WWE NXT Report – 12/20

Dec 20, 2022 - by Staff

– Tonight’s WWE NXT episode opens up on the USA Network with a look back at how Roxanne Perez captured the NXT Women’s Title from Mandy Rose last week. We’re now live on a tape delay as Vic Joseph welcomes us to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. Fans chant “NXT!” as we go right to the ring.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Axiom

We go right to the ring for tonight’s opener as Carmelo Hayes makes his way to the ring with Trick Williams. Fans chant “Melo!” now. Out next comes Axiom as Alicia Taylor does the ring introductions.

The bell rings and they go at it. Hayes quickly drops Axiom and talks some trash. They tangle and Axiom shows Hayes up, then taunts him and knocks him back. They go at it again now. Axiom mounts some offense but Hayes dodges the big jumping kick.

Axiom with a headlock now, then a big takedown. Hayes counters and takes Axiom back down by the arm. Axiom turns it back around on the mat and covers for a quick pin attempt. More back and forth offense on the mat now. Axiom with a bridge into a close 2 count. Axiom brings Hayes down face-first into the mat, then grounds him by his arm as fans rally. Hayes gets back to his feet, ramming Axiom into the turnbuckles to break free.

Trick cheers Hayes on as he back elbows Axiom in the corner. They charge at each other but Axiom dropkicks Hayes for a 2 count. Axiom grounds Hayes face-down on the mat once again. Hayes fights up and out but Axiom nails a Northern Lights suplex for 2. Hayes goes for the springboard back Stunner but they collide in mid-air and both go down. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial.

Back from the break and Hayes has Axiom grounded by his arm. Axiom fights up and out with strikes. They trade big shots in the middle of the ring now. Hayes slaps Axiom. Axiom keeps fighting back. Hayes rocks Axiom but Axiom nails a big chop to the chest. Axiom charges and takes Hayes down. Axiom with a running kick in the corner, then a Fisherman’s Buster for a close 2 count.

Hayes comes back with a pump kick and a big slam for a 2 count. Hayes transitions into the Crossface submission now. They get back to their feet and Axiom nails a dropkick. Axiom comes off the top with a crossbody for a close 2 count, then goes right into the armbar, then a Triangle. Hayes rips at the mask to try and get free. Hayes with a sit-down powerbomb but he fails to make the cover, or at least the referee doesn’t count it. Axiom goes for another submission. Hayes goes for the mask again but gets free. They get back up and Axiom mounts offense with strikes. Axiom goes to the top but Hayes rocks him. They both end up on the top rope now.

Axiom launches Hayes to the mat with a huge hurricanrana. Fans chant “NXT!” now. Axiom is ready to put Hayes away, but Trick nails him from the floor while the referee is tending to Hayes. Hayes nails Axiom, then hits the top rope leg drop for the pin to win.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes

– After the match, Hayes stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. Hayes and Williams celebrate at the entrance-way now. Axiom goes to the top and hits a big splash to take Trick down.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Grayson Waller now. Like new NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez, Waller doesn’t want to wait for his title shot, he wants it tonight. McKenzie says NXT Champion Bron Breakker is on a media tour of North Carolina to promote Vengeance Day. Waller insults Bron and says he knows Bron is watching the show on his phone, so he needs to meet him in the ring tonight, bitch. Waller walks off.

– Still to come, Nikkita Lyons vs. Zoey Stark. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Tony D’Angelo is backstage with Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo. Tony D reveals that NXT North American Champion Wes Lee has agreed to give him a title shot next week. Tony tells Stacks to go tell Donovan Dijak to stay out of his business, and that he can have the first crack at the title when he wins it. Grayson Waller walks in and asks if they’ve seen Bron Breakker, but they haven’t. Waller tells them to let Bron know Waller is looking for him if they see him.

Zoey Stark vs. Nikkita Lyons

We go back to the ring and out comes Zoey Stark but Nikkita Lyons attacks her from behind. The referee tries to restore order and we get the bell.

Lyons strikes first after the bell, dropping Stark. Lyons with shoulder thrusts in the corner now, then a big corner splash. Lyons with strikes in the corner now. Stark fights back but has to retreat to the floor as fans boo.

