Eve Torres Contracts the Coronavirus – COVID-19

Former WWE star Eve Torres has taken to Instagram to announce that she and her husband have contracted COVID-19. Additionally, their young child, Renson, currently has a fever and is presumed to have the virus as well.
Here’s what Torres had to say:
I debated sharing this, as it still feels raw and personal right now, but I’ve always believed in sharing both the good and the tough with our community. My husband, Rener, tested positive for COVID last Wednesday in the beginning of our vacation in Utah with my family. We all returned home immediately.
I have now tested positive, and my 2 year old, Renson, has had a fever, who we also assume to be positive. We have a great support system and a great vitamin/ supplement regimen, and we know many of you may have already battled with this virus and all the weight that comes with it. We welcome your positive thoughts for us and my family as we are hoping to be on the other side of this soon.