10/5/22 AEW Dynamite: Three-Year Anniversary Show Recap

Oct 5, 2022 - by Michael Riba

The opening credits roll. Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone, and William Regal are on commentary from Washington, D.C.

Match #1 – Singles Match: MJF vs. Wheeler Yuta
They lock up and MJF backs Yuta into the corner. Yuta gets free and delivers shots and kicks to MJF. Yuta drops MJF with a pair of arm-drags, and then follows with a dropkick. Yuta slams MJF to the mat and goes up top. MJF rolls to the corner, but then pulls Yuta face-first into the turnbuckle. MJF stomps Yuta down in the corner, and then whips him into the opposite corner. MJF rakes Yuta’s back and applies a rear chin-lock. Yuta fights out with body shots and goes for a suplex, but MJF blocks it. Yuta delivers a jaw-breaker, but MJF comes back with a back-breaker and a gut-wrench slam. MJF goes for the cover, but Yuta kicks out as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Yuta whips MJF into the corner. Yuta gets a roll-up for a two count, and the kicks MJF in the chest. MJF comes back with a back elbow, but Yuta comes back with a series of German suplexes. Yuta goes up top, but MJF rolls to the corner again. Yuta charges, but MJF delivers an elbow shot. MJF stomps on Yuta’s arm, and then wrenches her arm over his shoulder. MJF delivers a power bomb to Yuta on his knee and goes for the cover, but Yuta kicks out. MJF slaps Yuta in the face, but Yuta comes back with shots of his own. MJF pokes Yuta in the eye, but Yuta comes back with an enzuigiri. Yuta delivers a chop, but MJF comes back and they exchange roll-ups for two counts. MJF goes for a pile-driver, but Yuta counters for his own. MJF rolls through and they exchange two counts again and drop each other with simultaneous clotheslines. They both get up at about the right count, and then Yuta drops MJF with a right hand. Yuta climbs again, but MJF hits the ropes to crotch him on the turnbuckle. MJF goes for an avalanche pile-driver, but Yuta claps his legs together against MJF’s head. Yuta gets free and drops MJF with a hurricanrana.
MJF rolls to the floor, but Yuta sends him into the barricade with a dive. Yuta gets MJF back into the ring and goes up top again. MJF rolls away again and flips Yuta off. Yuta hits the splash anyway and goes for the cover, but MJF kicks out. Yuta delivers the hammer-and-anvil elbows and goes for the seatbelt pin, but MJF rolls through and locks in the Salt of the Earth. Yuta tries to get to the ropes, but MJF pulls him back and cranks back with the hold, and Yuta taps out.
Winner: MJF
-After the match, Yuta extends his hand for a handshake, but MJF backs away from him. MJF goes back in for the handshake, but Lee Moriarty attacks Yuta from behind. MJF shoves Moriarty away and tells him that he didn’t tell him to do that. Stokely Hathaway gets on the apron and hands MJF the Dynamite Diamond Ring as Moriarty stomps on Yuta. Moriarty picks Yuta up and holds him, but Regal walks to the ring and puts on a pair of brass knuckles. Hathaway and Moriarty leave MJF in the ring as MJF stares Regal down. MJF points and mouths at Regal and leaves the ring as Regal stares him down.

The video package hyping up tonight’s tag team main event airs. Bryan Danielson and Daniel Garcia will take on Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara. Tony Schiavone then interviews Jericho and the rest of The Jericho Appreciation Society backstage. Matt Menard says Garcia disrespected Jericho last week, and Angelo Parker says it seems like Garcia has lost his way. Jericho says they all taught Garcia how to be a great sports entertainer, and he hopes Garcia makes the right decision. Guevara says if Garcia doesn’t, then they will teach him a lesson.