Lyons follows but Stark sends her face-first into the ring post. Stark mounts Lyons with right hands on the floor as the referee counts and fans boo. Lyons keeps control and brings it back in for big chops in the corner. Lyons fights back but Stark kicks her and takes her down. Stark grounds Lyons with a knee to the back now, pulling back as the referee warns her. Stark with two more big forearm shots, then the chinlock again as fans rally for Lyons.

Stark keeps control and pushes Lyons around now, taunting her. Lyons fights back with a sweep, then a clothesline, and another. Lyons with a German suplex, then a kick to the chest. Lyons with more shots while Stark is on her knees, then a close 2 count. Stark catches Lyons with a stiff superkick. Stark keeps control and drops Lyons again. Stark with another kick for a 2 count.

Stark springboards but Lyons catches her. Lyons rocks Stark and nails a fall-away slam for a 2 count in the middle of the ring. Lyons comes back with a superkick. They tangle in the corner and Lyons rolls Stark back for a 2 count. Stark turns that into a pin and grabs the ropes for leverage to get the win.

Winner: Zoey Stark

– After the bell, Lyons is shocked as Stark quickly retreats to the floor. Stark’s music hits as she quickly heads backstage to boos.

– Cora Jade is backstage with McKenzie Mitchell, who asks about Roxanne Perez winning the NXT Women’s Title. Cora Jade says that was supposed to be her moment. She says Perez is the luckiest person alive and doesn’t deserve the title, she does. Wendy Choo suddenly attacks and they start brawling. Referees show up to pull them apart.

Triple Threat for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles: Toxic Attraction vs. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley vs. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

We go back to the ring for tonight’s first title match as Toxic Attraction comes out – Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne. They hit the apron to pose as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see footage from earlier this week with Fallon Henley talking to Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen about the family bar financial troubles. Her father spoke to the potential investor but she doesn’t think it will help. They talk about 2023 being better, they just need to put their heads together. Kiana James enters the bar with her assistant. James orders her assistant to begin work on the bar inventory. Henley tells them to get out. James says a little bird told her about the financial problems, so she took care of them. Jensen looks guilty. James talked to her friends at the bank and learned how the family owes a bunch of commercial taxes. She says Fallon’s childhood memories aren’t worth much. James said she paid off the bills and the bank placed a lien on the bar. James says soon she will be able to buy the property from the bank and do what she wants with it. Henley calls her a real bitch, but James prefers businesswoman. Henley proposes a match for next week and if she wins, James has to pay off the lien and leave the bar forever but if James wins, the family will give her the bar for what she’s already paid, paying her and for pennies on the dollar. James says she will see them next week. She walks off with her assistant. We go back to the ring and Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley are wrapping their entrance. Out next comes NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Katana Chance and Kayden Carter. The bell rings as Dolin starts off with Carter.

Dolin rocks Carter and takes her to the corner. Jayne tags in for the double teaming in the corner. Dolin with a Bronco Buster, then Jayne with a cannonball for a 2 count. Nile tags herself in and goes to work on Jayne as fans do dueling chants. Nile with a running corner kick. Paxley tags in and they hit a double suplex on Jayne, then they both kip-up.

Jayne is dropped with another double team as Paxley covers for 2. Nile tags back in and kicks Jayne. Jayne rocks her with a running punch, and a discus right hand. Carter tags in and drops Jayne. The champs with a double dropkick to Dolin to send her to the floor now. Carter and Chance leap off the same top rope, taking out all four challengers at ringside. Fans chant “NXT!” as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Dolin is going at it with Carter. Paxley comes in but Carter takes them both down in the corner. Carter covers Paxley for 2. More back and forth between Carter and Paxley now. They end up on top but Chance climbs up and sends Paxley to the mat with a big hurricanrana. Nile breaks up the pin just in time. Dolin and Jayne attack but they also get dropped as all six Superstars are laid out now. Fans chant “NXT!” and “this is awesome!” again.

