3/10/21 AEW Dynamite Recap
The opening credits roll. Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary from Jacksonville, Florida.
Match #1 – Singles Match: Matt Jackson (w/Nick Jackson) vs. Rey Fenix (w/PAC)
They start out exchanging wrist-locks, and then Jackson drops Fenix with a headlock take down. Fenix comes back and takes Jackson down as SCU are shown watching from the stands. Jackson delivers a right hand and tries to send Fenix off of the ropes, but Fenix lands on his feet. Fenix comes back and drops Jackson to the mat, and fakes a dive to the outside. Fenix then drops Jackson with a dive on the other side of the ring, and drops him with a diving headbutt back in the ring. Fenix drops Jackson with an arm-drag on the floor, and then drops him with a dive. Back in the ring, Fenix applies a rear chin-lock, and then they exchange roll-ups for two. Fenix kicks Jackson in the head and sends him to the corner. They go to the ropes and Fenix delivers quick shots. Fenix goes for a hurricanrana, but Jackson counters with a power bomb. Jackson goes for the cover, but Fenix kicks out. Jackson takes Fenix to the floor and backs him into the ring apron. Jackson rolls Fenix back into the ring and connects with an elbow drop. Jackson goes for the cover, but Fenix kicks out. Jackson clubs Fenix across the back a few times, and then applies a rear chin-lock.
Fenix tries to come back, but Jackson applies a Sharpshooter. Fenix makes it to the ropes, but Jackson takes him to the corner and delivers shots. Fenix comes back and rams Jackson’s head into the turnbuckle, and then delivers a kick to the face. Fenix connects with a missile dropkick and tries to pick him up, but his back gives out. Jackson comes off the ropes, but Fenix drops him with a cutter. They exchange shots and Fenix applies a standing surfboard submission. Fenix drops Jackson to the mat and goes for the cover, but Jackson kicks out. Fenix runs the ropes and goes for the penalty kick, but Jackson blocks it and drops Fenix with a Destroyer. Jackson takes Fenix to the floor and delivers another Destroyer out there. Fenix gets into the ring at the nine count, but Jackson goes up top. Jackson connects with an elbow drop and goes for the cover, but Fenix kicks out. Jackson applies the Sharpshooter again, but Fenix gets free and kicks him away. Fenix delivers a dropkick to Nick after Matt dodges it. PAC gets dropped on the outside as well, and then Fenix and Jackson exchange shots in the ring.
Fenix delivers an elbow, but Jackson delivers a couple superkicks. Fenix comes back with a shot of his own, and both men are down. They fight back to their feet and exchange shots. Jackson picks Fenix up, but Fenix comes back and slams Jackson to the mat and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Rey Fenix
Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley cut a promo from a house. Kingston says when he went out to help his friend on Sunday, everything went black. He says people can make fun of it, but it doesn’t matter. Kingston calls Kenny Omega funny, but Moxley says Omega really wanted to blow him up. He says Impact Wrestling paid for the bomb. Moxley says he signed up for an explosive match, but all he got was a lousy tee shirt. He says he also got a drinking buddy back, but he kind of wanted to see a bomb go off. Moxley says if Omega and The Good Brothers are going to flash a weapon, they better use it.
Match #2 – Singles Match: Cody Rhodes (w/Arn Anderson) vs. Seth Gargis
They lock up and Rhodes applies a wrist-lock. Gargis turns it into one of his own, but Rhodes drops him to the mat. Rhodes keeps control and locks in the Figure Four, and Gargis taps out.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
-After the match, Tony Schiavone gets into the ring for an interview. He asks Rhodes about his shoulder and how he is feeling. Before Rhodes can say anything, he is interrupted by Penta El Zero Miedo. Miedo cuts his promo and Alex Abrahantes translates for him. Penta says that he is 1,000 times better than Rhodes, and if Rhodes is the Prince of Pro Wrestling, then he is the King of Lucha Libre. Penta says Rhodes lost at Revolution and if it was just them one-on-one Rhodes would have lost more than the match. Penta says he would have hurt Rhodes’ arm so much more that he wouldn’t be able to pick up his new baby when she is born. Rhodes hops the barricade and they are pulled apart and separated.
Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy are in an arcade. Taylor says they have been at this for too long and says they want to have one more match. Taylor says he will be Miro’s butler forever if they lose. Taylor says they can have the ring surrounded by the arcade games so they can shove Miro and Kip Sabian’s heads through them, and then Cassidy says they will break Miro and Sabian.