Match #2 – Singles Match: Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal
They exchange waist-locks, and the Allin applies a side-headlock. Allin takes Lethal down, but Lethal comes back. Allin goes right back to the side-headlock, but Lethal turns it into a hammer-lock. Allin turns it into one of his own, but Lethal sends him to the floor. Lethal comes back in, but Allin sweeps him down and they stand at a stalemate. Allin extends for a handshake, but Lethal kicks him in the midsection. Lethal kicks Allin in the knee and stomps on his leg a few times. Lethal sends Allin across the ring, but Allin crumbles on his knee. Lethal goes after him, but Allin counters with a front face-lock. Lethal picks him up and delivers elbow shots to Allin’s knee. Allin counters with the Scorpion Death Drop and goes for the cover, but Lethal kicks out as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Lethal stomps on Allin in the corner. Lethal drapes Allin’s leg over the middle rope and stomps on it, and then throws Allin across the ring. Lethal puts Allin up top and sets up for a superplex, but Allin delivers shots to the midsection. Allin delivers more shots to the head, but Lethal takes Allin down with an avalanche dragon screw leg-whip. Lethal locks in the Figure Four, but Allin gets free. Lethal goes for the Lethal Injection, but Allin dodges it and takes Lethal down with a Code Red. Allin goes for the cover, but Lethal kicks out. Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt come to the stage and Lethal tells them to go backstage. Allin drops Lethal with a hurricanrana and gets a two count. They exchange roll-ups, and then Allin gets the Last Supper pinning combination for the pin fall.
Winner: Darby Allin
-After the match, Allin tells Lethal he doesn’t need them and extends for a handshake. Singh and Dutt tell Lethal no, and then Allin shoves Lethal. Lethal comes back with the handshake, and then leaves the ring as Dutt and Singh follow him backstage.

A video package plays for Prince Nana, The Gates of Agony, and Brian Cage, collectively known as The Embassy.

Match #3 – AEW TNT Championship Match: Wardlow (c) vs. Brian Cage (w/Prince Nana)
Wardlow takes Cage to the corner and delivers shots. Wardlow sends Cage across the ring, but they collide in the middle. They exchange shots, and then Wardlow drops Cage with a hurricanrana. Cage comes back with a hurricanrana of his own, and then Cage goes for a Tiger Feint Kick. Wardlow catches him and slams him to the mat. Wardlow sets up for the Powerbomb Sympshony, but Nana gets on the apron. Cage counters and slams Wardlow down as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Cage delivers shots to Wardlow in the corner and sends him across. Wardlow counters and goes up top. Wardlow takes Cage down with a dive and delivers a few shots. Cage comes back with elbow shots, but Wardlow suplexes him to the mat. Wardlow goes up top, but Cage cuts him off with an enzuigiri. Cage suplexes Wardlow back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Wardlow kicks out. Cage goes for the Drill Claw, but Wardlow counters and slams him to the mat. Wardlow goes for the cover, but Cage kicks out. Cage comes back with a slam of his own and goes for the cover, but Wardlow kicks out. Wardlow comes back with a few headbutts and a lariat, and then delivers the Powerbomb Symphony. After four power bombs, Wardlow gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW TNT Champion: Wardlow
-After the match, The Gates of Agony rush the ring and attack Wardlow. Samoa Joe rushes the ring to make the save for Wardlow. He batters Kaun in the corner, but Cage and Toa Liona beat Joe down. Cage goes after Wardlow as Gates of Agony double-team Joe now, and then FTR make their return and come to the ring to make the save. The Embassy leaves the ring as FTR enter, and all eight men stare each other down. Agony get on the apron and stare FTR down as Cage paces around the ring and stares at Wardlow. Nana gets Agony down, and The Embassy leave ringside as War-Joe and FTR shake hands in the ring.

Earlier today, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. cut a promo. Baker says she has the answer everyone wants to know, and the answer is that Saraya is not cleared to compete, so they should just wrap her in bubble wrap and ship her on her way. Baker says she guesses that means AEW in her house.