Jayne fights off Nile’s shoulders, then tags in Dolin. Nile drops Dolin for 2. Dolin takes control and superkicks Nile after Jayne tags in. Jayne drops her for 2 as Carter breaks it up. Jayne backs Carter out of the ring. Jayne runs wild on Nile in the corner but misses a cannonball. Paxley tags in and goes to the top so Nile can launch her onto Jane for a close 2 count as Dolin makes the save just in time. Paxley sends Dolin into Carter to send her off the apron. Nile tags in but Jayne blocks the submission, then nails a forearm.

Chance tags in with a Codebreaker to Nile. Carter grabs Nile for the double team neckbreaker finisher as Chance goes to the top to fly. Paxley shoves Chance to the floor, taking out Dolin and Jayne at ringside. Nile grabs Carter and applies the Diamond Chain Lock to get the win but Carter turns it into a pin to retain.

Winners: Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

– After the match, Chance and Carter stand tall as the music hits. We go to replays. The challengers try to recover as Chance and Carter celebrate to the back.

– We get a new vignette for Oro Mensah, who is in a night club setting. He says music and wrestling have the same phonetic energy and while he may or may not be here for a long time, he’s here for a good time.

– Still to come, Booker T’s interview with Roxanne Perez. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we go to a sitdown interview with WWE Hall of Famer Booker T and his former student, new NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez. Booker and Perez talk about her come-up, and she says she didn’t think it would happen this quick. Perez recalls a conversation she had with Booker before her WWE tryout, when he told her she needed to bet on herself. She says those words went through her head last week when Mandy Rose attacked her, and she didn’t want to wait to get her title shot. They go on talking and Perez asks Booker if he has any advice as a former champion. He’s always been about checks and championships, and he says she will be nervous and have butterflies but when she loses that feeling, it’s time to go away. He says it’s only going to get tougher from here on out, and talks about her going on to become a WWE Hall of Famer, and how everyone at ROW is proud of her. Booker hypes Perez up and says it’s time to go get it done. Perez says she’s ready.

– We go back to the ring and out comes Apollo Crews in street clothes. He hits the ring to pose in the corner as fans cheer him on.

Crews takes the mic and thanks everyone. Before he gets started, he has to congratulate new NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez on her title win. Crews says the win was very well-deserved. He thought he’d be leaving Deadline with the NXT Title, he knew it in his heart, it was his night and the vision was clear, he had the chance to capture the title he came back to NXT for, but we all saw what happened and it didn’t go down like that. He knows he’s been knocked down a few pegs and that’s OK because he is not out of championship contention. He says Grayson Waller and NXT Champion Bron Breakker will fight it out at New Year’s Evil but he wants the title shot at NXT Vengeance Day.

The music interrupts and out comes Carmelo Hayes to interrupt. Hayes insults Crews and says he’s next in line for a title shot, not Crews. Hayes says Crews has it all but what he don’t got is what Hayes has – the next spot in line. Hayes has no problem putting a future Hall of Famer like Crews next to the other jerseys of people he’s defeated on the rafters. Crews expected more from Hayes.

Crews praises Hayes as being 1 of 1 and a “Melo!” chant breaks out. He says the one thing Hayes doesn’t have is… Hayes interrupts and says it’s the NXT Title, but Crews also does not have this. They have some words off the mic. Crews says Hayes doesn’t understand that no matter how good he thinks he is, there’s always someone out there that’s better. Crews doesn’t have to stand out here and says he’s better… he tells Hayes to name the time and place so he can show Hayes he’s better. The music starts back up as they face off in the middle of the ring, arguing.

– The New Day are backstage talking when Pretty Deadly interrupts. They’ve brought a bunch of retro WWE memorabilia that The New Day wanted, and they’re wrapped as Christmas presents. Apparently Pretty Deadly had to gather these items to get the next title shot, but they failed to bring all the items, such as the Nailz prison outfit. Pretty Deadly ask if they can just sing the Pledge of Allegiance like before but The New Day says the price has went up, they want their items. The New Day taunts them some more to show off the titles, and Xavier Woods tells them to make sure they get the Tyler Breeze selfie stick. The New Day walks off, leaving Pretty Deadly stressed out.

