Saraya on Regal: “We’re just happy with whatever he wants to do”

Dec 8, 2022 - by James Walsh

In an interview with Metro, Saraya spoke about William Regal leaving AEW and how the AEW roster feels about it. It’s rumored that Regal will be going back to WWE. Here are highlights:

On Regal’s exit from AEW: Everyone has an opinion on that. The reality is, it doesn’t have anything to do with anything backstage, it’s to do with how he feels. Us behind the scenes know why, and we’re happy for him! Whether he’s going there or whatever, it doesn’t matter. We’re just happy with whatever he wants to do with his life. He’s at the age where he can do whatever he wants to without the internet deep diving into it, or everyone saying this, that and the other about him. Who cares? Let him be happy!”

On working for Tony Khan: “Tony’s so fantastic too. He lets people do – not do whatever they want, but he’s so open minded to how people think. If you’re having a bad day, he’ll be like, “take a day off.” If you only want to do a certain amount of time on your contract, you can totally do that. He doesn’t have you locked in where you have to stay for this amount of time, he’s great. I’m very lucky to have the boss that I have.”

On going for the AEW Women’s title: “I know I got the opportunity to face Britt, but I know I’m not just gonna be jumping straight into a match with Jamie Hayter because there’s other women that obviously deserve it before I do. Wrestling changes, and it’s been five years so I have to learn all over again! Then the potential of having this championship I’ve never held before – I mean, there’s two championships there. And just creating some new fun history in a whole brand new different company is something that’s very exciting for me. And just being able to wrestle again! That’s what keeps me going, I never thought I’d be able to do this again. Doing it? Hell yeah! I can’t wait to see what the future holds! And also being able to end it on my own terms whenever I want.”

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