Chris Jericho Admits Not Remembering The Night After Steve Austin Interview
After his appearance on the Broken Skull Sessions, Chris Jericho brought on WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin on Talk Is Jericho. And Jericho spoke on the night after recording the show.
“It was at the very end of the Broken Skull Session conversation that we had, you hit the nail right on the head because everybody’s thinking, ‘Hey, how can this happen, WWE and AEW?’ As you said, this is bigger than wrestling,” Austin said. “This is about the love of the business. You can’t sum it up any more than that. It was a process to get this thing going as you know, but like you said, it was all about the love of the business, and I was just glad to have you on the show and reconnect with you.
“You know me man, I’m like you, always closing, always thinking of business and different angles,” Jericho added. “So doing your show, I said, ‘Well, would you like to do Talk is Jericho, and we can talk about some stuff. We were thinking about maybe doing it after we did the Broken Skull Sessions, but I Really don’t remember how that night ended. It’s of those ones where I woke up in my bed in my hotel like how did I get here?’