– Alba Fyre is walking backstage when Isla Dawn suddenly attacks and sprays her with the red mist. Fyre goes down, clutching at her face as a producer checks on her. Fyre is not doing well as we go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see footage from last week with Odyssey Jones, Malik Blade and Edris Enofe approaching Ava Raine in the parking lot. They invite her to come out and party. Raine asks when are they going to stop trying to fill the voids in their lives. She says the feelings they are chasing are just temporary. They say it’s not that serious, they’re just trying to have some fun. Enofe adds that if Raine doesn’t want to join them that’s fine but they don’t believe in that bull… Joe Gacy interrupts with Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid. The Schism stands together now. Gacy asks Enofe what’s not to believe? What The Schism sees is a family. Reid says what they see in front of them is three individuals bonded by a false reality. Raine tells them to have fun, boys. They promise they will.

– Vic Joseph sends us to video of Alba Fyre in the trainer’s room to get her eyes checked out. Grayson Waller interrupts, looking for Bron Breakker. Fyre and the trainer yell at him and he leaves.

Indi Hartwell vs. Elektra Lopez

We go back to the ring and Indi Hartwell is wrapping up her entrance. Elektra Lopez is out next.

The bell rings and they go at it. Indi with a quick 1 count. Lopez takes Indi down and mounts her. They get back up and Indi nails a big hip toss from the corner for a quick pin attempt.

Lopez kicks Indi and rocks her with a forearm, then kicks her out of the ring. Lopez follows but Indi nails a forearm. Lopez sends Indi shoulder-first into the ring post, then talks trash to her. Lopez brings it back in with knees to the back to keep Indi down. Lopez drops an elbow for a 2 count. Lopez grounds Indi now as fans rally.

Fans rally for Indi but Lopez keeps her down, and delivers more knees to the back. Lopez tightens the hold as fans rally again. Indi rolls Lopez up for 2. Indi fights up and mounts offense now. Indi with clotheslines to send Lopez to the apron. Lopez fights back but Indi drops her for a 2 count. Lopez ducks a clothesline but they both collide in mid-air with crossbody attempts and both go down. They get back up and Lopez kicks Indi from the corner.

Lopez climbs up but Indi decks her in the back. Indi goes to slam Lopez from the top but Lopez over-powers and punches her, then falls on her to get the pin to win. Booker asks what the hell just happened.

Winner: Elektra Lopez

– After the match, the replays shows how Lopez pulled brass knuckles from the turnbuckle, then hit Indi with it to fall on top of her for the pin. The music hits as Lopez celebrates and brags about always being two steps ahead.

– We go back to Alba Fyre in the trainer’s room. The medic says if Fyre’s vision is normal and she has no more irritation, she is medically cleared for her match. Fyre puts on her jacket and heads out, and she is ready to fight. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is backstage with McKenzie Mitchell. He confirms he is giving a title shot to Tony D’Angelo next week. Lee says he refuses to be a reactionary champion, so he has to bring it to everyone in the ring. He’s been taking on all opponents, so why stop now? He’s starting with the biggest mouth next week and after Tony D fails, he knows he has Donovan Dijak lurking in the shadows, waiting to deliver his hard justice. Lee says he’s ready to deliver his own cold, hard facts, and the title isn’t leaving his shoulder any time soon.

Sol Ruca vs. Alba Fyre

We go back to the ring and out comes Sol Ruca to a pop. Alba Fyre is out next.

Fyre wraps her entrance up but smoke fills the ring and Isla Dawn attacks from behind, bating Fyre down at ringside as the referee tries to restore order. Dawn traps Fyre’s arm in between the steel ring steps and the ring post, then grabs Fyre’s baseball bat and smashes the steps with it. Dawn laughs as Fyre rolls around in pain. The referee tends to Fyre as other officials rush out to help. Dawn carries the baseball bat to the entrance-way, laughing. The lights start flickering and we hear Dawn’s laughs echo over the arena as officials check on Fyre.

– We go to the Chase University Christmas party now. The various students are presenting Andre Chase with gifts. He snaps on a student named Scott for bringing him a fruit cake because he’s allergic to it. Duke Hudson appears at the back of the line of students, but he’s confused as he thought the party wasn’t until Thursday. Duke talks a student named Alex out of the line, telling him he needs to go go see the Dean about a scholarship. Duke takes the gift, a plaque that says Chase is the #1 professor. He rips the name tag off it and presents Chase with it. Duke and Thea Hail share a group hug and Merry Christmas wishes with Chase to end the segment.

