Impact Wrestling, 12/15/22
Join us for up to the minute results from the latest episode from Impact Wrestling. Coverage begins at 8PM.
We get a highlight package featuring the incredible match between World Champion, Josh Alexander and Mike Bailey.
Match 1. Delirious VS Eddie Edwards
The match starts off scientifically between these two former tag partners. The two change suplexes and take downs. Delirious finally hits a big clothesline that gives him an advantage. Eddie hip tosses free from a rear tie up and the two trade clotheslines and superkicks. Eddie hits a tiger driver for two. Delirious locks on a cobra stretch after rolling threw. Edwards rolls over, while still in the hold and pins Delirious.
Winner by pinfall, Eddie Edwards
Eddie baits Delirious into believing they are friends again. They shake hands and then Eddie attacks him. Eddie pounds on him until Yuya Uemura comes to try and aid Delirous. Eddie tosses Yuya to the floor and tries to unmask Delirious. Jonathan Gresham enters and Eddie wants no part of Gresham. He exits.
Josh Alexander is warned by Scott D’Amore backstage about not getting involved with Bully Ray tonight. Tommy Dreamer comes in and tries to appologize to Josh for telling him Bully Ray could be trusted. Josh tells him he thinks he is involved with Bully and he new Bully would turn on him. Then Josh walks off. Tommy appears to be upset he lost Josh’s trust.
Match 2. Bully Ray VS John Skyler
This is basically a squash match. Bully destroys him quickly. After a piledriver, it is over.
Winner. Bully Ray
Tommy Dreamer enters to stop Bully and confront him. They have an incredible verbal back and forth. Great story telling. Bully has major heat and Dreamer comes off as a sympathetic baby face. Dreamer dropped an F bomp in the promo. The friendship appears to be over. Bully says Devon walked in his shadow, Dreamer was 10 steps behind Devon. Bully says he is a bigger star. Then Bully admits to attacking Ace Austin a few weeks ago. Tommy wants to fight Bully right now. He tells Bully to take the first shot. Bully laughs in his face and walks off.
Match 3. Matt Cardona and Brian Myers (The Major Players) VS Black Taurus and Crazzy Steve (Decay)
The fans are really into this match. They seem to like both teams. Trey Miguel jumps Crazzy Steve when he enters and hits Steve with a spray paint can. Steve starts the match in pain. Taurus is basically going it alone in the opening moments and is talking care of business. He uses his lucha libre, power attack to outwork Myers and Cardona. They both eventually are backdropped to the floor and Taurus hurls himself on them on the floor. We go to break.
Steve and Matt tag in as we return. Steve hits a clothesline and inverted atomic drop. He gets a roll up for a two count. Myers enters and he and Cardona hit a double team flapjack for the win.
Winners by Pinfall, The Major Players
We get a contract signing with Mickie James and Knockouts World Champion, Jordynne Grace. James is insulted by Grace’s assuming the results of this match are already a foregone conclusion. Tasha Steelz and Savanah Evans enter. Tasha challanges Mickie to a match. Grace interjects and tells Tasha to get to the back of the line. The segment ends with a match set up between Steelz and Evans VS Grace and James.
The crew are shown congratulating Mike Bailey after the match last week. Kenny King walks up and spits on him. Fast forward to this week. Gia Miller asks Bailey about King. He says if he wants a match they can do it, but he will not let silly games deter him from becoming the best.
Match 4. Angels (with Kon and Deaner from The Design) VS Sami Callihan
This match is fresh off last week when Kon defeated Sami by pinfall. Sami suplexes Angels into the turnbuckle. Angels gets caught in the ring apron and Sami scrapes his back. Deaner and Kon look on closely. Sami suplexes Angels on the apron. He then goes for a piledriver, but Angels gets free. Kon distracts Sami and Angels hits a variation of the STO on the apron. Sami spills to the floor. Deaner smiles with an approved look about him. Angles kicks Sami in the face back in the ring. Sami smiles. Angels locks on cross face. Sami bites himself free. Sami gets a two count off a brain-buster. The two trade standing clotheslines. Angels hits a frog splash for another two count. Sami hits a Cactus Driver 97 and gets the pin.
Winner by pinfall, Sami Callihan
Kon attacks Sami post match and The Design give a pretty good beating to Sami. Deaner orchestrates the damage. Angels hits a tornado whip kick and Deaner sits on Sami to end the segment.
Gisele Shaw asks Deonna Purrazzo to get back together and challenge for the Knockouts Tag Team Championships.
We get a vignette for new Taylor Wilde. She is embracing a darker side.
Match 5. Joe Hendry and Bhupinder Gujjar VS Zicky Dice
Hendry cuts a promo making fun of Swinger and that the people believe in the Digital Media Champion, Joe Hendry.
Hendry and Gujjar, are in control to start the match. Moose enters and attacks Hendry from behind. Hendry gets chased out of the arena by Moose and a chair. Hendry plays a strange chicken-shit babyface. lol. Gujjar hits a spear on Swinger and gets the pin.
Winner by pinfall. Bhupinder Gujjar and Hendry.
(Not shown on TV, Hendry returns and steels Gujjar’s thunder by having the fans sing his song again.
Steve Maclin cuts a backstage promo. He says he beats everyone and plays by the rules. He gets nothing. He wants a World Title shot. He will now do whatever he has to get what he wants. Rich Swann is his first target.
Match 6. The Motor City Machine Guns, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley VS Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, Rhino and Heath
The Guns are the current IWGP Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions. Their titles are not on the line in this match. The Impact titles are up for grabs though. Heath and Rhino have the majority of the crowd support. The Major Players have been banned from ringside.
Rhino starts quickly and out muscles both Guns. He dominates them both. Shelley tried to out chop Rhino, big mistake. Sabin tags in as does Heath. Heath outwrestles Sabin with power moves. The champs are much bigger and very confident. A he’s got kids chant breaks out and Sabin yells back he has nephews and nieces. A he’s my uncle chant breaks out.
Shelley tags in and he starts to take control. He uses arm ringers and stomping kicks to take control. Sabin tags in and they continue to isolate Heath from Rhino. The Guns are playing a bit of a cocky heal roll, but not overly so. Heath is in trouble, but he manages to hit a desperation powerslam. Shelley holds his leg so Heath can’t get a tag. We go to break.
Rhino gets the hot tag and takes the Guns out. Heath recovers and seems to be ready and works on Shelley. He then makes a tag. Rhino goes back on the attack, working Shelley’s lower back. Heath tags back in and the match breaks down. Everyone enters. When the dust clears, Rhino and Shelley are in and Rhino is fired up asking the fans, who is the man. Sabin and Heath tag in. Sabin floors him and kicks Rhino before hitting a crossbody on Heath. Heath and Sabin trade some strong style blows center ring. Shelley interferes and Sabin hits a DDT. After another double DDT, Rhino has to make the save on a pin attempt. Rhino gets take out and they double team Heath again. Rhino then gores Sabin. Heath gets a long two count. Rhino tags in and misses a gore, Sabin rolls him up and gets the pin.
Winners and NEW Impact World Tag Team Champions, The Motor City Machine Guns
The show ends with the Guns holding up the newly won belts and Heath and Rhino sulking in the opposite corner.