NWA Back for the Attack – Report

by Allen Rockum
NWA Back for the Attack ’21 will be Live on FITE at the GPB Studios in Atlanta, Georgia. The event will be a tribute show in the honor & passing of Joseph Hudson (Jocephus & The Question Mark).
Coverage will begin at 4 pm ET here on Gerweck.net
Here is an updated card for the upcoming event:
Tyrus vs. JR Kratos
Crimson vs. Slice Boogie vs. Jordan Clearwater vs. Jax Dane
NWA World Women’s Title #1 Contendership Match: Thunder Rosa vs. Kamille
NWA World Television Title Match: The Pope (c) vs. Thom Latimer
NWA National Heavyweight Title Match: Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Chris Adonis
NWA Worlds Heavyweight Title Match: Nick Aldis (c) vs. Aron Stevens
The show opens up with Aron Stevens doing a promo discussing on how he was in a rough spot in his life before he received a call from the NWA & he was fortunate enough to be paired up with Joseph Hudson (Question Mark), and he taught him to not take the fans for granted. He’ll win the title for Joseph Hudson.
We then see in a memory of Joseph Hudson memorandum.
Commentators for the evening are Joe Galli & Tim Storm. As they run down the card for the evening.
Kyle Davis will be the interviewer & ring announcer for this evening. He will interview Nick Aldis first. They discuss how the pandemic has set things back but Nick says they are just a set up for the comeback; Back for the Attack. He then acknowledges all the talent, ring crew & announcers to deliver this event for the fans. But more importantly they are here for Joseph Hudson. He says so what if any match tonight steals the show then so be it. He then says that if Aron Stevens can come out here and pull the sword from the stone then so be it but you better bring the best version of Aron Stevens. Everyone will look at this event by the end of the night and say that this is the NWA.
Match #1: Slice Boogie defeated Jordan Clearwater, Jax Dane & Crimson in a Fatal 4-Way as Boogie hit the Dead Ass Driver on Clearwater for the pinfall.
We see May Valentine backstage as she is now the new backstage interviewer. Her first guest is her best friend for life Sal Rinuaro. Sal gives much hype for the show as well as his predictions for the evening.
Back to Galli & Storm as they hype up the return of Powerrr on March 23rd at their new home FITE. So subscribe now if you haven’t already.
Match #2: Tyrus defeated Kratos
Trevor Murdoch is being interviewed backstage by May Valentine. He tells Chris Adonis that he isn’t the easy going Trevor he knew from before because he’s the NWA National Heavyweight Champion & he’ll bring the fight.
Match #3: Pope retained the NWA Television Title against Thom Latimer by the new 10 Minute Time Limit rule for the Television Title.
May Valentine interviews one-half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions Aron Stevens as he sends a message to the son of Joseph Hudson as he hopes when he sees this he’ll know that his father only talked about him and his family meant the world to him. He says that just because he has been having fun in the NWA it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t belong in the main event.
Taryn Terrell joins commentary for the next matchup. She’s got her eyes on the NWA World Women’s Championship.
Match #4: Kamille defeated Thunder Rosa with back-to-back spears to become the new #1 Contender for the NWA World Women’s Title.
May Valentine is backstage with wrestling legend Austin Idol. It’s Idolwood here in Hotlanta as he is a special guest here this evening as the challenger Aron Stevens invited him for the match. Idol then says he’s gonna be rooting for his boy Aldis though.
Match #5: Trevor Murdoch retained the NWA National Championship against Chris Adonis with a roll-up pinfall. After the match they shake hands but Adonis attacks Murdoch from behind. He hits the Full Nelson Slam on him & then puts him in the Masterlock as the officials try to break it up.
Austin Idol joins the commentary title as he states that the NWA is back, Back for the Attack at its new home on FITE. Idol then mentions how he coached & managed Nick Aldis towards winning the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship & Tim Storm doesn’t look too happy about this. He brings up how Aron Stevens reached out to him to help him with his match against Aldis. He finishes with saying that Stevens is anything but a Underdog & the world will see tonight.
Kyle Davis is on the mic to pay tribute & honor not only to the family we’ve lost in the NWA but everyone that has sadly passed away this past year with a 10-Bell Salute.
Before the next match Senior Referee Robert King held the title up and said that we are doing this for Joseph Hudson so let’s have a good clean match.
Match #6: Nick Aldis retained the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Title against Aron Stevens as he would score the win with a reversed inside cradle pinfall. After the match both men shake hands, Stevens holds a Question Mark mask in his hands and it seems Joseph Hudson’s wife comes to the ring with a Question Mark Mongrovian flag as she is followed by the locker room as they stand in the ring to do a hand gesture for Hudson. Stevens finishes by saying this was for you sensei. We love you, thank you Joseph chants start as the show ends.