3/24/21 AEW Dynamite Recap

Mar 24, 2021 - by Michael Riba

It’s Wednesday night. You know what that means.

The opening credits roll. Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary from Jacksonville, Florida.

Match #1 – AEW World Championship Eliminator Match; if Sydal wins, he earns a future AEW World Championship Match: Kenny Omega (w/Don Callis) vs. Matt Sydal (w/Mike Sydal)
They lock up and exchange wrist-locks. Omega drops Sydal to the mat and keeps a wrist-lock applies. Sydal kicks up and takes Omega down, but Omega comes right back and drops Sydal to the mat. Omega goes for the cover, but Sydal kicks out. Sydal comes back and sends Omega to the apron. Omega gets back in the ring and they exchange shots and kicks. Sydal drops Omega to the mat and splashes onto him. Sydal goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Sydal delivers a knee strike and goes up top. Omega cuts him off and delivers a few chops. Omega brings Sydal down, but Sydal drops him with a hurricanrana. Omega comes right back and drops Sydal with a clothesline. Omega delivers a back-breaker and goes for the cover, but Sydal kicks out. Sydal comes back with a few kicks to the face and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Sydal puts Omega up top and delivers a chop. Sydal climbs, but Omega turns it around and slams Sydal on the top turnbuckle. Omega drops Sydal with the Snap Dragon Suplex and goes for the V Trigger. Sydal rolls through and gets a roll-up for two. Sydal drops Omega with the Lightning Spiral and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out.
Sydal goes for the Meteora, but Omega cuts him off and slams him in the corner. Omega delivers a power bomb and follows with the V Trigger. Omega goes for the cover, but Sydal kicks out. Omega hits another V Trigger and sets up for the One Winged Angel, but Sydal gets free and plants Omega to the mat. Sydal climbs for the Shooting Star Press, but Omega knocks him down. Omega hits another V Trigger and goes for the One Winged Angel, but Sydal rolls him up for a two count. Omega hits another V Trigger and then hits the One Winged Angel for the pin fall.
Winner: Kenny Omega

Alex Marvez is backstage with John Silver and Dark Order. Marvez asks Silver if he is ready for his title match against Darby Allin tonight. Silver is fired up with the rest of Dark Order and Adam Page walks in. Page asks him if he is nervous, but he says he is not. Page says they will be proud of him no matter what.

Match #2 – Singles Match: Adam Page vs. Cezar Bononi
Bononi shoves Page to the mat, but Page comes back with shots and chops. Page leapfrogs Bononi and kicks him in the face. Page low-bridges Bononi to the floor and goes for a dive, but Bononi catches him and slams him on the ring apron. Bononi stomps Page in the corner and goes for a clothesline, but Page ducks and delivers shots of his own. Page delivers an elbow shot, but Bononi grabs him and throws him across the ring. Page comes back and drops Bononi to the mat, and then drops him with the Buckshot Lariat for the pin fall.
Winner: Adam Page

Lance Archer cuts a promo. He says he looked up to Sting, and without him there is no Lance Archer. Archer says he interrupted Sting’s time because it should be his time. He says people are going to start paying attention to him, and if they don’t he will bring the walls down on them. Archer says, one way or another, it is going to be showtime.

A look back at last week’s Unsanctioned Lights Out Match between Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Thunder Rosa, which Rosa won, airs. Schiavone interviewed Rosa backstage, and she thanked everyone for believing in her. He then interviews Baker live. Baker says everyone is as dumb, disrespectful, and delusional as Rosa. Baker says Rosa should be thanking her because she will be forever remembered now. Baker says Rosa had to audacity to say that she put the women on the map, and then wonders why everyone is talking about her instead. Baker says it took Mick Foley twenty years to become a hardcore legend, but it only took her one night. She says Tony Khan is out looking for every legend who has ever been when he has the biggest one right under his nose. She says the three letter of AEW come second to the most epic letters in professional wrestling.. DMD.

Dante Martin and Varsity Blonds are backstage, chatting with Christian Cage. Dasha walks up and Cage says they were just talking shop and he was giving them some friendly advice. Frankie Kazarian walks up and says it’s great to see him. They go back and forth and Cage says Kazarian doesn’t have anything to prove. Kazarian asks Cage when the outworking everyone starts, and Cage says it starts next week, and he needs an opponent. Kazarian accepts and says he has a match on Dark: Elevation on Monday night that Cage should check out.