Match #4 – Trios Tag Team Match: Athena, Toni Storm, and Willow Nightingale (w/Saraya) vs. Jamie Hayter, Penelope Ford, and Serena Deeb (w/Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., Kip Sabian, and Rebel)
Nightingale and Hayter start the match, but Hayter tags Ford in. Ford tries to take Nightingale down, but Nightingale lands on her feet and tags Athena in. Athena drops Ford with a dropkick, but Ford comes back and takes Athena to the corner. Deeb and Hayter grab Athena’s hair as Ford delivers a back handspring elbow. Deeb tags in and takes Athena down, but Athena comes back with a springboard cross-body. Storm tags in with a dropkick to Deeb, and then clubs her across the back. Storm kicks Deeb in the chest and backs her into the corner. Athena and Nightingale come in with shots, and then Storm delivers the Hip Attack. Storm knocks Ford and Hayter down, but Deeb chops Storm’s knee and delivers shots as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Storm delivers a few shots to Deeb, but Deeb takes her down and wrenches her knee. Deeb delivers a shot to Nightingale, and then Hayter and Deeb suplex Nightingale and Athena as Deeb had Storm’s knee wrapped up. Ford tags in, but Storm kicks her away and Deeb tags right back in. Storm kicks Deeb away and tags in Nightingale as Hayter tags in as well. Nightingale delivers shots to Hayter, and then delivers a spine-buster. Nightingale goes for the cover, but Deeb breaks it up. Deeb drags Hayter to the corner and tags in. Deeb delivers an uppercut to Nightingale and chokes her over the middle rope. Rebel has her crutch, but Saraya takes it away from her. Nightingale gets a two count on Deeb, and then takes her down with the Pounce. Ford tags in and delivers a heel kick to Nightingale, but Athena takes Ford down. Deeb drops Athena, Storm drops Deeb, and Hayter delivers a back-breaker to Storm. Nightingale kicks Hayter in the face, and Ford drops Nightingale with a cutter. Ford goes for the cover, but Nightingale kicks out. Nightingale dodges a shot from Ford and delivers the Doctor Bomb for the pin fall.
Winners: Athena, Toni Storm, and Willow Nightingale
-After the match, Saraya gets in the ring with the winners, but Baker interrupts. Baker and Saraya begin to brawl, and then all the women brawl in the ring. Saraya and Rebel are left in the ring, and then Saraya lays Rebel out with one shot.

Earlier today, Tony Schiavone interviewed Rush, Jose the Assistant, and Private Party. Jose shows clips of Private Party not helping out the group in recent times, and then Rush tells them to do the right thing tonight, or else. Jose says they know Private Party has been talking with Matt Hardy, and tells them to do the right thing.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come to the ring for the National Scissoring Day celebration. They talk about how they are home-grown in AEW, and says AEW now stands for Acclaimed Every Wednesday. Gunn presents them with a giant, gold pair of scissors, and then they lead the crowd in group scissoring. Max Caster brings up Washington winning Super Bowl 17 because his dad was on that team. He says his dad’s prized possession is his Super Bowl ring, and The Acclaimed’s are the tag titles. Caster says Washington D.C. also shows the division in the country, but everyone loves The Acclaimed. He leads the crowd in a bi-partisan scissor to unite the country, but before they can, Swerve Strickland interrupts. Strickland says this is the most idiotic thing he has ever seen, and says if it wasn’t for Gunn, Swerve in Our Glory would still be the champions. Strickland says he has to take Gunn out so he and Keith Lee can get back to where they were, and says he will see Gunn in Toronto next week. Smart Mark Sterling comes out and says he has told everyone for months that Strickland is a jerk. He says The Acclaimed needs him to beat Strickland, but they and Gunn lay him out in the ring. Gunn says he accepts Strickland’s challenge, and then he and The Acclaimed scissor in the ring.

A video package airs for the AEW World Trios Match this Friday on Rampage, in which Death Triangle will defend the titles against Dark Order.

