9/3/21 AEW Rampage Recap

Sep 3, 2021 - by Michael Riba

The opening credits roll. Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Mark Henry, and Taz are on commentary from Hoffman Estates, Illinois.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Lee Johnson vs. Malakai Black
Johnson applies a side-headlock, but Black sends him off the ropes. Black goes for the spin kick, but Johnson holds onto the ropes. Black takes Johnson down and charges, but Johnson rolls out of the way. Black delivers a shot, but Johnson fights back with body shots. Black delivers an uppercut and follows with body shots in the corner as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Johnson delivers a few forearm shots to Black. Black comes back with a knee strike and comes off the ropes, but Johnson takes him to the outside with a dropkick. Johnson connects with a dive into the barricade and tosses Black back into the ring. Johnson delivers a frog splash and picks Black up, but Black comes back with a Judo throw and follows with a kick to Johnson’s face. Black kicks Johnson in the corner and follows with body shots. Black delivers another kick to the chest and grabs a chair from under the ring. Black picks up the chair, but then lays it next to Johnson and offers it to him. Black turns his back on Johnson and Johnson picks up the chair, but Black connects with the spinning heel kick and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Malakai Black
-After the match, Dustin Rhodes comes to the ring to check on Johnson, but Black leaves the ring. Black points at Rhodes and leaves ringside.

Mark Henry is backstage with Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes says since Black has entered AEW, he has been about the element of surprise. Rhodes says he is coming straight for Black this Wednesday on Dynamite. Rhodes says Black thrives in darkness, but he has thrived in darkness for five decades and there is nothing Black can do to him that he hasn’t already been through.

The AEW TNT Champion, Miro, comes to the ring. Miro says Kingston has been blessed in his career, but he took the easy way out. Miro says Kingston took a charity contract to get into AEW, but he is not in the charity business and neither is his God. Miro says Kingston has become soft and comfortable, and calls him nothing more than a backboard for Jon Moxley. Kingston says it’s bullshit that Miro is God’s favorite champion. Kingston says Miro’s God is not real to him, but he is was, he sent Kingston to take care of Miro. Kingston says every move his does is Miro’s weakness. Miro says Kingston talks about weakness while talking from so far away, and says if Kingston gets in the ring he won’t make it to All Out. Kingston charges the ring, but Miro escapes the ring as Kingston gets in. Kingston runs around the ring, but Miro lays him out with the title belt. Miro tosses Kingston back into the ring, but Kingston comes back with a spinning back fist and drops Miro with the DDT.

Match #2 – 2-on-1 Handicap Match: Jamie Hayter and Rebel (w/Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.) vs. Kris Statlander
Hayter and Statlande lock up and Hayter backs her into the corner. Statlander pushes her out and they stay locked up. Statlander backs Hayter into the corner, and Hayter shoves her away. They lock up again and Hayter applies a side-headlock. Statlander gets free and they exchange forearm shots. Statlander backs Hayter to the ropes, but Rebel gets involved and Hayter takes control. Hayter drops Statlander in the corner and tags in Rebel. Rebel delivers a few shots and tags Hayter back in. Hayter delivers a few more shots and tags Rebel in. Rebel tosses Statlander across the ring and goes for the cover, but Statlander kicks out. Statlander comes back and takes Rebel down with a power slam. Hayter gets in the ring, but Statlander slams her onto Rebel. Statlander sends them to the corners and delivers forearm shots and knee strikes. Statlander takes them down and connects with a double senton. Statlander goes for the cover, but Rebel kicks out. Statlander sends Hayter to the floor, but Rebel delivers a shot in the corner. Statlander comes back and puts Rebel on her shoulders, and then slams Hayter and Rebel to the mat simultaneously.
Hayter goes to the floor as Rebel kicks Statlander in the midsection. Rebel goes for a roll-up, but Statlander gets free. Statlander takes Rebel down and applies a spider-crab submission as Hayter and Baker look on from the floor.
Winner: Kris Statlander
-After the match, Baker, Hayter, and Rebel surround Statlander, but Red Velvet rushes the ring to make the save.

Footage of Jon Moxley and Satoshi Kojima coming to blows during the press conference early today is shown as the announcers run down the card for All Out.

Dustin Rhodes vs. Malakai Black is announced for this Wednesday’s Dynamite, while Andrade El Idolo vs. PAC is announced for next Friday’s Rampage.

Mark Henry interviews Darby Allin and Daniel Garcia. 2point0 are with Garcia, and Sting is with Allin. 2point0 ask what happens when Allin can’t make it to All Out after Garcia takes him out tonight, and Garcia says he knows he can end Allin tonight. Allin says they like to talk, but he is going to beat Garcia’s ass tonight.

CM Punk makes his way to the commentary table for the main event.

Match #3 – Singles Match: Daniel Garcia (w/Jeff Parker and Matt Lee) vs. Darby Allin (w/Sting)
They lock up and Allin backs Garcia into the corner. Garcia slaps Allin across the face, but Allin drops Garcia and delivers right hands. Garcia goes to the floor, but Allin follows and delivers a right hand that sends Garcia into the timekeeper’s table. Allin backs away and charges, but Garcia moves and Allin crashes over the table. Sting takes out 2point0 as Garcia slams Allin into the ring steps. Sting slams Parker and Lee into the barricade, and Garcia tosses Allin back into the ring. Garcia picks Allin up, but Allin counters and applies an arm-bar. Garcia makes it to the ropes and goes to the floor. Allin slams Garcia’s arm into the ring steps, and then stomps on Garcia’s arm as it is in between the steps and ring post. Garcia gets back into the ring and Allin follows, but Garcia delivers a shot. Garcia applies a surfboard submission, and then chokes Allin with his chain. Garcia goes for a front chancery in the ropes, but Allin takes him down. Allin goes up top, but Garcia cuts him off and drops him with a superplex. Garcia goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Garcia has Allin in a rear choke and pulls him up the ropes. Garcia drops Allin to the mat and applies another rear choke as Allin comes off the ropes. Allin gets to his feet and carries Garcia to the ropes. Allin jumps off the ropes and lands on Garcia to break the hold. Garcia comes back with a chop, but Allin drops Garcia with the Pepsi Twist. Allin stares at Punk, but Garcia comes back with a few uppercuts. Allin gets a back-slide for two, and then drops Garcia with Code Red for another two count. Allin picks Garcia’s leg and pins him with the crucifix pin.
Winner: Darby Allin
-After the match, 2point0 and Garcia attack Sting and Allin. Sting tosses Garcia over the barricade as 2point0 continue to beat down Allin. Punk comes to ringside to back 2point0 away, and then Allin takes them out with a dive. Punk and Allin get face-to-face as the show comes to a close.

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