Trios Tag Team Match: Dante Martin and Varsity Blonds (Brian Pillman Jr. and Griff Garrison) vs. The Pinnacle (Cash Wheeler, Dax Harwood, and Shawn Spears) (w/MJF, Tully Blanchard, and Wardlow)
Spears and Garrison start the match. Spears drops Garrison to the mat and applies a wrist-lock. Garrison gets free and applies one of his own. Pillman tags in and wrenches Spears’ arm, and then Martin tags in and delivers a clubbing shot. Pillman tags back in, but Spears backs into the ropes and Harwood tags in. Harwood drops Pillman and delivers a few quick elbow drops. Harwood chops Pillman in the corner and tags in Spears. Pillman delivers kicks to Harwood and Spears as Martin tags in. Martin takes down Spears and Harwood, and then Garrison tags in and takes them down as well. The Pinnacle go to the floor to regroup as Martin and Varsity Blonds go for a dive. Wardlow steps in front, and they stay in the ring as The Pinnacle regroups heading to a commercial.
Back from the break, Martin sends Wheeler to the floor, but Harwood drops Martin with a Brain Buster. Wheeler and Spears tag in quickly and FTR send Varsity Blonds to the floor as Spears drops Martin with the C-4 and gets the pin fall.
Winners: The Pinnacle
-After the match, Wardlow lays Pillman out, and then The Pinnacle toss Martin and Varsity Blonds to the stage. Schiavone gets in the ring for an interview. Wheeler says The Pinnacle is family. He says he will live and die for everyone in the group. Harwood says Santana and Ortiz have done well for themselves and they have a lot of people fooled. Harwood says the marquee says professional wrestling, not a side show. MJF says the only thing Chris Jericho is breaking down these days is whatever chair he decides to sit on. MJF says next week, he has a gift for everyone in the group, because when you’re in The Pinnacle, you’re always on top.

Team Taz is backstage. Taz says there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there, but there are no problems with Team Taz. Taz says Brian Cage apologized to the whole group for praising Sting and apologized to Ricky Starks for singling him out. Taz asks each member if they are good, and they all say they are, but Cage pauses before saying, “Who better?”

Schiavone interviews QT Marshall. Marshall says he has been thrown some bones, but what about the stuff we don’t see? He says he is frustrated because he realized there is not a match he can have without being referred to as “Cody’s friend.” He challenges Rhodes to an exhibition next week, because he wants to prove that he belongs and that he can hang with the best in AEW. Rhodes comes out with his arm in a sling. Rhodes says his heart is not in it, but he will accommodate Marshall next week, and Arn Anderson will be the referee. Rhodes says he isn’t going to hurt Marshall because Marshall just might be his best friend. Rhodes says they will have the match and then move on, and Marshall agrees as they shake hands.

Match #4 – Trios Tag Team Match: Brandon Cutler and The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. Laredo Kid and The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix)
Nick and Fenix start the match. Neither man gains the advantage, and then Matt and Penta tag in. Penta delivers a kick to the face and takes Matt down. Penta goes for a few stomps, but Matt gets free and drops Penta to the mat. Matt goes for the Sharpshooter, but Penta gets to the ropes. Neither man gets the advantage again, and Cutler and Laredo tag in. Laredo delivers a kick to the midsection and a right hand to the face. Laredo sends Cutler to the floor and kicks him in the chest. The Bucks come in and take Laredo down. Fenix drops The Bucks to the floor, and then Penta takes The Bucks down with a dive. Fenix runs the ropes, but Cutler kicks him in the back. Cutler drops Fenix with an elbow, and then takes out Penta with a dive. Laredo takes out Cutler and Matt with a moonsault. The Bucks get Laredo back in the ring and slams him to the mat. Matt goes for the cover, but Laredo kicks out as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Fenix and Nick are the legal men. Fenix splashes onto Nick and goes for the cover, but Nick kicks out. Laredo tags in and takes Nick out, and then Penta does the same. Fenix tags back in and does the same and goes for the cover, but Matt and Cutler break it up. Fenix kicks Nick in the face, but Nick comes back with a knee strike. Fenix comes back with a heel kick, but Nick drops him to the mat. Matt and Laredo tag in, and Matt delivers a series of Northern Lights Suplex, He then delivers one to Penta and Laredo simultaneously. Nick tags in and knees Laredo in the face. Matt tags back in and The Bucks hit Risky Business on Laredo. Cutler tags in and hits the springboard elbow on Laredo. Cutler goes for the cover, but Penta breaks it up. The Bucks take Penta out on the floor, but Fenix delivers shots to them back in the ring. The Bucks and Cutler drop Fenix with an assisted Indietaker, and Nick drops Penta with a dive on the floor. Matt takes Fenix out as well, but Laredo drops Cutler with an avalanche Spanish Fly and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Laredo Kid and The Lucha Brothers
=After the match, Kenny Omega rushes the ring and lays Laredo out with the title belt. Omega says he is having flashbacks. He says he never chose AEW to be his home. He says he chose The Young Bucks and, together, they wanted to make AEW the best wrestling on the planet. Omega says instead of him, they chose Brandon Cutler. He says he chose them, but they never chose him back. Omega says they have one more chance, and he throws up the Too Sweet. He says they have changed and tells them to stand with him now. The leave the ring with Cutler and Omega says they are done. The Lucha Brothers lay Omega out with a double superkick, and then the package pile-driver/double stomp combination. The Good Brothers come to the ring to check on Omega.

Jade Cargill cuts a promo. She says Red Velvet has been asking for more, and Velvet is only a pitstop on her road to greatness. She says they will meet again, and she will prove that she is better than Velvet.