Tony Schiavone interviews Madison Rayne and Skye Blue. Rayne says she has seen a lot of potential in the women’s division, especially in Blue. Anna Jay and Tay Melo interrupt and say Blue should probably use a sports entertainer coach, and Blue challenges them to a tag team match on Friday.

Match #5 – Singles Match: Adam Page vs. Rush (w/Jose the Assistant)
They exchange shots and chops early on, and then Page goes to the apron as Rush poses in the ring. Jose grabs Page’s boot and Rush knocks him to the floor. Rush slams Page face-first into a chair, and then whips Page with the camera cable on the floor. Rush chokes Page with the cable and slams him into the barricade as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Page delivers shots to Rush in the ring. Rush comes back with one of his own and goes for a cross-body, but Page catches him and drops him with a fall-away slam. Rush comes back and knocks Page to the mat as MJF is shown watching the match backstage. Rush sends Page into the corner, but Page sends him to the apron and drops him with a springboard clothesline. Page drops Rush with a dive and gets him back into the ring. Rush goes for another cross-body, but Page catches him and delivers a Death Valley Driver. Page goes for the cover, but Rush kicks out. Page chops Rush in the corner and delivers more shots. Rush fires back with shots of his own, and then stomps Page in the corner. Rush chokes Page with his boots, but Page stands up and drops him with a power bomb. Page goes for the cover, but Rush kicks out. Page goes to the apron, but Jose grabs his ankle again. Page kicks him away and goes for the Buckshot Lariat, but Rush meets him with a headbutt. Rush delivers a straitjacket pile driver and goes for the cover, but Page kicks out. Rush goes for Bull’s Horns, but Page drops him with a quick clothesline, and then hits the Buckshot Lariat for the pin fall.
Winner: Adam Page
-After the match, Private Party come to the ring and attempt to surround Page, but Jon Moxley comes through the crowd. They see him and back away as Moxley gets a microphone and gets into the ring. Moxley and Page get face-to-face, and then Moxley says he has been waiting for this for three years. Moxley says he has been studying Page for three years, and between the two of them they have beaten just about everyone in AEW, except each other. Moxley says on October 18th, there will only be one last man standing in AEW, and says he is going to break Page’s face and choke him until he turns blue. Moxley says Page is in his way of being the one true top guy in AEW and the best in the world. Moxley says he has all the respect in the world for Page, but when the bell rings, he doesn’t have any respect for anything. Moxley goes to leave, but Page asks him if he has been waiting for it for so long, where is he going right now. Moxley gets back in the ring and tells Page he is a sweet kid whose mouth gets him in trouble. Moxley tells Page he is off the hook this once, but this is his final warning and tells him to watch his mouth.

Tony Schiavone interviews Willow Nightingale. She says she is on a role, and she wants to challenge for the AEW TBS Championship at Battle of the Belts. Jade Cargill and The Baddies walk in, and Cargill says she has already beaten Nightingale twice. Cargill says Nightingale wants to be number 39, but Nightingale says what if Cargill is 38-1, and she is the one.

Match #6 – Singles Match: Fuego Del Sol vs. Luchasaurus (w/Christian Cage)
Luchasaurus slams Fuego as soon as the bell rings, and then slams him again with the Cut Throat and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Luchasaurus
-After the match, Cage tells Luchasaurus to do it again, but Jack Perry rushes the ring and hits Luchasaurus with a chair. Perry tells Luchasaurus that he was his best friend and after everything they went through together, Luchasaurus chose Cage and broke his heart. Perry says is going to break Luchasaurus piece by piece until he breaks Cage as well. Perry tells Luchasaurus to pick the time and the place, because he will be ready. Cage says he told Perry not to come back this week and it would be easy for them to leave him lying. Cage says the match won’t be happening in Washington, D.C., but it will happen next week in his hometown of Toronto.

