Bray Wyatt’s new theme Shatter out on Spotify and Apple Music

Dec 16, 2022 - by Colin Vassallo

Bray Wyatt’s new WWE theme song, titled Shatter, has been released on Spotify and Apple Music.

The song, performed by Code Orange, made its debut at the Smackdown following the Extreme Rules premium live event in October when Bray Wyatt made his spectacular return to WWE.

“die for me brother. ‘s h a t t e r’ our new theme for @Windham6 is out now,” tweeted the band.

The band also performed the song Let Me In, which was used as the theme song for The Fiend.

3 Responses

  1. dooman says:

    is he a wrestler or just an on air personality now??

  2. TrollBuster says:

    -laughs in Brock Lesnar-

  3. What? says:

    Except it’s a very particular dialect of Brock Lesnar that hasn’t been heard in years – the one where the “on air personality” is, you know, on the air. Like, every week. So he’s got that going for him, at least.

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