Cody Rhodes in street fight match at The House Always Wins AEW live event
AEW made some changes to their first-ever non-televised live event which will take place on Friday, April 9 during WrestleMania Week at their usual hangout of Daily’s Place in Jacksonville.
Cody Rhodes, who was set to face Ethan Page, is now facing Aaron Solow in a Duuuval Street Fight. The match change stems from the angle that took place on Wednesday’s Dynamite where Nightmare Family members turned on each other and split in two groups.
Ethan Page remains on the card but is now part of the battle Royale where the winner will face the TNT champion in the main event of the show.
Page will be joined by Lance Archer, Dustin Rhodes, Scorpio Sky, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Powerhouse Hobbs, Ricky Starks, The Butcher, The Blade, 10 of The Dark Order, and Colt Cabana in the battle royale.
The non-televised event is titled The House Always Wins and will feature a total of 10 matches so far on the card with all the top talent from AEW being involved.
Tickets for the show remain available at