Tony Schiavone interviews Sting. Sting hypes up Darby Allin, but Lance Archer and Jake Roberts interrupt. He says if he isn’t given time, he will make it himself. Schiavone says this is Sting’s time, and Archer and Roberts mock him and Sting before leaving. Schiavone apologizes to Sting, but Sting says he’ll see Schiavone in the next one and leaves.
QT Marshall and Lee Johnson are backstage with Dasha. Marshall says Johnson still has a lot to prove, and is ready for the match.
Match #3 – Singles Match: Ethan Page vs. Lee Johnson (w/QT Marshall)
Page takes Johnson to the corner and sends him off the ropes, but Johnson comes back with a dropkick. Page comes back and sends Johnson to the corner again. Page stomps on him and delivers a back elbow. Page clotheslines Johnson and keeps control as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Page is in control, but Johnson comes back and drops him with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Johnson goes for the cover, but Page kicks out. Page and Johnson go up top and Page drops Johnson to the mat. Page delivers a cutter and goes for the cover, but Johnson kicks out. Johnson comes off the ropes, but Page dodges him and kicks him in the face. Johnson holds his knee and rolls to the ring. He extends his hand to Marshall for help, but Marshall stares at him. Page gets Johnson back into the ring and drops him with the Ego’s Edge and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Ethan Page
-After the match, Page continues to attack Johnson as Marshall walks away. Dustin Rhodes gets into the ring and Page leaves. Rhodes stared at Marshall, who continues to walk away.
Alex Marvez interviews Adam Page, who lists everything he has bought with Matt Hardy’s money. The Dark Order runs in, and they hop on one of his new purchases, a new lawn mower. Alan “5” Angels is the last to get on, but Page says there is a weight limit. He says they’re going to get ice cream, and the Dark Order cheers as he pulls away, leaving Angels behind.
Tony Schiavone is about to interview Christian Cage, but before Cage can be introduced, Kenny Omega’s sweepers interrupt to sweep Schiavone out of the way. Omega comes to the ring with Don Callis and The Good Brothers. Callis says he guesses we won’t get to hear from AEW’s newest signee after all. Callis says they call the shots around here and take what they want, so they are taking this time for themselves. Callis calls Omega the king of the deathmatch and says everything went according to plan. Omega says maybe not everything, and Callis mocks the explosion at the end of the match. Callis says he is neither confirming nor denying that they had anything to so with that, but he is glad that they took away what the fans thought they wanted. He says they took away Moxley’s heroic death and Kingston’s star-making moment. He says Moxley and Kingston looked like a pair of idiots because the ring didn’t blow up. Omega says it would have been fun to see Moxley get vaporized, but it is even sweeter to have the memory of beating and embarrassing him, and it was just a cherry on top seeing Kingston out there as well. Kingston walks to the ring and Callis says he had Kingston working for him in Impact Wrestling because he saw his talent. Callis says Kingston had it all, but he had to fire him because he found a way to screw it up like he always does. Callis says because he likes Kingston, he is going to give him a chance to get out of the ring. The countdown starts and they mock Kingston saving Moxley on Sunday night. Omega asks Kingston what he hopes to accomplish with this and asks if he wants to hit him. Kingston decks him and The Good Brothers attack. Moxley runs out and tosses Karl Anderson to the floor. Kingston beats down Doc Gallows in the corner, and then Christian Cage’s music hits. Cage comes to the ring and gets face-to-face with Omega. They have words and Omega extends his hand for a handshake. Cage doesn’t accept and Omega goes for a shot, but Cage ducks. Cage goes for the Unprettier, but Callis saves Omega. Cage picks up the AEW World Championship belt, looks at Omega, and then drops it back down.
Match #4 – Six-Woman Tag Team Match: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., Maki Itoh, and Nyla Rose (w/Reba and Vickie Guerrero) vs. Hikaru Shida, Ryo Mizunami, and Thunder Rosa
Itoh and Shida start the match, but Shida takes control and tags in Mizunami. Mizunami delivers chops to Itoh in the corner and follows with a clothesline. Rose and Rosa tag in and Rosa delivers a few kicks and right hands. Rose comes back with shots of her own, but Rosa runs the ropes. Guerrero distracts her, and Rose takes advantage as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Mizunami is in control of Baker. Shida tags in and she, Mizunami, and Rosa triple-team Baker. Shida suplexes Mizunami into Baker and Shida goes for the cover, but Itoh breaks it up. Itoh delivers a headbutt to Shida, but Mizunami drops Itoh with a clothesline. Rosa tags in and delivers a shot to Baker. Rosa slams Baker in the corner and tosses her to the floor. Rosa goes up top and takes everyone out with a Cancun Tornado dive. Rosa tosses Itoh back into the ring, but Guerrero grabs Rosa’s boot. Itoh takes Rosa down with a spinning DDT and goes for the cover, but Rosa kicks out. Guerrero gets on the apron and Reba gets on the apron with her crutch. Rosa stops the crutch shot and slams Itoh to the mat and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Hikaru Shida, Ryo Zinuami, and Thunder Rosa
-After the match, Baker attacks Rosa. Baker chokes Rosa with the crutch and locks in the Lockjaw. Guerrero and Reba deliver more shots to Rosa, and then Reba grinds the crutch in Rosa’s face.