Announced for this Friday’s Rampage:
-AEW World Trios Championship Match: Death Triangle (c) vs. Dark Order
-Trios Tag Team Match: Private Party and Rush vs. The Blackpool Combat Club
-Anna Jay and Tay Melo vs. Madison Rayne and Skye Blue
-Josh Woods and Tony Nese vs. The Varsity Blonds

Announced for this Friday’s Battle of the Belts IV:
-AEW TBS Championship Match: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Willow Nightingale
-AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match: PAC (c) vs. Trent Beretta
-ROH World Tag Team Championship Match: FTR (c) vs. The Gates of Agony

Announced for next Wednesday’s Dynamite:
-ROH World Championship Match: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Bryan Danielson
-Billy Gunn vs. Swerve Strickland
-Jack Perry vs. Luchasaurus

Ian Riccaboni joins the commentary team for the main event.

Match #7 – Tag Team Match: Bryan Danielson and Daniel Garcia vs. Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara
Garcia and Jericho start the match with the Code of Honor. Jericho drops Garcia with an arm-drag, but Garcia comes back and takes Jericho down. Garcia applies a front face-lock, and then slaps the back of his head a few times. Jericho comes back and they exchange chops. Guevara trips Garcia up and tags in. Guevara delivers right hands on the mat and goes for a suplex, but Garcia gets free and takes out Guevara’s knee. Danielson tags in and knocks Jericho to the floor, and then delivers a chop and a series of kicks to Guevara in the corner. Danielson dives through the ropes and sends Jericho into the barricade. Guevara goes for a dive, but Danielson cuts him off with an elbow strike as the show heads to a commercial break.
Back from the break, Danielson suplexes Guevara down and goes up top. Jericho cuts him off and Guevara delivers an enzuigiri. Guevara drops Danielson with an avalanche Spanish Fly and goes for the cover, but Danielson kicks out. Guevara delivers right hands to Danielson and applies a rear chin-lock. Jericho tags in and he and Guevara drop Danielson with a double shoulder tackle. They pose in the ring, and then Guevara tags back in. He and Jericho deliver shots to Danielson, but Danielson comes back and he and Guevara drop each other with simultaneous cross-bodies. Garcia and Jericho tag in and Guevara comes off the top, but Garcia drops him with a right hand. Jericho and Garcia exchange shots and Garcia backs him into the corner. Garcia stomps Jericho down, and then pie faces him and drops him with a side suplex. Garcia goes for the cover, but Jericho kicks out. Garcia kicks Jericho in the face, but Jericho comes back for the Walls of Jericho. Garcia rolls through and locks in the Dragon Tamer, but Guevara kicks him in the head. Guevara sends Danielson into the barricade with a dive, and then Jericho gets a two count on Garcia.
Jericho chops Garcia a few times, but Garcia comes back with his own chops. Jericho takes Garcia down and goes for the Lionsault, but Garcia gets his knees up. Guevara tags in and goes for the diving cutter, but Garcia catches him and locks in the LeBell Lock. Jericho comes in, but Danielson locks him in the LeBell Lock as well. Garcia and Danielson transition into the hammer-and-anvil elbow strikes, and then Danielson sends Jericho to the floor. Danielson and Garcia put Guevara up top and go for a double suplex, but Guevara lands on his feet. Guevara kicks Garcia in the head and drops Danielson with a Spanish Fly. Guevara delivers another shot to Garcia and goes for the cover, but Garcia kicks out. Guevara goes for the GTH, but Garcia blocks in and plants Guevara with a pile-driver. Garcia goes for the cover, but Jericho pulls him to the floor. Danielson drops Jericho with a flying knee strike, and then Guevara delivers elbows to Garcia. Garcia and Guevara exchange shots and drop to the mat as Jericho and Danielson brawl on the floor. Jericho throws Danielson into the timekeeper’s area, and then suplexes him through the table.
Back in the ring, Guevara delivers a knee strike and the GTH to Garcia. Guevara goes up top and goes for a Shooting Star Press. Garcia gets his knees up and locks in the Dragon Tamer, but Jericho hits him in the head with the ROH World title. Guevara rolls onto Garcia and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara

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