Matt Riddle says he’s been focusing on himself

Matt Riddle took to Twitter today to issue an update to his fans following his recent WWE hiatus.
As we’ve noted, it was previously reported that Riddle failed two WWE Wellness Policy drug tests in the last few months, and that he was written out of the RAW storylines a few weeks back so that he could enter rehab. There was some speculation on the story based on the WWE Wellness Policy guidelines, while one source close to Riddle said he was taking time off due to the pressure of going through a divorce. You can click here for the previous update on Riddle’s status.
In an update, Riddle made his first tweet since early December today, and said he’s been working on himself, and couldn’t be happier or healthier. Riddle also thanked his supporters.
“I’ve been working a lot on myself lately and have been saying no and setting boundaries for the first time ever and certain people aren’t happy about it, but I couldn’t be healthier or happier. Thank you for all the support [chakra emoji],” he wrote with a photo of adult film star Misha Montana.
Riddle’s comments come after adult film star Jordan Maxx took to Twitter this week to vent over their relationship, seemingly confirming that Riddle was in rehab. Maxx responded to a tweet that poked fun at how she had been replaced by Montana.
“Does it make you feel better about yourself to kick people when they’re down? Try to imagine for one second, the man you’ve spent the last 6 months with, who said ‘I love you’ for the first time 2 months ago, is all of a sudden making out with someone else WHO IS IN YOUR INDUSTRY, and then, rather than keeping plans for Christmas and NYE, he’s going to rehab? Do you have any idea how confusing and hurtful that is?,” she wrote.
She continued in follow-up tweets, “Adding this here since it seems many of you are overlooking it: I’m not mad that he’s in rehab. He told me that he quit drugs, and then to find out he’s a) with another girl b) doing those drugs with her and c) failing drug tests so he has to go to rehab for it is disappointing. I do hope that he takes rehab seriously and gets the help he so desperately needs so that he can be the best version of who he is for his future partners, his kids, and himself”
A Twitter used replied and wrote, “Wait.. you would rather have him be with you at Christmas than to let him get the help he needs? He dodged a bullet with you, that’s for sure.”
Maxx wrote back, “Can you even read? That’s not what I’m saying at all. He told me that he quit drugs, and then to find out he’s a) with another girl b) doing those drugs with her and c) failing drug tests so he has to go to rehab for it is disappointing.”
The social media drama for Riddle continued this afternoon when Riddle’s ex-girlfriend, Daniella Petrow, posted a series of videos to discuss the situation. Petrow previously spoke about Riddle earlier this year. In the new videos, Petrow discussed the comments by Maxx, and accused Riddle of abuse.
Petrow says she warned WWE about Riddle’s behavior, and that she believes rehab will not help him. She called Riddle a predator, and said WWE needs to fire him.
“You know, it’s Tuesday. I think it’s like December 20th. I am doing this video because, one, I want the women to hear it out of my own mouth,” she said in the video seen below. “I am sorry for attacking you on Twitter. I am sorry for lashing out because you guys didn’t want to listen to me. I am sorry that this could have been prevented if he would have just been stopped. Probably back in, like, the Candy Cartwright days when she sued him for sexual abuse. You would think someone would learn not to hurt women or abuse women. I’m talking about Matt Riddle. Talking about you, bro. You. I told you, you may have hurt me, but I’m not going to stop until you’re stopped. And right now, I think the newest victim is Misha Montana, which she’s in that like, ‘Imma stand by my man’ phase solely. I respect girl. I respect it. But you’ll find out, and it’s sad, you’re going to find out the hard way. Jordan Maxx found out the hard way. Ivy Malibu found out the hard way. I found out the hard way. We all do. We really do. Finding out the hard way that you have been conned into loving a man who uses your love to then take advantage of you, to then manipulate you, to sexually abuse you, to torment you. And he has a pedestal of fame, and he has has the support of people who idolize him. But why would you idolize the devil? Why will anyone listen to me? I didn’t sue him. I didn’t go for money. And no disrespect to Candy Cartwright for doing it but I literally was just trying to stop him. And you all said I was doing this for clout. This man abused me sexually, and you didn’t want to listen. And now you have videos that, like, Ivy Malibu is putting out, and she’s still in that I want to protect him phase because she’s not saying his name, but she’s talking about Matthew Riddle, and y’all still don’t want to believe it. Even Jordan’s in that protecting phase because she’s still under the impression that she was only mentally and emotionally abused, and you guys are using her work against her.
“I’m gonna say it, and I’m gonna say it very arrogantly. I told y’all. I told you all about him. I told WWE. And what are they doing? Sending him to rehab? Rehab’s not gonna f–king help him. He still has this f–king job. He’s still gonna f–king do what he’s doing. That man has so many f–ked up mental f–king issues and he takes it out on us. F–king innocent women. Have you all noticed we all look alike? Blonde hair, long, high cheekbones, big lips, pronounced jawline. That’s a predator. And he has a type. He preys on us. Now, granted, there have been other casualties, too, along his traveling ways. There was a girl in Canada. There’s been a lot of others, which I’m not going to speak about because that’s not my place. But come on, people, wake the f–k up. WWE, you need to fire his ass. And 30 days in rehab is not enough time to fix what’s f–king wrong with this man. Charges might, but it’s not here nor there. How do you prove sexual abuse? The one thing Matt Riddle has never, ever, ever, ever, ever done is been held accountable, ever. Oh, I’m doing drugs cuz of my divorce. Okay. So. You’re doing drugs while you were cheating on your wife with your mistress, who you then forced to do things to. What about with me? You said I made you the happiest going through your divorce, but you still abused me. So when’s the accountability going to happen? When is people going to wake up and start realizing what I’ve been telling you, what these women are telling you? Instead of attacking us, how about you start seeing the fn pattern? Oh my God. All these different women, we have no affiliation with each other. Well, maybe two of them because of the porn industry. I was never a wrestler. I don’t know who f–king Ivy Malibu is. We all live in different f–king states, which is even crazier. But the one thing we have in common, the one thing is Matthew Riddle. The one thing. But yet he calls us crazy. He says we’re liars. But we all have basically the similar same f–king story just played out in different narratives. Think about it. People wake up.”
Riddle has not directly addressed the comments, but he did post his tweet after Petrow posted her video.
I’ve been working a lot on myself lately and have been saying no and setting boundaries for the first time ever and certain people aren’t happy about it, but I couldn’t be healthier or happier.
Thank you for all the support 🤙— matthew riddle (@SuperKingofBros) December 21, 2022
Does it make you feel better about yourself to kick people when they’re down?
Try to imagine for one second, the man you’ve spent the last 6 months with, who said “I love you” for the first time 2 months ago, is all of a sudden making out with someone else WHO IS IN YOUR (1/2)
— Jordan Maxx // BDAY MARCH 26 // MPLS (@TheJordanMaxx) December 19, 2022
I do hope that he takes rehab seriously and gets the help he so desperately needs so that he can be the best version of who he is for his future partners, his kids, and himself
— Jordan Maxx // BDAY MARCH 26 // MPLS (@TheJordanMaxx) December 20, 2022
Can you even read? That’s not what I’m saying at all. He told me that he quit drugs, and then to find out he’s a) with another girl b) doing those drugs with her and c) failing drug tests so he has to go to rehab for it is disappointing
— Jordan Maxx // BDAY MARCH 26 // MPLS (@TheJordanMaxx) December 19, 2022