– Brooks Jensen, Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley are backstage with McKenzie Mitchell. She asks about the family bar but Briggs says one thing at a time, they will deal with the bar later but they are ready to rock tonight. Briggs says they never thought they’d face The New Day, especially for the NXT Tag Team Titles so tonight they are going balls to the wall. Jensen says this is the biggest match of their careers and he said earlier that 2023 will be a better year, so what better way to walk into it than with the titles. Fallon is ready to lead them out when Kiana James interrupts with her assistant. Fallon brings up the bar but James tells her this isn’t about the bar, save it because the issues with the bar will be handled next week. James says she came here for Jensen, not Henley. James wishes Jensen good luck, and he’s shocked. Jensen thanks her, then they head out for the main event. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see footage from earlier today with Drew Gulak training in the ring with recruits. Hank Walker interrupts and apologizes, but says he saw Gulak scouting over the past few weeks. Hank knows he’s not Charlie Dempsey and knows he can get better, but he wants to know if Gulak has any advice. Hank knows he has a lot to prove but he’s willing to bust his ass to learn. Gulak admires his zeal and eagerness. Gulak says next week he’s hosting a seminar and he wants Hank to attend, but not to participate just to observe. Hank agrees and says he will be there. Gulak says that sounds good and he will see him there. Hank apologizes for interrupting again, then walks off. Gulak goes back to training with the recruits.

NXT Tag Team Titles Match: Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen vs. The New Day

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event as Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs come out with Fallon Henley. Out next are NXT Tag Team Champions The New Day for their first title defense – Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. The two teams meet in the middle of the ring as Alicia Taylor does formal ring introductions while fans are already chanting for The New Day.

Kofi starts off with Jensen and they go at it. Kofi strikes early on and delivers two big chops to Jensen, one to the chest and one to the back. Kofi shows Jensen up as fans chant for The New Day. Jensen drops Kofi twice. They run the ropes and Jensen catches Kofi in mid-air, but Kofi fights free. Jensen with a powerslam for a 2 count in the middle of the ring.

Kofi regroups and in comes Woods off the tag. Fans chant for Woods as he locks up with Jensen. Woods leaps off the middle rope but Jensen catches him in mid-air. They tangle and Woods rocks Jensen with chops. Woods ducks clothesline attempts, then nails a big right hand to the jaw but Jensen is still up. Kofi tags in and they take turns running wild on Jensen in the corner to put him down for a pop. Kofi stomps, then whips Woods into the corner for a basement dropkick to Jensen to keep him down. Woods covers for 2.

Jensen leaps over Woods, then slams him face-first into the mat as Briggs tags in. Briggs runs over Woods. Kofi comes in but Briggs and Jensen take out both of the champions in the ring and from the floor. Kiana James and her assistant are now watching from the crowd. Briggs comes back in and works Woods into the corner as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

Back from the break and Woods is going at it with Jensen. Woods dazes him with an enziguri. Kofi tags in and leaps off the top to deck Jensen, then rocks Briggs on the apron. Kofi runs wild on Jensen but gets stopped with a kick to the gut. Kofi leaps off the top with a crossbody for a 2 count. Kofi kicks Jensen to keep him down. Kofi with the Boom Drop in the middle of the ring.

Fans rally as Kofi goes for Trouble In Paradise but it’s blocked. Kofi tangles with Jensen and drops him with SOS for a close 2 count. James and her assistant applaud from the crowd, as does Henley from ringside. Jensen blocks another SOS, then goes for a gutwrench powerbomb but Kofi blocks it with a takedown. Briggs tags in and levels Kofi, then Woods as he comes in. Briggs sends Woods to the floor and leaps off the apron to deck him. Kofi runs and leaps out but Briggs catches him, then slams him into the edge of the apron.