Matt Hardy is backstage with Private Party. Hardy says Adam Page stole from him like some criminal Robinhood. He says he is going to add a new unit to the Matt Hardy Brand and he introduces The Butcher, The Blade, and The Bunny. He says the four of them are going to destroy four people on Elevation next Monday, and then the five of them, and The Bunny, are going to destroy The Dark Order.
Match #5 – AEW TNT Championship Match: Darby Allin (c) vs. Scorpio Sky
They share a fist bump to start the match, and then they lock up. Allin drops Sky with a side headlock take down, but Sky gets back to his feet. Sky drops Allin with a drop-toe hold, but Allin turns it into a hammer-lock. Sky gets free, but Allin rolls him up for two. Allin gets another quick cover for two, but Sky backs into the corner. Allin goes behind for a waist-lock, but Sky gets to the ropes. Sky shoulders Allin away and slams him to the mat. Sky applies a waist-lock, but Allin sends him to the floor. Allin goes to the outside, but Sky rolls back in. They dodge shots and Allin comes back into the ring and rolls his ankle. Sky takes advantage and drops Allin with a clothesline. Sky takes Allin to the corner, and then drops him with a back-breaker. Sky stretches Allin over his knee as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Allin comes back and gets a roll-up for two. Sky delivers a right hand and looks to take advantage. Allin comes back with a stunner and goes for the cover, but Sky kicks out. Allin headbutts Sky in the midsection and drops him with the Code Red. Allin goes for the cover, but Sky kicks out. Allin kicks Sky in the face, but Sky comes back with a kick of his own. Sky delivers more shots and puts Allin up top. Allin comes back with elbow shots and knocks Sky to the mat. Allin goes for the Coffin Drop, but Sky counters with a power bomb. Sky goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. Sky goes for the TKO, but Allin counters with a roll-up for the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW TNT Champion: Darby Allin
-After the match, Sky attacks Allin and applies a heel hook. Referees rush the ring and finally pull Sky off of Allin’s ankle. Sky stares at his hands and smiles as referees check on Allin.
Next week’s Dynamite will be called St. Patrick’s Day Slam. Announced for that show:
Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley vs. The Good Brothers
Cody Rhodes vs. Penta El Zero Miedo
Ten-Man Tag Team Match: Bear Country and Jurassic Express vs. Matt Hardy, Private Party, and The Butcher and The Blade
Jade Cargill will be in action
Main Event – Unsanctioned Lights Out Match: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Thunder Rosa
Chris Jericho and MJF’s music hits, and The Inner Circle comes to the ring for the War Council. Jericho says they need to do this tonight because they have been in a slump for a while now. He says it will be easy, because they are still the best in the business. He says it is time for a new look and maybe a new member of The Inner Circle. MJF cuts him off and says they don’t need a new member, but maybe it’s time they let somebody go. Sammy Guevara’s music hits and he comes to the stage. Jericho asks him what he is doing him, and Guevara says he knows Jericho isn’t happy to see him. Guevara says he has something to show Jericho, but Jericho says he is dead to him. Guevara says he needs Jericho to listen to him and to watch it. Guevara plays hidden camera footage inside The Inner Circle’s locker room, taken earlier today. It shows MJF telling Jake Hager, Santana, and Ortiz that it is time to cut Jericho loose. MJF says he didn’t want Jericho to find out this way, but oh well. He tells Santana, Ortiz, and Hager to get him, and they back Jericho and Guevara to the ropes. They turn around and face MJF, making it five on one. Jericho tells MJF to shut up and calls him a son of a bitch. Jericho says since he is the one who brought MJF into The Inner Circle, he is the one who is going to take him out. Jericho shoves MJF to the mat and fires him. MJF tells him to hold on, but Jericho says they are going to beat him down. MJF says he didn’t want to take over the group…because he was too busy building his own. The lights go out, and then when they come back on we see Wardlow, Tully Blanchard, FTR, and Shawn Spears in the ring. A brawl breaks out. MJF’s group gains the advantage and leaves The Inner Circle lying. Wardlow power bombs Jericho off the stage and through a few tables to end it. MJF and his new group stand tall on the stage as the show comes to a close.