6/1/22 AEW Dynamite Recap

Jun 1, 2022 - by Michael Riba

The opening credits roll. Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary from Los Angeles, California.

Match #1 – Trios Tag Team Match: CM Punk and FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) vs. Max Caster and The Gunn Club (Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn) (w/Anthony Bowens and Billy Gunn)
Harwood and Austin start the match. They lock up, but neither man gains the advantage. Austin shoves Harwood in the corner and they lock up again. Austin applies a side-headlock, and then drops Harwood with a shoulder tackle. Harwood comes back with a back elbow, and chops Austin in the corner. Wheeler tags in and FTR double-team Austin for a bit. Wheeler goes for the cover, but Austin kicks out and delivers a right hand. Colten tags in and slams Wheeler into the corner. Wheeler comes back with a back body drop, and follows with a dropkick. Wheeler takes Colten down with an arm-drag, but Caster tags in. Wheeler wrenches Caster’s arm and tags in Punk. Punk delivers a double sledge and works over Caster’s arm. Caster comes back and slams Punk into the turnbuckle, and then stomps him down in the corner. Caster sends Punk across, but Punk comes back with a cross-body from the top. Punk wrenches Caster’s arm and tags in Wheeler. Punk and FTR triple-team Caster as Harwood tags in. Wheeler drops Caster with a power slam from the middle rope and Harwood goes for the cover, but Caster kicks out.
Austin tags in and takes advantage of Harwood. Austin stomps him down in the corner and Colten tags in. The Gunn Club double-team Harwood, and then Colten delivers a dropkick. Austin delivers a face-buster and Colten goes for the cover, but Harwood kicks out. Caster tags in and he and Colten double-team Harwood. Billy delivers a cheap shot from the outside and Caster goes for the cover, but Harwood kicks out. Harwood comes back and sends Caster and Austin to the floor, and then drops Colten with a back suplex. Harwood goes for the tag, but Punk and Wheeler are pulled off the apron. Colten tags in and The Gunn Club double-teams Harwood. Colten goes for the cover, but Harwood kicks out as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Caster tries to put Harwood in the Sharpshooter, but Harwood kicks him away. Austin tags in, but Harwood makes it to Punk. Punk slips on the top rope, but delivers right hands to Austin. Punk delivers scoop slams to Austin and Colten, and then dropkicks Colten to the corner. Punk kicks Caster to the floor, and then he and Harwood deliver knee strikes to The Gunn Club in the corners. Punk sends Wheeler onto Colten and Caster on the floor, and then delivers an elbow drop to Austin. Punk signals for the GTS, but Billy gets on the apron. Austin rolls Punk up for a two count and goes for the Famouser, but Punk catches him and power bombs him into Billy. Punk hits the GTS as Harwood tags in, and then FTR drop Austin with the Big Rig and Harwood gets the pin fall.
Winners: CM Punk and FTR
-After the match, Punk says there are still miles of road ahead and he has to get better, because that’s what the championship is all about. Punk says to call him whatever, positive or negative, but call him the champ. Harwood says professional wrestling means the world to him, and being the ROH World Tag Team Champions means the world to him and Cash. Harwood says whether they are from this company or another company, they will kick ass. Punk says some of the best wrestlers in the world come from New Japan Pro Wrestling, and says he wants to know who he’s got at Forbidden Door. Hiroshi Tanahashi comes to the stage and stares Punk down as Punk and FTR raise their titles in the air.

MJF makes his way to the ring. MJF says he is in a lot of pain after what happened on Sunday, but all the people want to hear him do is talk. MJF says he will talk, but this is Max Friedman talking. MJF says there are a lot of important executives here tonight, and he wouldn’t want something embarrassing to happen. MJF says the boss has been trying to work something out with him for a long time, but it’s too little too late. MJF says he had to make his own way and nobody is on his level. MJF says everything he touches turns to gold and there is nothing he can’t do. He says he is expected to his grand slams, and he does it every week. MJF says he is the only guy under a microscope, because he is the only one who can carry the company on his back. MJF says the fans and the boys in the back are the problems, and says the boys can have his spot because he doesn’t want to be here anymore. He calls the fans ‘uneducated marks’ and says they don’t know shit. MJF says he knows he is the best and is a generational talent. He says the fans and the big man in the back take him for granted, and says he is the second-biggest minute-for-minute draw in the company, but don’t ask the big guy to pay him like it. MJF says he is too busy paying all the ex-WWE guys he is bringing in, and none of them can lace his boots. MJF asks the boss if he would be treated better if he was an ex-WWE guy. MJF says he doesn’t want to wait until 2024, and tells Tony Khan that he wants to be fired. MJF drops some f-bombs and his microphones gets cut off as the show heads to a commercial.

