1/21/22 AEW Rampage Recap
The opening credits roll. Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Ricky Starks, and Taz are on commentary from Washington, D.C.
Match #1 – Singles Match: Ethan Page vs. Jon Moxley
They lock up, and Moxley backs Page into the corner. Page shoves Moxley away, but Moxley comes back for a waist-lock. Page gets free and shoves him away again. They lock up, and Page backs Moxley into the ropes. Moxley fires back with chops and beats Page into the corner. Page comes back with an enzuigiri and sends Moxley to the floor with a shoulder tackle. Page follows Moxley out and beats him against the barricade. Moxley fires back with a few shots, and then throws Page into the barricade. Moxley gets Page back into the ring, but Page delivers a shot to Moxley’s knee. Page wraps Moxley’s knee in the ropes and delivers a dropkick. Page slams Moxley to the mat and goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out. Page drapes Moxley over the middle rope and delivers a series of right hands. Page slams Moxley shoulder-first into the ring post as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Page goes for Ego’s Edge, but Moxley counters with a school boy for a two count. Moxley delivers a pair of German suplexes and goes for a third, but Page blocks it with a back elbow. Page charges, but Moxley sends him into the ropes and delivers a third German suplex. Moxley delivers a shot in the corner, but Page fires back and they exchange shots. They exchange knees to the midsection and kicks, and then Moxley delivers a clothesline. Moxley goes for the Paradigm Shift, but Page gets out and delivers an elbow shot. Page delivers a Brain Buster and goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out. Page applies a single-leg Boston Crab, but Moxley makes it to the ropes. Page delivers more shots, but Moxley sends him to the outside and sends him into the barricade with a diving elbow strike. Moxley gets Page back into the ring and goes up top, but Page cuts him off with a right hand. Page delivers an avalanche power slam and goes for the cover, but Moxley counters into a crucifix for two. Moxley delivers a series of elbow strikes, follows by knees to the head. Moxley locks in the Bulldog Choke and Page passes out.
Winner: Jon Moxley
-After the match, Page gets in Moxley’s face, but Moxley drops him with a Paradigm Shift. As Moxley leaves through the crowd, Bryan Danielson appears and claps for him. Moxley stares him down and walks away as Danielson looks on.
The AEW World Tag Team Champions, Jurassic Express, cut a promo on The Gunn Club. Jungle Boy says a title match should be the least of their concerns, because when Christian Cage gets back they are going to stomp their heads into the ground.
Match #2 – Singles Match: Nick Jackson (w/Brandon Cutler and Matt Jackson) vs. Trent Beretta (w/Orange Cassidy)
They lock up and Beretta backs Jackson into the ropes. Jackson comes back with a shot tp the midsection, but Beretta delivers one of his own. Jackson comes back with an arm-drag, but Beretta comes back and takes Jackson down. Beretta takes Jackson to the corners and delivers chops in each one. Jackson comes back with a shot, but Beretta drops him with an overhead throw. Jackson goes to the floor and guillotines Beretta over the top rope. Beretta comes back and suplexes Jackson back into the ring. Beretta goes for the cover, but Jackson gets out. Beretta drops Jackson with a back-body drop and goes for a cross-body, but Jackson dodges him and Beretta hits the ropes. Jackson drops Beretta with a neck-breaker in the ropes, and then delivers a kick to the back of his head. Jackson poses on the apron as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Jackson goes for a senton, but Beretta gets his knees up. They exchange shots and Beretta drops Jackson with a clothesline. Beretta drops Jackson with a German suplex and delivers a running knee strike. Beretta goes for the cover, but Jackson kicks out. Beretta delivers shots to Jackson and beats him down against the ropes. Jackson comes back with a kick to the face, but Beretta takes him to the floor and drops him with a Spear. Beretta rolls Jackson into the ring, but Jackson kicks him in the face. Beretta comes back with a side suplex, followed by a DDT. Beretta goes for the cover, but Jackson kicks out. Beretta delivers a few chops and comes off the ropes, but the referee is in front of Jackson. Jackson delivers an enzuigiri, but Beretta delivers a shot and they are both down. Jackson goes to the top rope and delivers an elbow strike. Jackson drops Beretta with a springboard Canadian Destroyer and goes for the cover, but Beretta kicks out. Jackson delivers shots on the mat, but Beretta comes back and they exchange shots. Jackson delivers a kick, followed by a knee strike in the corner.
Jackson plants Beretta with a Bulldog and goes for a superkick, but Beretta blocks it and drops Jackson with a half-and-half suplex. Jackson comes back with a superkick, but Beretta drops him with a clothesline. Beretta delivers a pile driver and goes for the cover, but Jackson kicks out. They go to the ramp, and Jackson drops Beretta with a back-body drop. Jackson connects with a senton on the ramp, and Beretta rolls back into the ring. Jackson hits a 450 Splash in the ring and goes for the cover, but Beretta kicks out. Jackson delivers a superkick and goes for another, but Beretta ducks under and hits Strong Zero for the pin fall.
Winner: Trent Beretta
A video package for the feud between Mercedes Martinez and Thunder Rosa airs.
Match #3 – Singles Match: Hook vs. Serpentico
Hook drops Serpentico immediately and begins working over his arm. Serpentico makes it to the ropes and kicks Hook in the head, but Hook drops him with an overhead throw. Hook applies Redrum and Serpentico taps out.
Winner: Hook
-After the match, QT Marshall comes out and says this is what he is talking about. Marshall says Hook is an delinquent, but Hook walks up the ramp and drops him with an overhead throw. Hook walks over Marshall and heads to the back.
Announced for next Wednesday’s Dynamite: Beach Break:
-Undisputed AEW TNT Championship – Ladder Match: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Sammy Guevara (c)
-Trios Tag Team Match: 2point0 and Daniel Garcia vs. Chris Jericho, Ortiz, and Santana
-Lights Out Match: Adam Cole vs. Orange Cassidy
-Leyla Hirsch vs. Red Velvet
-CM Punk speaks
-We will hear from the AEW Women’s World Champion, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
Match #4 – AEW TBS Championship Match: Jade Cargill (w/Smart Mark Sterling) (c) vs. Anna Jay (w/John Silver)
They lock up and Cargill applies a side-headlock. Jay sends her off the ropes, but Cargill drops her with a shoulder tackle. Jay comes back with a shot and goes for a cross-body, but Cargill catches her and tosses her to the mat. Cargill taunts, but Jay rolls her up for two. Cargill delivers a clotheslines and Jay rolls to the floor. Silver gets in Sterling’s face, but Cargill gets Sterling out of the way and has a pose-off with Silver. Jay runs in and drops Cargill down with a forearm shot as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Cargill sends Jay into the corner, but Jay comes back with a heel kick. Jay chokes Cargill in the ropes, but Cargill counters with a guillotine over the top rope. Jay comes back with a forearm, followed by a back elbow in the corner. Jay delivers the Dangerous J Kick in the corner, followed by a few kicks to the midsection. Jay delivers a thrust kick to the face, and then drops Cargill with a Flatliner. Sterling gets on the apron, but Sterling goes after him and slams him on the floor. Jay gets a two count on a back-slide, but Cargill comes back with a pump kick. Cargill goes for Jaded, but Jay rolls through and locks in the Queen Slayer. Cargill gets to her feet and backs Jay into the corner. Jay shoves Cargill down and locks in the Queen Slayer in the corner. Cargill gets free and goes for Jaded, but Jay shoves her away. Jay goes for the Dangerous J Kick, but Cargill blocks it and drops Jay with a one-arm slam. Cargill delivers Jaded and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW TBS Champion: Jade Cargill