haste down, but Haste is able to make it to his corner and tags in Tito. Tito and Haste begin working together to wear down Austin and picks up some near falls in the process. Haste begins to toy with Austin, which gives him an opportunity to make the hot tag to his partner. Bey comes in and goes after both Haste and Tito and picks up a near fall over Haste.
Haste is able to counter Bullet Club’s double team move and makes a tag to Tito, who comes in and begins to power Austin around. Tito then dives out to the floor and takes Bey out on the floor. Tito then hits a frog splash onto Austin, but Bey breaks up the pin attempt. The action breaks down in the ring as the Bullet Club double teams Tito, but Haste is able to break up the pin attempt. The Bullet Club then connects with the 1-2-Sweet on Tito to win the match by pin fall and retain the Impact Tag Team Championship.
Winner: Bullet Club defeated TMDK by pin fall to retain the Impact Tag Team Championship.
A video package highlight the feud between Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer is aired. The Busted Open match between the two friends turned rivals is up next.
Match 7: Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer (Busted Open Match)
Bully Ray attacks Tommy Dreamer before he is able to make it to the ring and hits him with a chair a few times in the legs. Dreamer begins fighting back and sends Ray into the steps and railing. Dreamer tosses Ray and a chair into the ring and goes to grab another chair and a replica ECW Championship belt as he enters the ring. Ray has the other chair as the two begin having a chair fight with them. Dreamer nails Ray in the midsection with the chair as Ray rolls out to the floor. Dreamer then grabs the ECW Championship and nails Ray in the head with it.
The fight continues on the floor as Ray stops to toss a beer in former NHL star Darren McCarty’s face. Ray then grabs a step ladder and brings it into the ring. Ray then pikes fun of AEW by telling the referee to hold the ladder but Dreamer is able to dodge a splash. Dreamer then grabs a bag of thumbtacks and dumps them into the ring. Ray is able to counter Dreamer with a backdrop as he then heads out to the floor and grabs a cheese grater. Dreamer is able to get the grater away from Ray, but accidentally knocks out the referee. Dreamer then hits Ray with the grater as Ray rolls out to the floor.
Bully Ray is shown with a bloody forehead, but the referee is out. The Good Hands then make their way to the ring and goes after Dreamer as Ray is trying to wipe away the blood from his forehead. Ray enters the ring and throws a handful of tacks into Dreamer’s face before driving Dreamer’s face into the tacks. Bully then misses with an elbow as he ends up with an arm full of tacks. Dreamer grabs the cheese grater again as Bully pleads for Dreamer to stop. Dreamer stops and Ray connects with a low blow.
Bully then smashes Dreamer’s arm into the thumb tack before sending him into the steel ring post. Dreamer is busted open after that and the Good Hands roll Dreamer into the ring where the referee finally wakes up and calls for the bell to award the match to Bully Ray.
Winner: Bully Ray defeated Tommy Dreamer in a Busted Open Match.
Bully Ray sets up a table in the ring as the Good Hands help him out. Darren McCarty then jumps the railing, but is stopped by security. Dreamer rolls out to the floor and Bully grabs a microphone and tells security to let him go. McCarty comes into the ring and the two start trading blows in the middle of the ring. The Good Hands then attack McCarty from behind as Bully Ray then power bombs McCarty through the table.
Scott D’Amore’s music hits as he makes his way out to the ring and is followed by Heath, Jonathan Grisham, Mike Bailey, Rhino and Joe Hendry. Bully Ray runs out of the ring, but Jason Hotch tries to attack D’Amore from behind, but D’Amore takes him out with a Canadian Destroyer. D’Amore celebrates his return in the ring with the rest of the Impact Wrestling roster as they pick up Darren McCarty.
The announce team hypes the upcoming live broadcast of Impact, as well as Multiverse United and Rebellion. A video package for Slammiversary is aired, which will take place on July 15 in Windsor, Ontario. A video package for the main event then airs as we head into the final match of the night.
Match 8: Steve Maclin, Frankie Kazarian, and Rich Swann vs. Time Machine (Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and Kushida)
Alex Shelley and Rich Swann start out the six-man tag match and wrestle to a standstill before tagging in Chris Sabin and Frankie Kazarian. Those two also fight to a stalemate as Kushida and Steve Maclin is tagged in as Maclin can get a good look at Kushida. Kushida works over Maclin’s arm as Shelley makes the blind tag to continue working over Maclin, but Maclin drops Shelley on the top rope as Kaz tags himself back in.
Kaz and Swann work together to wear down Shelley but Maclin distracts the referee as Time Machine triple teams Swann. Kaz comes into the ring as Time Machine continues their triple team on them. Kushida then tags in as Maclin tosses Swann to them as they begin triple teaming him again. Time Machine begins to make tags and triple team moves to wear down Swann. Swann finally fights his way out of the corner and makes the tag to Kazarian, who comes in and takes out all three of his opponents with a series of strikes and springboard leg drops.
Sabin is tagged in and takes out all three of his opponents as the Motor City Machine Guns double team Kazarian to pick up a near fall. Swann is tagged back in and picks up a near fall on Sabin and goes to the middle rope, but Maclin tags himself in. Shelley is then tagged in as the match breaks down and Time Machine takes out Swann. Shelley then hits a series of chops as Kushida tags himself in and goes after Maclin with a flurry of offense. Kushida takes Maclin down with a palm strike and attempts the Hover Board, but Maclin drives Kushida into the corner.
Swann tags himself in and he and Kaz begin double teaming Kushida and Swann hits the 450 Spalsh but Kushida kicks out of the pin attempt. Swann then misses with the Phoenix Splash as Time Machine then locks all three of their opponents into submission holds. Maclin breaks free as all members of Time Machine attack him and take him out. Time Machine then tries to triple team Swann, but Maclin breaks it up and tags himself in. The Motor City Machine Guns then takes out both Swann and Kaz before Shelley hits Maclin with the Shell Shock and Kushida locks in the Hover Board to make Maclin tap out.
Winner: Time Machine defeated Steve Maclin, Frankie Kazarian, and Rich Swann by submission.
After the match, Kazarian gets in Maclin’s face for submitting as Maclin walks up the ramp and stares down Kushida as Time Machine celebrates in the ring and Sacrifice comes to a close.
Quick Results
– Mike Bailey defeated Jonathan Gresham by submission.
– Joe Hendry defeated Brian Myers by pin fall to retain the Impact Digital Media Championship.
– Deonna Purrazzo defeated Gisele Shaw by submission.
– PCO defeated Kenny King by pin fall.
– Trey Miguel defeated Lince Dorado by pin fall to retain the Impact X Division Championship.
– Bullet Club defeated TMDK by pin fall to retain the Impact Tag Team Championship.
– Bully Ray defeated Tommy Dreamer in a Busted Open Match.
– Time Machine defeated Steve Maclin, Frankie Kazarian, and Rich Swann by submission.