Match #2 – Singles Match: Johnny Elite vs. Miro
Miro attacks Elite from the bell and sends him to the corner. Miro delivers right hands, and then stomps Elite to the mat. Elite comes back with body shots, and then kicks Miro in the face. Miro comes back with a side suplex as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Elite goes for a cross-body, but Miro catches him and slams him to the mat. Miro goes for a kick, but Elite dodges it and delivers a roundhouse kick. Elite delivers a few shots and gets Miro in the corner. Elite delivers a dropkick and hits a standing Shooting Star Press. Elite goes for the cover, but Miro kicks out. Elite delivers a knee strike and goes up top. Elite comes off, but Miro mostly dodges it and delivers a pump kick. Miro stomps on Elite’s back and locks in Game Over, and Elite taps out.
Winner: Miro

A video package airs that shows highlights from the Anarchy in the Arena Match at Double or Nothing, and then The Jericho Appreciation Society, minus Daniel Garcia, come to the ring. Chris Jericho shuts his music off before the crowd can sing much, and Angelo Parker says they dominated at Double or Nothing. Parker tells the AEW Galaxy to appreciate them, and then Matt Menard says they are now the Princes of Pape (PPV), because nobody does it better. Jericho says the crowd doesn’t deserve to sing and says they didn’t come out of Anarchy in the Arena unscathed. Jericho calls Eddie Kingston and Bryan Danielson pieces of trash, and then says he and Hager choked Danielson out and caused him to not be on the show tonight. Jericho says Garcia will do the same to Jon Moxley later tonight, because sports entertainers always win.

Eddie Kingston and William Regal interrupt. Kingston says he will fight all of them right now and tells Regal to tell them when he wants to fight them. Regal says, “Blood and Guts,” and Jericho asks Kingston if he wants blood and guts. Jericho says no and sends Hager, Menard, and Parker after Kingston. They beat him down, but Ortiz gets in the ring and hits Jericho with the matte ball. Ortiz cuts some of Jericho’s hair, and escapes the ring as the rest of the JAS come back in. Jericho calls Ortiz a stupid son of a bitch and accepts the challenge for Blood and Guts. Jericho says he wants something, too, and says he wants a Hair vs. Hair Match.

Footage of Samoa Joe fighting with Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt backstage at Double or Nothing airs. They continued to attack and injure his shoulder, and left him lying backstage.

Adam Cole joins the commentary team for the next match.

