6/18/21 AEW Dynamite Report

by Allen Rockum
AEW Friday Night Dynamite comes to you from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida.
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz (opening match) & Don Callis (main event)
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
Interviewer: Alex Marvez
Officials: Aubrey Edwards, Rick Knox, Bryce Remsburg & Paul Turner
Dynamite opens with Jake Hager & Wardlow on their way to the ring as they’ll open the night off in a cage fight.
Justin Roberts runs down the rules before the match which someone can only win by submission, knockout or stoppage. It’ll be 3 five minute rounds.
Match #1: Jake Hager (w/Chris Jericho) defeated Wardlow (w/Shawn Spears) in the second round via stoppage due to passing out from the head & arm triangle. After the match they were about to fist bump but Spears attacked Hager followed by Jericho going after Spears. Wardlow would lay into Jericho as he becomes double teamed as MJF comes down to lock the Salt of the Earth on Jericho. Dean Malenko comes out and stands up to MJF but then MJF knocks Malenko out with a stiff forearm. Sammy Guevara then jumps the cage and runs off the Pinnacle members.
Frankie Kazarian cuts a promo as he stands by Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo as they’ll be teaming up later tonight in a trios match against Matt Jackson & The Good Brothers in the main event for the show. Kingston then says they need to pray to their God and hope he takes your souls because your asses are ours. Penta finished with the zero miedo quote and gesture.
A promo airs for the new AEW show Rampage which will begin on August 13th.
After the break we see that Team Taz are standing by as Taz starts the promo by saying there is no secret that we have issues in Team Taz. He then thanks Ricky Starks and says that he is a very liable part in this group. Hobbs says that for them to be a team then they need to be together. Taz then speaks to Hangman Page and says you’re a top guy and so is Powerhouse Hobbs so he issues a challenge to him on Saturday Night Dynamite as it’ll be Hangman vs. Hobbs.
Match #2: Men of the Year (Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page) defeated Darby Allin in a Handicap match as Page would score the pinfall after hitting the Ego’s Edge.
Match #3: Orange Cassidy (w/Best Friends & Kris Statlander) defeated Cezar Bononi (w/The Wingmen) after hitting the Orange Punch for the pinfall.
Alex Marvez is seen backstage as he’s trying to interview Jungle Boy on his thoughts for his upcoming title match but then Kenny Omega shows up to interrupt the match. He points out that he doesn’t have any jewelry or championship gold because he disrespected him last week and he’s giving him a free shot tonight. He taunts him and says that he bets he’s never been in a Street Fight before so let’s go. Jungle Boy says I’d rather just beat you next week for the title but why not. Jungle starts to take his backpack and shirt off but Michael Nakazawa hits Jungle over the head with a laptop and then Omega jumps him. Omega then hops back in his ATV with Don Callis and we see Nakazawa getting beat down as Jungle runs after the ATV as the show hits commercial.
Alex Marvez is seen with Big Money Matt Hardy as he asks him about his heated history with Christian Cage. Matt says that Cage was gone for 7 seven years and now he’s back for the happy ending so good for him. Cage then shows up but The Blade stops him and locks him inside a cage as Allie laughs. Matt tells him to go home and be a father because if he keeps messing with him then he’ll end his career.
Match #4: Cody Rhodes & Brock Anderson (w/Arn Anderson) defeated The Factory (QT Marshall & Aaron Solow (w/Nick Comorotto) after Brock pinned Solow with the jackknife style pinfall for the win.
Jake Roberts cuts a promo with a angry Lance Archer behind him as he starts by saying if you’re this far away from wrestling then you mine as well be ten thousand miles away and now they’re back where they were. He had to sit down and talk to this guy, there’s a reason why he isn’t a doctor and it’s because he has no patience. So what can I do to him? Bitch slap him? Archer then shouts something as they walk away.
JR is seen interviewing Andrade El Idolo as he asks why he chose AEW. He says that for many reasons, many talent, many stars but I am a superstar. I want, no I deserve a opportunity for the AEW TNT or AEW World Title. JR then asks about Vickie Guerrero managing him and then he says well she understands the business but we’ll have to wait because Vickie and Andrade El Idolo have a surprise.
Marvez is backstage with Hangman Page and The Dark Order as he asks if he accepts Taz’s challenge? Hangman says well of course but I’m surrounded by good friends and we have beer so let’s have a good time. Marvez then asks about Jungle Boy challenging for the AEW World Title because Hangman is the ranked #2 for the title. He then ignores the question and says that John Silver’s arm is almost healed and give it up for 10 for winning the main event last week. Also Evil Uno gave the performance of a lifetime last week and even though he didn’t win he’s still a champion to us.
Match #5: Penelope Ford defeated Julia Hart (w/Varsity Blonds) with a Indian deathlock for the submission for the win. After the match Miro comes out and asks where Kip Sabian is? He understands that he’s injured but having a three on one situation isn’t right. Miro then jumps Varsity Blonds as Brian Pillman Jr. manages to hold his own as the officials separate them.
Tony Schiavone is trying to interview Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. but then Vickie Guerrero challenges her for the title because her client Nyla Rose will take the title. Britt laughs her off and then Vickie shouts excuse me! I’m the one that brought in Andrade El Idolo so Tony Khan owes me a favor and it’ll be you Britt & Rebel vs. Nyla Rose and myself on the June 30th return to Wednesday Dynamite. Also Brian Pillman Jr. will challenge Miro for the AEW TNT Championship. MJF will also go one on one with Sammy Guevara. Next Saturday though it’ll be Jungle Boy challenging Kenny Omega for the AEW World Title. Also Hangman Page will go up against Powerhouse Hobbs.
Cross promos air for FTR & Pride and Powerful as they’re rivalry continues.
“Smart” Mark Sterling cuts a promo with Jade Cargill as they’ve made a new partnership with a motel. He then sponsors her further for being undefeated and we can catch her on all programming especially the upcoming Rampage. She’s finishes by saying she’s that bitch!
Match #6: The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) & Matt Jackson (w/Brandon Cutler) defeated Eddie Kingston, Frankie Kazarian & Penta El Zero Miedo (w/Alex Abrahantes) after Anderson pinned Penta after hitting a diving neckbreaker for the pinfall.
Random Side note: I’ve found it very interesting to see JR, Schiavone & Callis on commentary together because back in the attitude era one was a commentator for RAW, Nitro & Hardcore TV. Kinda cool to think about.