Should WWE make Wargames an annual event?

Dec 11, 2022 - by Steve Gerweck

Should WWE make Wargames an annual event?

Yes (70%, 313 Votes)
No (30%, 136 Votes)

Total Voters: 449

6 Responses

  1. What? says:

    Continue to make Wargames an annual event as it has been since 2017, you mean? Or make it an annual event on the main roster?

  2. TrollBuster says:

    I think they mean the main roster.

    TBH I’d like to see Wargames again on the main roster, but if they always do it at Survivor Series, I’m gonna miss the traditional Survivor Series elimination matches

  3. art123guy says:

    Since WWE has already ruined it, why not? I know most will think it blasphemy, but WCW did it better and for the right reasons. They used Wargames sparingly and only to settle the most heated feuds. That way it was special and a big deal. Having it annually and having 2 on the same show just waters it down.

  4. Luke says:

    100% true. Right up to when they made it annual…

  5. art123guy says:

    @Luke–I just looked ‘WCW Wargames’ and saw the schedule. I completely forgot they made it annual starting at Fall Brawl 1993. But WCW had at least 1 actual team/faction/stable involved and didn’t have teams thrown together which seems to happen some of the time in WWE.

  6. What? says:

    @TrollBuster: Yeah, that’s what I was getting at – Wargames already has been an annual event in WWE since 2017. People sometimes forget that NXT is WWE too, not just the main roster – I wasn’t sure if that’s what happened with this poll or if it was just worded unclearly. But I’m 100% with you on the second part – it was weird having “Survivor Series” without, you know, Survivor Series.

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