Match #3 – Ten-Man Tag Team Match: Christian Cage, Darby Allin, Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, and Matt Hardy (w/Jeff Hardy) vs. Hikuleo, reDRagon (Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly), and The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) (w/Brandon Cutler)
Jungle Boy and O’Reilly start the match. Jungle Boy delivers a chop and takes O’Reilly down with an arm-drag. Jungle Boy follows with a dropkick, but O’Reilly comes back with a kick and tags in Fish. Jungle Boy takes Fish down with an arm-drag and tags in Cage. Cage and Jungle Boy double-team Fish, and then do the same to Nick. Hardy tags in, and he and Cage double-team Fish. Hardy drops an elbow as Cage holds Fish, and then goes for the Twist of Fate. Fish shoves him off and tags in Matt. Cage also tags in, and then delivers right hands to Matt in the corner. Cage delivers a shot to Nick, and then drops Matt with a swinging DDT. Cage goes for the cover, but Matt kicks out. Cage chokes Matt over the middle rope and stands on his back, and then delivers an uppercut from the floor. Allin delivers shots to Fish on the apron, and then Jungle Boy drops Fish with an hurricanrana to the floor. Cage drops an elbow to Matt and goes for the cover, but it is broken up. Allin takes O’Reilly out with a dive, and then Luchasaurus takes out Cutler and Fish. The Bucks double-team Cage in the ring, and then dive onto everyone else as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Cage dodges a double superkick and drops The Bucks with a double reverse DDT. Luchasaurus tags in and knocks everyone off the apron. Luchasaurus sends The Bucks into the corners, and then slams O’Reilly into Nick. Luchasaurus splashes them in the corner and takes them out. Luchasaurus goes for a choke slam, but Nick counters with a kick. Luchasaurus comes back with an elbow strike, and then spikes Nick on the mat. Jungle Boy delivers a destroyer and Luchasaurus choke slams Nick. Luchasaurus delivers a moonsault press, but Hikuleo breaks it up and tags in. Luchasaurus delivers a headbutt, and then they deliver simultaneous clotheslines. Allin tags in, as does O’Reilly. Allin delivers a dropkick and then attacks Fish and O’Reilly in the corners. Allin kicks Fish in the face and drops O’Reilly with a stunner. Allin sends Hikuleo to the floor and tags in Hardy. Allin goes for the Coffin Drop, but Hikuleo catches him, and then reDRagon slam Allin on the floor. Hardy slams Matt’s heads into the turnbuckle, and then does the same to Nick, O’Reilly, and Fish.
Hardy tries it on Hikuleo, but he counters and sends Hardy to the corner. Hardy dodges him and Cage delivers a dropkick. Hardy delivers the Twist of Fate, and they clothesline him to the floor. Cage spears Hikuleo from the apron, and O’Reilly takes out Cage. The Bucks double superkick Hardy and Luchasaurus, and then Jungle Boy. Then Luchasaurus again. The Bucks go for the BTE Trigger, but Hardy blocks it. O’Reilly and Fish hit the High-Low on Hardy, and then The Bucks plant Jungle Boy with the Meltzer Driver and Matt gets the pin fall.
Winners: Hikuleo, reDRagon, and The Young Bucks
-After the match, Hardy and Jungle Boy hug, but Cage separates them and tells Jungle Boy to leave the ring with him.

Lexy Nair is backstage with Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland. Strickland introduces some of his entourage, and Lee says when the gold happens again, everyone will Swerve in their Glory.

Tony Schiavone interviews Athena. Athena says she is All Elite, and it is not a surprise why she is here. She says she is here to fight the best, and all streaks are made to be broken. She says she is coming for Jade Cargill, but Cargill interrupts with The Baddies and Stokely Hathaway. Hathaway says Cargill is a queen and a goddess, and Kiera Hogan steps up to get in Athena’s face. Anna Jay and Kris Statlander come out to even the sides and Hathaway gets in between all the women as referees rush out to separate them.

Match #4 – Singles Match: Wardlow vs. JD Drake
Drake delivers a chop, but Wardlow drops him with a clothesline. Wardlow spears Drake into the corner and drives his shoulder into his midsection. Wardlow slams Drake to the mat  and begins the Powerbomb Symphony. Wardlow delivers two power bombs and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Wardlow
-After the match, Schiavone interviews Wardlow. Before the interview can begin, Smart Mark Sterling interrupts and says he has documents for Wardlow. A security guys gets in the ring and hands Wardlow a piece of paper. Sterling says he is serving Wardlow with a class-action lawsuit and says he will see him in court. Wardlow power bombs the security guy and rips up the summons.

Lexy Nair is with Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page, and Dan Lambert. Lambert says nobody can deny Dante Martin’s potential, but he is nowhere near Sky. Page says Martin only has a couple of days, and Sky tells Martin to enjoy his vacation, because he is going to get his ass handed to him on Friday. Martin walks up and says he is going to prove that he is better than Sky.