A video preview for Cody and Brandi Rhodes’ new reality show airs.

Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley cut a promo. Kingston says he has a broken something in his leg, but he has come back from broken bones before. Kingston says Omega and The Good Brothers will pay for breaking his leg. Moxley asks just how far Omega and The Good Brothers are willing to take it. Moxley says it isn’t as far as he and Kingston are willing to take it. He says he doesn’t really know The Young Bucks, but he guesses he owes them after last week. Moxley says if The Bucks are going to be in the game, they better be willing to get their hands dirty.

Match #5 – Singles Match: Nyla Rose (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. Tay Conti
Rose takes Conti down and delivers a few stomps. Nyla keeps Conti grounded and goes for the cover, but Conti kicks out. Conti comes back with a few judo throws and goes for a knee strike. Rose catches her and slams her to the mat. Rose goes for the cover, but Conti kicks out. Rose sends Conti to the corner and delivers more shots. Rose drags Conti out, but Conti rolls her up for a one count. Rose comes back with a clothesline and then drapes Conti over the top rope. Rose connects with the diving knee drop from the top and goes for the cover, but Conti kicks out as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Conti sends Rose to the corner and delivers a few knee strikes to her face. Rose comes back with a slam, but Conti sends her into the ropes. Conti kicks Rose in the head a few times and goes for the cover, but Rose kicks out. Rose backs Conti into the corner, but Conti connects with a few kicks. Rose takes Conti down and goes for the cover, but Conti kicks out. Rose goes for the Beast Bomb, but Conti rolls through. Rose delivers a few shots, but Conti comes back with kicks. Rose knees Conti in the face and picks her up, but Conti gets free and delivers a few running knee strikes. Conti delivers the DD-Tay and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Tay Conti
-After the match, Guerrero grabs Conti’s ankle as she is celebrating. Rose attacks Conti from behind and goes for the Beast Bomb, but Hikaru Shida rushes the ring and hits Rose with a kendo stick. Shida takes Rose down and delivers shots, but The Bunny comes out now and hits Shida with the kendo stick a few times. Rosa and The Bunny take control and leave Shida and Conti lying as Guerrero, Matt Hardy, The Butcher, and The Blade look on. Hardy says the Women’s Eliminator Tournament was a sham because The Bunny wasn’t in it. He says he clients have been overlooked for too long, but that ends now.

A recap of the feud between the duos of Kip Sabian and Miro and Best Friends airs. They talk about their upcoming Arcade Anarchy Match and Miro says it will be game over. The match will take place next week.

Announced for next week:

Arcade Anarchy Match: Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy vs. Kip Sabian and Miro
Hiraku Shida and Tay Conti vs. Nyla Rose and The Bunny
Trios Tag Team Match: Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers vs. Laredo Kid and The Lucha Brothers
Exhibition Match (w/Arn Anderson as the Special Guest Referee): Cody Rhodes vs. QT Marshall
Christian Cage vs. Frankie Kazarian

Scorpio Sky cuts a promo. He says he is more than just one man, because he is the face of the revolution.

Match #6 – AEW TNT Championship Match: Darby Allin (c) vs. John Silver (w/Dark Order)
They lock up, but neither man gains the advantage. After some back and forth, Silver sends Allin to the outside. Silver rolls Allin back into the ring and slams him into the corner. Silver throws Allin into the turnbuckles and delivers a knee strike. Silver delivers a Brain Buster and goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Allin comes back and sends Silver over the barricade at ringside. Dark Order checks on Silver as Allin dives onto all of them. Dark Order get closer, but Sting comes out with his baseball bat and Dark Order backs away. Silver gets Allin back into the ring and delivers a few quick kicks. Allin comes back and goes for a Stunner, but Silver turns it around and locks in the Queenslayer. Allin gets free and rolls Silver up, but Silver kicks out. Silver delivers a DDT and goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. Allin goes to the floor as the Dark Order walk closer. Sting walks close as well, and they back away. Back in the ring, Silver delivers a few kicks to Allin, but Allin blocks the last one and delivers palm strikes to Silver. Allin backs Silver into the corner with more shots, but Silver delivers shots of his own. Allin and Silver continue to exchange shots, and Silver gets a roll-up for two. They fight to their feet and exchange shots, and then Allin drops Silver to the mat. Allin picks Silver up, but Silver kicks him into the corner.
Silver puts Allin up top, but Allin shoves him down . Allin delivers the Coffin Drop to the Dark Order on the outside. Allin goes back up top, but Silver cuts him off with a kick. Silver slams Allin to the mat and goes for the cover, but Allin’s feet lay on the ropes. Silver goes for the power bomb, but Allin counters with the Code Red and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW TNT Champion: Darby Allin
-After the match, Allin and Silver share a fist bump. Matt Hardy pulls Allin out of the ring and slams him into the barricade. A huge brawl breaks out with Matt Hardy’s Empire and The Dark Order with Allin and Sting. Tay Conti comes out and lays out The Bunny, and then Sting and Allin are left standing tall amidst the chaos as the show comes to a close.

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