Briggs with a big slingshot clothesline to Kofi at the apron, then one to Woods. Briggs brings Kofi back in but Kofi gets double teamed now. Briggs hits the big boot while Jensen holds Kofi. Jensen covers for 2 but Kofi kicks out and Jensen is frustrated. Fans chant “NXT!” now. Jensen takes Kofi to the corner and Briggs tags in to take him up top for the double team. Woods makes the save by decking Jensen. Kofi slides out of Briggs’ grip and drops Jensen, but Briggs rocks Kofi.

Briggs with a huge moonsault to Kofi for a close 2 count. Henley can’t believe it and fans chant “holy shit!” as we get a replay. Fans chant “this is awesome!” now. Briggs puts Kofi on his shoulders. Woods sends Jensen to the floor, hitting the edge of the announce table. Kofi turns Briggs’ attempts off his shoulders into a Poisonrana.

Kofi with a Trouble In Paradise to Briggs, then a big leap to the floor to take Jensen back down. Wood walks the top rope and hits the flying elbow drop to Briggs for the pin to win and retain.

Winners: The New Day

– After the match, The New Day stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Fans chant “that was awesome!” now as The New Day holds the gold in the air. Henley comes in to help Jensen and Briggs back up. The New Day shakes hands with Henley, and their opponents. They begin celebrating as fans chant “New Day rocks!” now.

– We cut backstage to Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo. He’s apparently telling Donovan Dijak to stay out of Tony D’Angelo’s way next week when he faces NXT North American Champion Wes Lee, so Stacks doesn’t have to end his NXT run before it gets started, and Dijak won’t have any problems. The camera pans and we see Stacks was just practicing his speech to Dijak’s door. Stacks hypes himself up and says he’s got this. He enters Dijak’s locker room.

– Grayson Waller is backstage looking for NXT Champion Bron Breakker. Waller says he can’t find Bron, but Bron knows where to find him – in the ring. Waller heads to the ring as we go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a new promo for the Countdown to New Year’s Evil on January 10. It appears this may be a new teaser promo for a female Superstar, perhaps the return of Tiffany Stratton.

– Ivy Nile, Tatum Paxley and The Creed Brothers are walking in the parking lot when a camera man approaches. He asks Nile and Paxley about the Triple Threat earlier tonight, saying it was a tough loss and commenting on growing pains, and if they will continue to team. Paxley takes some offense and says they are not done, everyone has growing pains, even NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. Nile says the loss was a small setback but they have made great strides. The Creed Brothers acknowledge how Nile and Paxley have busted their asses, and they are proud of them. Veer Mahaan and Sanga appear now. Indus Sher has heard a rumor that says Julius Creed is now medically cleared. Julius confirms this and says now Indus Sher can get it whenever. They say now The Creed Brothers can’t be trusted, so they have to show Indus Sher otherwise. Julius says he’s going one-on-one with JD McDonagh next week because JD hurt him, and he will prove it there. Julius says then Veer and Sanga will be out of excuses, and they have to make this fight happen. The Creeds, Nile and Paxley walk off.

– We go back to the ring and Grayson Waller comes out with a mic. He calls out NXT Champion Bron Breakker and says he’s not waiting any longer, he’s calling his shot. Waller says nevermind, he forgot… Breakker is a coward. Waller goes on about carrying the NXT brand on its back, and being the biggest Superstar. He says there’s no one on the NXT roster or the main roster who can do what he does. He goes on about being the best as fans boo. Waller says people think Breakker likes to bark because he’s got the dog in him, but Waller doesn’t think he’s a dog at all, he thinks Bron is an absolute… the camera cuts to the parking lot as Breakker comes speeding up in his car, honking the horn. Breakker marches into the building and Waller gets ready to fight. Breakker’s music hits and here he comes as Waller waits.

Breakker enters the ring, ducks a clothesline, then comes right back with a Spear, but he immediately collapses on top of Waller. Breakker is laid out. Waller gets up and takes off his jacket, revealing a steel plate. Waller tosses the plate onto Bron as fans begin the boos. Waller takes the mic and says he outsmarted Bron tonight, like he did at Deadline, and at New Year’s Evil he will outsmart him one more time when he becomes NXT Champion because that is The Grayson Waller Effect. Waller raises the NXT Title belt in the air as his music starts up. Waller drops the strap on top of Breakker as NXT goes off the air.

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