Match #5 – Tag Team Match: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Jamie Hayter (w/Rebel) vs. Ruby Soho and Toni Storm
Storm and Baker start the match. Baker kicks Storm in the midsection and delivers a few shots, but Storm comes back and stomps Baker in the corner. Baker ducks to the floor and grabs her Owen Cup title belt and holds it in the air. Baker gets back into the ring and tries to tag Hayter, but Hayter doesn’t want to. Storm rolls Baker up for two, and then delivers a low dropkick. Soho tags in as Storm takes Baker down. They double-team Baker and Soho goes for the cover, but Baker kicks out. Baker pulls Soho down by her hair and tags in Hayter. Hayter stomps Soho in the corner, but Soho comes back with a jaw-breaker. Baker tags in as Hayter kicks Soho in the face. Baker trips Soho on the apron and drops her with a neck-breaker on the floor as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Baker delivers a shot to Soho. She goes for a butterfly suplex, but Soho counters with a back-slide for a two count. Hayter knocks Storm off the apron, but Soho drops Baker with a side suplex. Storm and Hayter tag in, and Storm drops Hayter with a shoulder tackle. Storm sends Baker to the outside and drops Hayter with a suplex. Storm delivers a Hip Attack in the corner, and then sends Hayter across the ring. Hayter rolls to the outside and catches Storm on a dive. Hayter drops Storm with a DDT, but Soho takes Hayter down with a cross-body. Baker drops Soho with a Slingblade and tosses Storm and Hayter back into the ring. Hayter delivers a knee strike and goes for the cover, but Storm kicks out. Storm comes back with an Alabama Slam and tags in Soho. Soho goes for a stomp, but Hayter dodges it and Baker delivers a thrust kick. Storm drops Baker with a suplex, but Hayter drops Storm with a knee strike. Hayter delivers a back-breaker to Soho and tags in Baker. Baker goes for the Pittsburgh Sunrise, but Soho counters it. Baker delivers a butterfly suplex, and Storm takes Hayter out on the floor.
Soho dodges a superkick from Baker and delivers No Future. Soho goes for the cover, but Baker kicks out and goes for Lockjaw. Soho rolls over for a two count, but Hayter rolls Baker over back into Lockjaw. Baker turns it into a roll-up for two, and then drops Soho with a swinging neck-breaker. Baker almost hits Hayter on the apron, and then Soho sends Baker into Hayter. Soho delivers Destination Unknown to Baker and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Ruby Soho and Toni Storm
-After the match, Hayter knocks Storm and Soho out with the Owen Cup title belt. Baker gets the title and holds it in the air.

Chris Jericho and William Regal join the commentary team for the main event.

Match #6 – Singles Match: Daniel Garcia vs. Jon Moxley
Moxley backs Garcia into the corner, but Garcia grinds his forearm into Moxley’s face. Moxley comes back with a few quick strikes, but Garcia delivers a few chops. Moxley comes back with a chop, and they begin exchanging chops. Garcia drops Moxley to the mat and kicks Moxley in the back. They exchange more shots and Garcia busts Moxley open. Garcia slams Moxley into the ring steps and stomps him against them as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Garcia goes for a Sharpshooter, but Moxley gouges his eyes. Garcia goes to the floor, but Moxley slams him onto the ring steps, which are set up on their side. Moxley gets Garcia back into the ring and drops him with a suplex. Moxley goes for the cover, but Garcia kicks out. Moxley goes for the rear choke, but Garcia rolls through and delivers elbow strikes. Moxley comes back with elbow strikes of his own, but Garcia counters and locks Moxley in a submission. Moxley makes it to the ropes and drops Garcia with a back drop driver. Garcia comes back with one of his own, and then drops Moxley with a pile driver. Garcia goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out. Garcia locks in a Sharpshooter and sits back farther, but Moxley counters with the Bulldog Choke. Garcia rolls through and gets a two count, and then they exchange shots and elbow strikes. They go to the floor and Moxley tosses Garcia over the timekeeper’s table. Moxley gets Garcia back in the ring as Jericho rushes the ring. Moxley drops Garcia with the Paradigm Shift as Eddie Kingston rushes out and attacks Jericho. Moxley applies the Bulldog Choke and Garcia passes out.
Winner: Jon Moxley

Announced for this Friday’s Rampage:
-AEW TNT Championship Match: Scorpio Sky (c) vs. Dante Martin
-The Lucha Brothers vs. The Young Bucks
-Athena vs. Kiera Hogan

Announced for next Wednesday’s Dynamite:
-Adam Page vs. David Finlay

Announced for the June 15th Dynamite: Road Rager:
-Hair vs. Hair Match: Chris Jericho vs. Ortiz

Announced for Forbidden Door on June 26th:
-AEW World Championship Match: CM Punk (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

Announced for the June 29th Dynamite:
-Blood and Guts Match


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