Impact Report, 7/7/22

Jul 7, 2022 - by Scott Porter

Join us for up to the minute results from Impact Wrestling.  Coverage begins at 8pm.

We get a video package from last weekends PPV, Against all oddsJosh Alexander successfully defended his Impact World Championship against Joe Doering America’s Most Wanted reunited for one night at the show as well.

Match 1.  Alex Angels VS Speedball, Mike Bailey, The X Division Champion

Angels enters Impact and immediately is granted a title match.  The two have a nice exchange of kicks and high flying moves to start the match.  Notably Bailey moonsaulted Angel from the top rope to the floor.  Angels spiked Bailey on the apron.  Back in the ring, Angels gets a quick two count.  Angels leaps from the tope rope, but Bailey superkicks him in mid air.  Bailey gets a two count after a standing inverted, spinning moonsault.  Angels recovers and stops the back.  Bailey hits a Spanish fly.  Both seem to be in pain from that.  The strong style chops come next in a heated exchange.  Angels gets a two count after a halo-breaker.  Bailey hits a wing snapper for another two count, but missed with a frog splash.  After a lethal weapon, Mike Bailey gets the pin on Angels.

Winner and still X Division Champion, Speedball Mike Bailey

The two shake hands post match.  Joe Doering and Deaner, of Violent by Design, hit the ring and attack them from behind.  Bailey gets the worst of it.  Deaner grabs the mic and screams out for Josh AlexanderEric Young walks out makes his first appearance since Slammiversary.  We go to break.

EY grabs a mic.  He is upset with the way things within VBD during his absence.  EY says the sickness has taken hold of Deaner and Joe Doering.  He then tells the fans they are all worthless.  EY says he must purge them both.  Deaner says you are right EY.  Deaner begs for a chance to prove they can make it right.  EY changes their tag line that this world doesn’t belong to “US,” but now it belongs to “ME.”

Honor No More cut a backstage promo.  The message is Impact will not be able to stop them.  The group turn their attention to PCO and say failure is no longer an option.  PCO has had a few great matches that haven’t ended in his favor lately.  The tension in the room is boiling.

Deonna Purrazzo and Chelsea Green are interviewed by Gia MillerMia Yim will face Purrazzo tonight in the main event.  Gail Kim comes out and announces Chelsea will face Mickie James next week, but both matches will have have partners banned from ringside.

Match 2.  Trey Miquel VS Laredo Kid

These two start off bouncing off the ropes looking for an opening, neither finding one.  Kid eventually dumps Trey with a spinning faceplant, off a head scissors.  Trey lands a one legged moonsault.  Trey is apparently nursing a leg injury and will have to fight threw the pain.

Kid is on the offensive, after we return from break.  Trey is locked in a crab. Kid converts this into the figure 4.  Trey gets to the ropes to break the hold.  Trey floors Kid and lands a missile drop kick from the top.  Trey manages to light up Kid with a series of kicks, but he is in pain.  Trey gets a two count off a hurricane suplex.  Trey’s knee continues to be the story of the match.  He heads back to the top rope, but couldn’t make it.  Kid gets a two count off a driver.  Trey hits a spinning neck breaker out of nowhere and gets the pin.

Winner.  Trey Miguel

We get a Ric Flair flashback moment.

We see Deaner and Joe Doering looking for Josh Alexander.  They stop to attack the Motor City Machine Guns.  The segment ends with a pull apart from security.

We get a Killer Kelly vignette.

America’s Most Wanted are interviewed backstage.  Chris Harris says this was the perfect way for him to end his career.  James Storm salutes his partner walks off.  He finds Steve Maclin backstage.  Maclin asks if he is retired.  Storm says he is in his prime and challenges him to a match next week.

Match 3.  PCO (with Vincent) VS Black Taurus (and Crazzy Steve)

The two take turns pounding on each other.  They trade chops and clubbing blows.  PCO finally catches BT and throws him from the ring.  PCO then launches himself onto Taurus.  Taurus is draped on the apron.  PCO lands a di-animator.  Taurus recovers and hits two sling blades.  He heads to the top and hits an elbow drop.  PCO kicks out of a pin attempt at two.  Taurus goes back to the top, but misses a moonsault.  PCO hits a reverse DDT and then a moonsault and gets the pin.

Winner.  PCO

Honor No More hit the ring and celebrate with the monster.  Crazzy Steve is left to defend Taurus, but Heath hits the ring and takes out Kenny King.  He bails to celebrate with the crowd.  HNM is left furious in the ring.

The Bullet Club are backstage and they seem to want to some more action with HNM.  Chris Bey, Ace Austin and The Good Brothers challenge them to a match next week.

Digital Media Champion, Brian Myers is backstage and he is approached by Zicky Dice and Johnny Swinger.  Swinger wants a match, Myers walks off and Bhupinder Gujjar asks for a match.  Myers says you two figure it out.  They will face each other and he will fight the winner.

Match 4.  Shera (with Raj Singh) Rich Swann

Shera uses the beginning of the match to show his superior strength.  He presses Swann over his head and slams him.  After a few boots to the back, he lifts Swann and tosses him into the corner repeatedly.  Shera then berries his shoulder into Swann’s mid section.  Finally Shera misses and Swann hits a 619.  Swann uses a series of kicks to take Shera to a knee.  Shera goes down, Swann hits a 450 and it is over.

Winner.  Rich Swann

Gisele Shaw is approached by Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood.  Tenille has a torn up picture of herself.  She questions Shaw about it.  Shaw admits she knows Masha Slamovich did this.  Tenille is furious and scared.

Rosemary is seen backstage with Taya Valkyrie.  Rosemary is still upset looking for Havok.

Main Event to determine the Knockouts World Championship #1 Contender, Deonna Purrazzo VS Mia Yim

The winner will face Jordynn Grace at the Emergence PPV.   The two trade shoulder blocks and start pushing each other.  There is a lot of trash talking going on.  Yim dropkicks Purrazzo to the apron and then plancha her to the floor.  The fans are chanting for Mia.  Back in the ring Yim tries several roll ups to no avail.  Yim then scissors Purrazzo to the mat.  Purrazzo ducks a charging Yim and locks on a surfboard and begins working on the arm of Yim.  She then stomps her and we go to break.

Purrazzo is working the left arm and elbow as we return.  The two get to there feet and cross the ring.  They smack foreheads and crumble to the mat.  Both manage to beat the 10 count to their feet.  They start trading blows, with Yim getting the best of the exchange.  She follows this up with a cannonball, after a series of kicks and dropkicks.  Yim goes for a piledriver, but Deonna gets free and boots Yim in the face.  Yim backdrops Purrozzo.  Yim gets caught on the top rope and Purrazzo hurls her, but misses a spear in the corner.  Yim hits a code blue for a two count.  The two trade more blows in the center of the ring.  This is a long exchange and a brutal one.  Purrazzo Russian leg sweeps Yim and locks on an armbar.  She then hits the Queens Gambit, but Yim kicks out.  Yim powerbombs Purrazzo and then hits a package piledriver, but Deonna kicked out.  The two recover and start brawling again.  Yim goes berserk and lands several kicks and punches.  After a pile driver and a eat defeat, Yim finally puts Purrazzo down.

Winner and #1 Contender, Mia Yim

Jordynne Grace, The Impact Knockouts Champion heads out and shakes Yim’s hand.  The show ends.

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